I hate PRIDE

I hate PRIDE.

There's one thing that pisses me off about gays and their kind.
It's how they want you to think they're being persecuted in society, even though they're not.
Truth is, in 2017 nobody is pampered like faggots, even though there are subgroups like pedos who are actually killed for their reputation alone. Gays want to claim that all the bigotry in the world is aimed towards them, hurts them, and now we owe them special treatment. Kinda like blacks are going to milk the slavery card till the end of time, just because they can.

Homosexuality is no longer a taboo and it's considered a normal form of sexual behavior. Ironically gays are simultaneously claiming that their sexuality is normal, but then they hold these PRIDE parades for tolerance as if their sexuality was still a taboo. Even gays can't decide whether their behavior is normal or in fact so weird that it needs to be presented to the world. If we hold parades for normal things, why is there no hetero pride?

I've realized that gays are just a group of people who use their homosexuality as an excuse to demand special treatment in life. They want to feel special and play the victim card, reminding us about the 18th century like it had anything to do with their lives today.
This is wrong, but what can I do? I'm just called a homophobe if I ever try to point out that PRIDE parades and putting gays on a pedestal is pointless and provocative.

Speaking as a gay man, I agree. Pride if fucking useless nowadays and does more damage than good.

I will respect PRIDE parades when they have the balls to hold a PEDO PRIDE.

Simply because they claim that they "celebrate all forms of sexuality" and narrow it down to homosexuals and bi-sexuals which are both one of the most common forms of sexuality alongside heterosexuality.

Totally agree with you user. Im not gay and I have 100% respect for gay people. Every gay should be able to live free from persecution. But that's where it ends. No need for public outcry.

Nobody oppresses gays like gays themselves.

From my experience, a gay person might feel deep shame and low self-esteem because of his sexuality.
This is of course completely unnecessary and irrational, but then again people experience self-loathing from pretty much everything.
This makes some gays very insecure, and they start to believe that the whole world must hate them. As a counterreaction, they group up, glue dildos on their foreheads and provoke people as revenge. Revenge, for the oppression that happened inside their heads.

I have a lesbian friend and believe me, she still talks and acts like we're in the 19th century.



Totally agree with you. It's a shame that some people are stupid enough to believe that gays are such victims. I mean, seriously, they're no different from anyone else so they shouldn't be treated as if they were superior.

I buy you a beer if I knew you user

go to Sup Forums you cowardly faggit

Bifag here, completely agree with you. I fucking hate faggots, it's why I pretty much only date men who are also bi or women, I hate people who are strictly homo because they fall into a lot of those annoying ass fag stereotypes. Not to mention the idiots out there who want to be treated like normal people instead of sexual deviants and then go to pride fests where there's kids around and they have fucking bondage gear and shit.

You're thinking pretty Amero-centric. I think pride is fucking stupid, but there ARE a lot of places where gays aren't allowed to exist. Anyone in America that seriously thinks they're oppressed by the majority of people is a twat. But you act like Iran doesn't exist. Or Vietnam. Or Russia. Or Ghana. Hell, there are parts of fucking Sweden you can't be gay because of Muslim ghettoes. And anyways, only about half of faggots that go to pride parades are oppressed softies. The other half just use it as an excuse to get fucked up in public and be obnoxious with no repercussions.

I'm bissexual and all I want is live my life peacefully suckimg a dick and/or fucking a pussy. I won't participate parades and don't encourage them either, as they just increase prejudice. Since OP and many other conservatives love to generalize everything (while getting pissed off by people telling they to shut up and rethink some concepts), I felt the urge to post this.

Whole term LGBT is retarded IMO and needs to go.

Me and my boyfriend, Sam, think the exact same way. I'm so happy I have someone like minded :3

Hey pedo.. I'd entertain your argument except society currently doesn't see children under 18 as people. They don't have independence and so they are often put in positions where other people have legal power over them. They can't work and they can't vote.. therefore, they can't be granted the same sexual independence. If you want society to accept pedo and hebephilia you need to start by advocating for the independence of children.

Pride was used to bring awareness to the LGBT community, by being loud and proud to be ourselves we have been removing the social stigma behind it, but we're not there yet, clearly because hateful people like you post things like this.

I think of modern pride as a way to remember all the LGBT people in the past who helped make it more acceptable today, without their work I might have been hated by everyone I know for being gay. But because we're generally happy, light hearted people we have fun at our pride parades! I'm going to Leicester Pride this year, my first ever! So excited!

>Homosexuality is no longer a taboo and it's considered a normal form of sexual behavior.
Speak for yourself, faggot

Nevermind all those places. It can be pretty shitty to be gay in America. Especially if you're black.

I love pride. Be prepared for random people coming up to you wanting to kiss. Lol

I think its crazy that more people don't understand it like this

Yay, Free herpes!


I have made several gay friends in my life, and there is a marked difference.
One of the gay guys you wouldn't even know if you were just chatting with him.
I was having coffee at his shop and the subject of an upcoming pride parade came up (Vancouver.)

> him: "I hate these faggots, they make it harder for anyone to take me seriously."

We had a brief discussion about how if hetero people dress or behaved half as indecently as "gay pride" participants they would be charged by the police.

Not all homosexuals are flamboyant attention whores with absurd fetishes.
However because that is the public face of being gay.. It hurts those trying to be respectable while openly gay.

Yep. We're all just waiting to toss you off a building. Go back to your safe space, you entitled dickhole

Oh, wow, another edgy kid living in the south.
Your summer is showing.

You can find straight people acting and dressing just one that at a concert.

Straight white male here. Not sjw by a long shot. But I do have many gay friends. And I agree for the most part that in bigger cities and more accepting areas pride is unnecessary. But I live in Podunk Ohio in the land of burger and fries. Gays are pretty openly hated here. I've had gay friends get harassed for being gay and they aren't what I'd call flamboyant. Hell I've been fucked with for being gay and I'm married. I think until places like where I live don't exist at least In The us that pride still has a job to do.

You think open Pride rallies and parades help your situation in bumfuck Ohio? Because Im pretty sure they look at it and say what a bunch of faggots

Gay pride, as a gathering or party, is pretty shit. Has been for years. But as a simbolic week, as a way to remember how, through all of history, homosexuality has been treated as a demonic evil, and to let the world know that gay people exist, are as human as anyone else, and deserve to be treated equally.
You must have dementia if you actually believe gays are comfortable in our society. They aren't. Some are KILLED for loving dick. So, although SJW culture is taking it too far, the Gay Pride should happen virtually forever.

Pride parades dont mean shit and they dont do shit.
Gays will never be fully accepted until the older generations die off. Thats just a fact.
And not until muslims are eradicated

>>through all of history, homosexuality has been treated as a demonic evil

Found the unedjumacated one.
Looks like you don't know enough about history mang

>Im pretty sure they look at it and say what a bunch of faggots
As if anybody cares what blue collar nobodies is rural bumfuck flyover states think.

Straight b/ro here.
I been going to PRIDE with my girlfriend here in Houston for the past 6 years.
Have been able to bring a girl home 3/6 times.
Now that they switched it from the Gayborhood to downtown, haven't had luck.
Any advice on how to get some bitches for me and my girl?

You sound like a really nice person. Probably have a hot girlfriend, a great job, and many friends.

Also, I'm not gay, or black. I just happen to be aware of the world outside my little bubble, unlike you.

> "at a concert"
Not acting out as the attraction on a public street either.
There's a difference between dressing up to see KISS and a woman taking her top off in a paid admissions building, and two naked guys sword fighting in netting on a public street outside of family restaurants.

>your summer is showing
your summer is showing

Totes fucking agree. I can let gays be gay, my brother is the gayest gay that ever gayed a gay. But their perception of being "different" is so black and white. The point is to overcome the pride and vanity of being different and realize your differences are worthless. I have Aspergers. I don't get mad people don't celebrate autism awareness or anything.

Considering black lives matter are starting to hold their pride parades hostage, and anti-gun activists held hostage a vigil for a gay nightclub shooting, their flamboyant attention-seeking is backfiring and getting them targeted by SJW's at pawns. that's all the fags were, and they're too stupid to see it.

It can be shitty. But nowhere near as bad. We don't have warlords witg death squads specifically sent out to kill gays. Or a police state where fucking is illegal. In America, if it's a place you'd get robbed or caught up in a drive by, you'll probably get the shit beat out of you for being gay. But come on, we're not fighting for rights. There's no institution keeping us down. But there are cunts. And suprise, there's a cunt for everyone. You're black, there's cunt for you. Straight white guy? There's a cunt for you. Lebanese short-order cook? Yep! There's a cunt for you! Cunts being cunts aren't a problem unique to fags.

Iv'e seen prides, they parade around and twerk and act like sexual deviants in public. It's annoying.

ITT: bigots argue amongst themselves to disprove each other's points.

This. I fucking hate the gay community. Just be normal fucking people and quit trying to make me and any other gay trying to be part of normal society in to outcasts

>can't even center his text

Check out this fag

leave nigger faggot


I respect them wanting to be accepted and everything, so does everyone else, but they literally just run around and twerk and act like America still oppresses them. And there's a difference between "oppression" and someone just being a douche bag and calling you names.

my problem with gay pride: why can't you guys just be gay without being so fucking gay about it

Semi related but does anyone else hate pride day parades? Not because of the actual gay people but because of the people who go their to "support" their gay friends.

All i every see out of those people are selfies with scandalously sexual deviants, alcohol and drugs, and some generic post about how gays are people too.

To me it seems like they care more about the face value of going to pride and virtue signaling. Its never about actually going to support the gay community.

Tldr: non gay pride parade supporters are not genuine in their backing of the gay community

Nah cunt I think I'm gonna stay right here where I've been for over a decade.

Sup Forums is a celebration of autism awareness

>pointless and provocative
This sums up your post concisely.

Ha nice, Houston here too. Iv'e seen the parades on peoples snaps and stuff, it looks like a big sexual deviancy party but i'd be kinda uncomfortable going. You don't get fucked with?

Shame is if you still bellive in talking snakes and a magic man in the sky

The real question is why are they proud that they like to suck dicks?

>I hate americans.
>There's one thing that pisses me off about americans and their kind.
>It's how they want you to think they're being persecuted in society, even though they're not.
>Truth is, in 2017 nobody is pampered like americans, even though there are subgroups like rednecks who are actually killed for their reputation alone. Americans want to claim that all the bigotry in the world is aimed towards them, hurts them, and now we owe them special treatment. Kinda like blacks are going to milk the slavery card till the end of time, just because they can.
>Americanism is no longer a taboo and it's considered a normal form of social behavior. Ironically americans are simultaneously claiming that their thoughts are normal, but then they hold these Patriotic parades for tolerance as if their americanism was still a taboo. Even americans can't decide whether their behavior is normal or in fact so weird that it needs to be presented to the world. If we hold parades for normal things, why is there no asian pride?
>I've realized that americans are just a group of people who use their americanism as an excuse to demand special treatment in life. They want to feel special and play the victim card, reminding us about the 18th century like it had anything to do with their lives today.
>This is wrong, but what can I do? I'm just called a cuck/liberal if I ever try to point out that Patriotic parades and putting americans on a pedestal is pointless and provocative.

This is why i hate pride and everything it stands for.

One other thing that makes me hate pride even more is that it´s full of NON lgbthq-fuckyou-whatever that just want to "feel good" and "support others".... oooh how i wish Adolf was still alive whit the camps up and runing so they could be prides in camp.

If gays run around in their bdsm gear nobody bats an eye, but if i do the same i end up in jail. pretty lame.

Not really. One of my favorite people is gay. And black. He's cool.

Yeah, but it's like the gay equivalent of a big ticket football game. Like your team is in the play-offs. You go to the stadium and get fuckef up and act like an annoying twat all day. Just trade out football for sexuality, play-offs for marriage, and team jerseys for fetish gear/nudity/crossdressing. It's the same thing, just gayer. And when you're gay you get some immunity because we're mostly catty fucks that do stupid shit.

>think they are being persecuted.
America still owns the planet...

Are you trying to fuck my ass, fag?!


Dude, I WISH I would have listened to my best friend when he would invite me when I was younger. I'm 28 now btw.
That shit is awesome for a straight dude if you know how to play your cards right. The only thing I worry about is Truck Of Peace or something.
Besides that, I highly suggest you go.

I feel this is the same conversation feminists have about first wave feminism.

Your parades are plintless in the modern western world, all youre doing is trying for cheap thrills by flaunting your sexuality in public to either get a boner or get more fb attention.

Surely you can be gay without being a complete faggot?

Mostly i hate much of humanity, but homophobes deserve their own world war ii oven fry...

You know, it's this very mindset that provokes them... it's not like they've been doing this as a ritual for decades. They only just started this. Homosexual behavior was just recently accepted into society, so yes, they can be proud of that milestone. It isn't just for attention you moron... if you want the parades to stop, then you should stop acting like a pretentious cunt and treat it like it means nothing. The sooner we treat it as a norm, the sooner they'll stop.

Also, the gay comparison to sexual predators makes no sense. Gays have evolved from our desires to procreate. We can observe this behavior in groups if cuttle fish. The larger males are more dominant and will intrinsically be more successful at finding a mate. The smaller ones, which are similar in size to a female, will disguise themselves as females and pretty much get fucked by the dominant males and be sent back with his other females as they lay their eggs. Interesting part is once that male gets sent back, he mates with the other females which accept him for his "intelligence". A gay act, yes. We can only assume that humans did the same thing in their early development. Unless you think evolution is fake, which would make you an even bigger piece of bitch trash.

People treat you differently when they know. They don't always do it subconsciously, it's like addressing niggers as "man."

That's LGBT. Gay people are cool.

Fag here. Only fags who go to faggy pride parades feel that way. I don't feel like my sexual orientation is anything I need to be "proud" of since it's no one else's business, and I think the whole out and proud thing is a big annoying circlejerk and I would never fuck those kinds of people.

So you're saying ignore it until it goes away?
Because that's worked for everyone, ever?

You sound like a pretty cool fag. I've been to gay bars I've hung out with gay guys they didn't have to make it a big deal that they were gay. The problem I have is when everyone in the room has to know their gay because they're so flamboyant. It gets kinda old real quick.

If you really wanted it to be normal you'd act like it's normal


I have a good bunch of gay friends and they're all cool dudes and I'll say this much,
One, if you want to get fuuuuuuuucked up drunk, go with a gay buddy to a gay bar. They do not fuck around when it comes to drinking. Plus for whatever reason, gays have no shortage of pills. Xanax, Percocet, Adderall, even fuckin Ritalin, these fuckers are like amateur pharmacists.

Two, there is no one more worthless and disposable as a human being than someone whose personality revolves around "I'm gay."
Pro tip: If someone introduces themselves to you and their first sentence is "I'm gay" avoid them like the fucking plague.

And three, Pride parades are fucking awesome. Half naked girls waltzing around in nothing but panties, pasties and a smile. Shit's cash.

Oh be nice

>I don't get mad people don't celebrate autism awareness or anything.
You aren't autistic.

Speaking as an actual faggot, I couldn't agree more. The really camp ones see it as an excuse to act up and it makes the rest of us look bad. I'm happy being what I guess a lot of people would call regular whilst I'm outside, and keep the whole riding dicks like the whore I am thing for inside

Homosexuality is a choice, why do fags act like they were born for a disability, you don't need reassurance or recognition for choosing to live a certain way.

Someone's obviously never had the attention of another girl.

Ignore it, like people ignore everything they dislike that doesn't effect them
Emotional children..

I don't participate in pride parades or anything, because things like that just aren't my thing, but to be this dumb is
wew lad

>in 2017 nobody is pampered like faggots
This just in: people only allowed to marry each other like two years ago pampered

>people like celebrating themselves and I hate fun REEEEEEEEE

>Gays are just a group of people who use homosexuality as an excuse for better treatment
You're right, it's a conspiracy.
We're all out to take over your world, dude.
We're not actually even gay.

Us gays are great at alcoholism. Like you got a liter of whiskey you need gone, one fag will make that go away and then complain there isn't more a few hours later.

I should clarify the marriage equality two years ago thing was in North America. I did not mean to imply that's the only place that matters for this sort of thing.

lmao im bi and i hate pride, why should i be proud to be gay? like are straight people supposed to be proud to be straight? fucking hell its stupid

I agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay but I don't understand why they need to have these huge ass parades that fuck up traffic. Why can't they just understand that literally nobody gives a shit if they're gay or not.