What caused your breakup Sup Forums?

What caused your breakup Sup Forums?

Still going strong

But thanks anyways


he didn't wanna have sex with me anymore yet started to jerk it as soon as I left the room

Oh my god I miss my mom so much..

There were no mutual feelings between us. She loved me romantically, I loved her platonically. We're still great friends to this day though.

That's because you weren't attractive or interesting and boring in bed.

Imaginary*, friends.

how do you even get into a relationship with someone you don't have the feelings for?

If you dont have the feels, you just bang if there's attraction. simple

tfw you tried to make all his sexual fantasies come true

>how do you even get into a relationship with someone you don't have the feelings for?
It was her, not me. I just wanted to stay friends and that's where it's at now. Sex will never happen between us.

i am in one, too.

better than being alone i guess

in other words you didn't have a breakup.

Maybe he woke up one day and said "yanno, i could love this guy until the ends of the ea...wait a sec, i'm not a degenerate dicksucking faggot!" and went back to being a respectable member of society.

No, I suppose you're right. She was pretty hurt for a while though.

It's a long story but basically things went south after we took a prank too far. I fled the country but my boy could only take one of us. She ended up killing herself at my place while the cops were closing in. Still think about her every day.

We had a clash in personalities, she was adventurous but I was a bit laid back about most things. We're still friends though

her getting sacked from her job and blaming me while i got a promotion

dont date co-workers

he did watch a lot of shemale porn
maybe the lack of dick made him lose interest

I drink like a fish and she was too fragile to handle the magnitude of my awesomeness.

She was struggling with university and family issues, eventually just stopped all contact with me. Probably fucking some hipster fuckwit by now

My alcohol and drug abuse

I wish I knew. One day, he loves me and wants to fuck me all the time. The next, Keyser Soze vanished.

Im going to be breaking it off with my current gf of 3 years soon, she went on some trip to jersey and posts pictures with some guy that apparently works there with his hand on her (big nono, bitch should know better) but when i called and told her what was going through my head she got defensive and angry, so now im waiting for tomorrow when she gets back so i back so i can just end it face to face like how it should be.

Didn't break up but....

>be laying in bed with gf last night
>she is laying on my chest kind of
>chewing her nails
>tell her to stop doing that
>says she will
>She doesn't
>kind of move her hand from her mouth
>She she lifts her hand up and swings it down hitting me right in the nuts pretty hard
>caught off guard and a little angry my instincts kick in and I kinda slap her on the face (not really that hard tbh)
>she immediately starts crying
>I immediately say sorry
>also tell her that her hitting me there fucking hurt and asked what she expected to come from that
>She replies "I didn't think you would hit a girl"
>She turns over and just ignores me
>this was last night. Haven't spoke since

Did I fuck up lads?

Are you sure she fucked him? I mean how were his hands on her? I mean if he just like had his arm wrapped around her that's not that bad...

Went to study abroad for a year. Agreed not to chat/skype for last two months so we could focus on our exams. Came back, she had been going some sort of women's issues talks, went hardcore feminazi. Had shaved her hair "to end the male privilege of being bald."

Yeah, fuck that in a hurry.

She went away as an exchange student. We kept in touch every day. She even said "this is going better than i thought it would".

A week after I went to visit her she broke up over skype.

Well kinda, but punching you in the nuts is a literal dick move. Just say look, we both fucked up, lets fuck and make up.

She gave me herpes, chickend out telling me and moved cross country without a say.
I found out after I got a new gf
Infected her and now im single

Ty ida

Dad died a year ago, haven't really stopped drinking since, he was an alchoholic too. "You're turning into your dad"... She wasn't wrong.

My alcohol father rocked up and moved himself in for a while. Hi pissed and shit on my bed.

my love for feminine penis

it was weird man, image related except the other way around

But I don't care - I am fucking another one already. Everyone's happy.

She found CHAD and is borking him now
She's just some slut Chad has as a side chick.

She is don guffed, hope you dont let her run back to you.

I can't trust a whore(exgf)

I can't trust a wigger bitch(ex wife)

believe it or not some dudes are just like that, one of my best friends is like that but his relationship is still healthy because they work around his low libido
>inb4 cuckholding


My ex just said she stopped loving me one day tbh I don't think she was really capable of genuine amorous love she said it herself but only after having pretended to be somebody else for a year and a half. I wish I didn't still care for her but I'm gradually moving on. Finally after like 10 months. I'm the committed type and I'm gradually learning what that means about dating and what to look for in a partner. It's definitely a learning experience and it doesn't help that most of us probably have dysfunctional parents that we have to unlearn their shitty habits.

you must kill him. your honour requires it.

Yeah. I know I shouldn't have, but that shit is like a natural reaction. You don't go hitting a man in the fucking cock. I told her sorry immediately, but I didn't hear anything back. She just wanted to chastise me as if I had only done wrong...

Do not look back you'll find somebody else.

My thoughts exactly, but oh well i guess there's others out there. I'm just upset about the wasted time.

you have to remember that women are practically children in adult bodies

Do not take her back shes literally useless in the relationship and will do it again when given the opportunity.

That will not happen. She is dead to me.

I guess you are right. And maybe I am just stubborn, but I don't feel like I should have to make her say sorry. She needs to realize what she did and say it in her own.

Because her daughter is better in bed than she ever will be

Oh, you're a woman?

Then he stopped being interested in you because you're fat.

Also, post tits, fatty.

To add to this, unless shes super liberal it may work in your favor. She needs to know theres reprecussions for those types of actions and physical harm will be met with consequence. It's a rational fear all humans should have yet women some how missed the memo. You're not abusive for that reaction and you guys will probably do well to just accept it as you were both wrong. Also it's always going to be that "he's slapped me before" thing if anything ever goes south with you guys so just be ready for that and don't lose your cool. My ex literally had everyone in her family convinced and parts of my circle that I was abusive to her and was a homophobic racist (kek) even though I never laid a finger on her and never did anything violent or aggressive towards her in my life.

women are also greatly influenced by media/social norms and right now we're in the middle of a social decay.

She was pissed at me because I wouldn't let her take part in some "art project" where the 45 year old dude at the local dead-mall "art gallery" (a frame shop) was going to create a body cast of her, i.e. feel up her naked body.

This guy has a reputation for always dating freshly minted 18-year-olds with daddy issues, pretending to be a hotshot art dude while he actually lives in the back of his frame shop on a dirty mattress and doesn't have a car.

Well, she didn't like that, so we broke up. "I feel like I'm married to you and I don't want you controlling my decisions!"

Let's rewind a bit.

>be me
>date her for three years
>she cheats on me
>dump her, get swole
>make dumb decision to get back together since now she's into me
>date for three years
>live together

She dumps me, gets bodycasted/fucked by creepy frame shop guy, fucks a bunch of dudes, and ends up marrying the guy she cheated on me with six months later.

It's been five years. I've been with someone else for three of them, and this dumb cunt still tugs at the heartstrings from time to time when I'm about to fall asleep.

this is what I'm afraid of with my ex. I really want that shitty feeling to go away when I can't sleep.

>be me 19: a faggy, leftist wannabe-nigger
>unironically ran with antifa-faggots
>somehow manage to get a nigress girlfriend
>she cucks me and i lose my mind
>i beg on my knees to take her back & cry
>she dumps me for another faggot wigger
>deep dark depression + alcoholism + drugs
>two failed suicide attempts (whiskey + pills)
>live a couple a years, drifting
>eventually meet my current wife online
>she managed to pull me back to reality
>slowly start to regain my manhood
>finally realize happiness is a choice
>i stop being a lazy, narcissistic cunt
>my life slowly starts to improve
>i quit drinking & smoking pot.
>get a real job, finally married my gf

That's actually what I am kind of afraid of. That now she is gonna suddenly see me as some abusive by, even though we have dated for over a year and a half and I have never put a hand on her.

Also kinda afraid that she will tell friends or family, and then they will view me as some abusive dick. And if did/does I guarantee she will leave out the whole hitting me in the dick bit..... Not that it would probably effect their judgement of me if she did tell them...

Has there even been enough time since the whole antifa meme started for you to "live a couple a years, drifting?"

Yup, it's a bitch. I'm an EMT and I've seen people disemboweled, shot, shitting themselves, blown up, run over... and the thing that haunts me is my dumb cunt ex. It's about 50-50 between that and seeing the aftermath of my mom hanging herself when I was six.

Fifty fifty. I don't know how she got under my skin so badly, but fuck me it's nasty.

being poor, started to get a night work when she moved to my place , while at work she spended all night on facebook talking with a friend of her , this "friend" started to offering her more than i was able to offer , she left

This is basically what my ex did. She would sell pieces of information about arguments or conflicts, embellish shit like crazy, and she would effectively create hugboxes in every social sphere she was in. I fucking hate that about her and she has no lasting friendships because of it. Not trying to freak you out by sharing this just trying to pass on some anecdotal advice. I would say don't sweat it, anyone who legitimately believes you abused her is a faggot fucking nigger who probably has little to no awareness about the situation which tbh is unlikely. It's more likely they'll at worst let her confide and enable her to continue being a compulsive liar although this is all assuming your GF takes the worst course of action. I don't know her so I can't say but dude for real however this turns out you're going to win out. You're either going to see flags that needed to be seen or you're going to see she's smart enough to realize she was a cunt. Just let it play out naturally and don't get reactive. The worst thing you can call a man is a wife beater or a sex offender and some women seem to have no problem lying about both. I'll reiterate, worst case scenario you maintained your masculinity and she knows theres a line. Your reputation will survive believe me.

She wasn't ready for anything serious
At least that's what she told me
I didn't know her to be a liar but I feel like maybe there was more to that.

It's crazy how deeply women can traumatize us if we allow it. I wish I had known better boundaries and self worth when I waltzed into my Ex's life and her family of narcissists. absolutely destroyed my self confidence as I was a budding adult man. I'm just now finally getting my life back in order. Sorry about your Mom btw man that shit sucks idk that feel. :(

i should perhaps clarify a bit: i'm 36. that stuff happened at the end of the 90's and i didn't stay with that crowd for long. i'm not proud of it today.

There is a large culminations of factors that has caused this trend but I swear to God I see it so much in the modern dating scene.

wtf? Greentext?
Also not to be a dick but your girl isn't that hot

I have a new girlfriend. Been together for almost a year. Things went really well for the first several months. We banged like almost every night. Great sex.

Anyways, I feel at this point we are where couples lose a bit of that whole lovey dovey attitude. I believe that things will improve once I get more independent, ie. Moving out. Regardless, she gets real fucken moody and frankly, it bothers me.

>one night, go to a bar we frequent
>always liked it because they have a pool table, so fun to play
>it's just the two of us
>after I get my billiard balls from the front, we proceed to the table
>after I set up the balls, I asked her, word by word "what do you want to drink"
>she gives me a sort of blank stare
>says nothing
>repeat myself, still nothing
>i walk away to get myself a beer, come back and she's on her phone
>as I set up the game, she basically just gives me the silent treatment
>the whole time we are there it's like that
>i began to wrap up the whole thing and close out my tab, before I even say anything, she gets up and walks away without a word
>figured she went to the bathroom, so after I pay, she comes out, we leave
>car ride back, I try talking to her
>get frustrated so i sort of convey that to her in a passive aggressive way
>give up, enjoy the rest of the 3 minute car ride
>as I pull up to my house, I make another passive aggro remark with the least amount of aggro
>she gets out, I walk to my door but she leaves for her car
>she gets in, I'm like wtf
>i try to talk to her, she just fucken stares at me as she busts a u turn in this driveway out apartment shares, and she just drives off
>i had to move out of her way just to risk not being ran over because she was not getting out
Cont? It's real quick at the end.

I was high on adderall and drunk all the time, but we're talking again and mending things now that I am not longer a cunt

>right after she leaves, I get fucken flustered and get in my car to drive
>it usually calms me down when I do that
>try calling her while driving, twice, no answer
>she calls me back after about 10 mins of driving
>she's fucken crying, saying she doesn't know what happened, can't seem to talk through her tears
> i never can understand her when she speaks at a low volume so it really annoyed me but I stay cool
>basically says sorry, saying she doesn't know what s wrong with her
>try to find a way for her to elaborate on what happened, still says she doesn't know or whatever
>she parked in a neighborhood on the way to hers but can't tell exactly what street she says she's on. Again, low volume
>basically end the night staying on the phone with her until she decides to go inside her house (she basically drove home but stayed in her car for like 15 mins)
>try to talk it out, still no progress
>say good night, wake up next morning, text her, texts me back, acting like nothing happened

This is just one example of shit like this that goes on occasionally. I don't mean rarely, more like a couple times or so a week. Always with the silent treatment, always something I say that annoys the shit out of her (If you knew me you'd know that I don't intentionally annoy people), or just something I do that gets her mad.. I feel like she is bipolar or just has major mood swings and it's real fucken distraughting at times. I get anxious when I'm alone with her just because I don't want to annoy her. I fucken love the girl, so I only fear that she will end up hating me without justification.

I was an impatient, arrogant little shit.

Fuck that bitch, get with a guy who won't be a little bitch when you go out and you'll always know what a guy wants to drink, the same shit as last time.

Shes crazy. Thats all. Pull out.

Haha she could be but the sex is righteous and until she does something utterly crazy like cheating or some sort of abuse, I see no reason to back out now. Like I said, I love the girl and times we have that are good still trump over the times that are bad. I just worry. And I can only hope that I can either make things better or i can learn to put up with it.

Leaving her for dead in the woods. Too bad she managed to get to a road.

Pull out....

Seriously. Either she needs to get help (and likely medication), and that will kill her libido... or this shit will get worse and worse.

And you're assuming that she isn't doing this to "test" you....

You wont even breakup if you never have gf ;)

I take everything a girl does as a fucken test. I've been with enough woman to sort of understand a bit of what is going on yet with her, idk. It's hard to tell. Like i said, we will see. I mean.... if I choose to put up with it, that's my decision. Maybe I like it this way. Or maybe I'm just seriously dumb. Or maybe I'm just being tested. Idk.. It's a lot to wrap my head around.

To give some background, she has no mother, she left when she was like 12? She has her dad and two sisters but she always seemed to be able to live out her own life, for example, she slept over at my uncle's house once when I was babysitting it and not once had to tell her dad where she was. She has some good friends surrounding her so she doesn't really have crazy friends filling her head with things. However, I was her first.. so. That may definitely have an affect on it.