I've got an interview for a telesales job and I don't want to work in fucking telesales

I've got an interview for a telesales job and I don't want to work in fucking telesales...

How can I fuck up the interview without making it seem obvious I don't want the job?

Don't show up to the interview

Well why the fuck did get an interview at a telesales place in the first place then?

If you got no experience then you'll do fine fucking it up already.

Umm, don't show up?

Job center are forcing me into it

I can't as it is for the job center and they won't let me have my scrounge biscuits


If you want a legit answer they're going to ask you how you respond to being told no. Just say accept it and move on

Be yourself

That's some pretty solid advice

Talk about your extensive relationship with jesus christ with as sexual undertones as possible.

I'm too charismatic though

Little dab o' speed is just the ticket...

Definitely go in for the kiss.

The job assistance office gets him the interviews. He's not allowed to say no to a job or they boot him from the program. They call and ask why he didn't get the job and they say he bombed it, he's out of the program

He is a German welfare scum. Jobcenter forces people into work who have received welfare for long enough. Many people try to avoid going to work since life is good on welfare in Germany

I don't have speed I need to leave in 20 minutes

Ah I'd guessed it was the British job force system.

That's British scum I'll have you know and I did 2 months unpaid work experience. It's not that I don't want to work, it's that I don't want to work in telessales

Telesales and marketing are the less wealthy versions of lawyers and stock speculations.

And I fucking hate all 4 categories.

Thanks for making me happy, user. Everyone will lose their morale in telesales, because it naturally is immoral. And I hope you will have your morale intact, when you in the future leave the job again, hopefully for something better.

OP, you should take the job. Welfare is hurting the community. So here are your options, Where 1 is the best option

1. Get a better job
2. Take the job you have applied to
3. Kill yourself
4. Dont work and live of welfare and fuck your community in the ass while you shitpost on Sup Forums for the rest of your life.

Outline your experience in unrelated areas of expertise, in as positive tones as possible. This tells them that you want to work but would be more useful in another position in the company besides on the phones.

Talk if a high monotone voice. Problem solved.

Called it lol

Arrive late. Blame public transport.

Even if you ace the interview, you'll have made a bad first impression and will be turned down.

Truly a failsafe plan.


Bro this genuinely happened with me last week

Put the worst references in the world. I.e. Your druggy freind

Say you can't handle pressure
Say you can't handle angry customers on the phone
Say you have a fraud charge

Happy failing

Tri force old school rep

Criticise a former boss. Interviewers fucking hate that.