What American snuff/dip is the least gay?

What American snuff/dip is the least gay?

Skoal peach pouches

isn't it time for all you faggots to give up your 'dick flavored' chaw?

Grizzly Wintergreen


fuckin' worm dirt....just smoke...

fruit flavor is for little girls

this desu
most manly dip coming through

get SNUS you fucking fag

Pouches are for pussies


kinda have to agree. looking through the skoal assortment, all i see is girly fruit flavors & bright colors.

Stoker's Wintergreen


Fuck wintergreen. Cope/grizz straight long cut

As a Swede, I feel offended.

So much this. Faggots rubbing pouches and fruity flavors.

General Snus is slowly invading the U.S. market. Would recommend.

Moist Snuff, best is Grizzly Wintergeen

Best Pouch is Red Man


These ones

då blir du nog mer förolämpad av att en svensk startade tråden.

that is true, like other user said: pouches is for pussies & fruit for faggots

I just pack nettles in the back of my nasal cavity. Best part, it's also ab aphrodisiac. Boners for me, erryday.

This shit right here bud