Tfw you realize you might be part of the bad guys

>tfw you realize you might be part of the bad guys
music for this feel?

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sounds like you need edgy anarchism that's a bit shit but gets a pass because FUCK CAPTIALISM

radiohead - creep


>might be
You and me are the bad guys OP, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

You're a politician?
A business owner?

The real question I ask myself OP when I think things like this is who the fuck are the good guys then?

I live that song !!!!

nobody is good
everyone is damned
summit the fleshpile
if you want

real life isn't some fantasy story, kiddo

That's my point retard

So why call yourself the bad guy?

They doesn't have to be a good guy for someone to realize someone is bad. The Administrative state is always going to be fucking over other countries and their own citizens for profit.

Fair enough I suppose but it still all seems pointless to me. Embrace the evil despite how edgy that sounds, power always wins.

Fuck Drumf and Fuck Wypipo lmfao

Our 'bad' is still better than the rest of the world's 'good'

>reactionary Amerilards this delusional


i think this is the only appropriate answer.

Can't hear you over the sound of my own ethnocentricity, you irrelevant 3rd-worlder.


You can't hear me over anything, you delusional twat, since you've already gone deaf from all the shootings and you can't afford to repair your ears.

>thread dies as everyone listens to NOFX for 18 minutes

Only a Eurocuck would think this was a sick burn

>Implying your doctors have the training to fix ruptured eardrums
>Not knowing I only have to pay 3000 freedom points to fix it with top medical care

Fuck this country I want to leave before I get fucking drafted or some other stupid shit

I guess that's the benefit of my friends, family, and everyone I know treating me like a disposable asset. I can get up and leave and not feel a damn thing.

stop being sad and just be the best person you can be in the place you were born into
if the world is shit, it's at least partially because everyone smart enough to realize it gets hung up on how shitty it is and never does anything with their lives.

>I have no logical evidence to back up any of my outrageous claims in regards to anything i've said.


stay left in the dust

>Fuck Capitalism

They are the same thing my friend :)

More like fuck socialism/fascism/communism!

I'm sorry, are you ignorant enough to believe that if some ''shit goes down'', that you can just leave the country and you're good?

You're a whole new level of stupid. Where are you gonna go that won't be affected by an all-out American showdown? I'm willing to bet you don't have a passport, don't know how to get one, don't realize there is a couple month waiting period, and on top of probably only speak English. You think you can hack it somewhere else? You need all the help you can get HERE, let along another country.

What fucking books have you been reading

Using you as example of American potency, i think nobody should be frightened of the phoney Americans. Sad!

Failing @you. Can't hear you over your cultural irrelevancy. Pathetic!

What's wrong with being the bad guy, eh?

he did the thing the president does on twitter!

>living in a country whose president makes constant awful twitter posts

laughing stock of the world t b q h

Yet, still in complete control of everything, cucking the absolute shit out of every other country in a way not since since the latter days of WWII.
