Trump camp received millions in contributions from Russia who channeled the funds through the Miss Universe pageants!

He's so done.

It's happening guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

>"surely Trump will be impeached now", said the increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year.

nice meme bro, not stale at all.

>i didn't read the article

>For the 7th time today

Pence is putting distance between himself and the president.

Trump Jr retained a high-level top NY defense attorney.

The GOP is distancing themselves from Trump.

John McCain said that he needs to reexamine the Russian dossier, and is opening new questions on it.

Seems like the shit is hitting the fan guys. No way out of this one.

Funny that the white house staff is all lawyering up to the teeth.

Yeah, that's what all innocent people do.


who the fuck cares if trump talked to russia or not? Why does it even matter..

Around election time Democrats didn't give a FUCK about emails.....

Now they are VERY interested......

Fucking politics.

Who cares nogger

obvious bait

WikiLeaks emails were not in their original state and were modified specifically to inflict damage on the Clinton campaign.

It's what smart people do. Even if innocent, I'd never speak with law enforcement without a lawyer, let alone congress.

>only democrats care about this.

And vise versa with Republicans lol


Those accused in court also hire lawyers whether they're guilty or not, dipshit. You think someone fighting a system dedicated to keeping their power and money is going to go easy on the man threatening all that?

Here ya go, archived OPs link

It's all about whether the collusion helped Trump get into office, aka a foreign government influencing our election. It's not about whether there was collusion or not.


nice cropjob plebeian.


>ever consuming mainstream media, let alone CNN

Wait...CNN is reporting this?


>CNN says anything

Seems legit


>This ad hominem attack oughta prove them wrong.


me thinks its you who is getting nervous

> actually putting shit like pic and related in an article and expecting to be considered real journalism

Says CNN. So...there ya go

"But papa trump said they're fake, we have to obey what he says"

Last year, Trump said he was 70 years old. This year, he says he's 71. Which is it Mr. President???

Is CNN reliable?

>says user nervously

but you obviously didn't read the emails did you.

"I'm such a cuck that I lick the boots of corporations that blackmail and coerce private citizens into towing the line"

Guy in the middle looks like if Beavis and Butthead somehow had a son together.

Posting CNN bread

well, i deleted all my spideys, so here, have a stalker instead

You realize the top and bottom articles are opinion pieces by two different people, right?


CNN appreciation threads

None of them are. Left or right, organized media exists to control people.

Wow! It's literally nothing.

>option 1: Call him a cuck, that should work

This is everywhere not just fucking cnn you idiot


First fucking post about the american shitshow that made me laugh




Same poster.

How much do you get paid?


everything is "breaking news" trump is always "done" yet as always, time passes and nothing will change. just focus on you.

MFW nothing happens at all.

>I don't understand how a prosecutor would want a successful prosecution

Listen, trump could shit in an alt rightists mouth and the alt cuck still would praise him for it, you cant change their opinions doesnt matter how many facts or evidences come up


Trump will eat us all.


>Wahhh! Why isn't everybody seeing things the way I do?! They must be paid opposition, like Correct the Record or ShareBlue!

top zozzle libtards

So, everyone who hires a lawyer is guilty, and a criminal. Makes sense.....if you are retarded. Kek.


>again with the Russia

Trump loves the Russians and is selling the USA values out. The Repubs think it is great.
Time to vote out those bastards.2018 is next year.

I bet the Justice Dept has a second detail on Trump just to keep him from skipping town to Moscow. The money trail back to Russia is getting hotter and hotter every day.


ITT: OP lies and Sup Forumstards get trolled.



Veritas CNN Expose'


Read the news lately? Today his lame son released the emails himself.
Fake news anyone?

pointless argument when they did recounts and the fact that companies owned by people all over the world, contribute hundreds of millions into these elections..

sounds more like the democrats are sore losers.

Oh and I read the story, it's a giant piece of clickbait sensationalism.. per usual.

increasingly nervous man right there


Nice posting video links that have all been proven to be fakes and debunked.

2020 idiot


You a Russian or a repub tard? same difference.
You ain't an American if you think that way.

If he isn't anyone's president, then why does he currently have access to the codes needed to launch a nuke?

Killary lost. Get over it.....

I think "Those bastards" might refer to the Republicans in Congress rather than Donald Trump.

that expose with the fake audio.....topKek

The 2018 United States elections will mostly be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.
Do you even live in the United States?

When has cnn ever been a credible source of information? It tells you shit just to keep you listening long enough to look at the dumb fucking adverts plastered around the article. This goes for any news network for that matter.


they have all been totally debunked and confirmed by forensic video experts to have had their audio tracks altered and overdubbed after the fact.

nothing to see there, just trumpettes getting boners for more fake bullshit.

I'm just someone that sees through all this BS and thinks that this obsession with Russia has to do only with the democrats losing.

Did any of the liberals care when Hillary took money from Saudi Arabia? was that "collusion". or when foreign owned companies on wallstreet lined her pockets?

give me a break.

Hillary isn't the president you pleb.

Even if the dealings with Russia were legal (though sleazy), the half year of lying about it and scrambling around to cover it up was not legal.

>posts article from CNN

well neither was trump when all this was going on.

>Trump supports laugh at people who rely on CNN
>Relies on Bribart themselves.

The funniest part is that you don't even see just how much of a fucking joke you make yourself every time you mention HURR FAKE NEWS bullshit.

He is now. Hillary lost, so she has nothing to do with what Trump is doing now. He lied about this numerous times, he obstructed justice, and according to OP's article, he funneled millions in campaign contributions from the Russians through the pageant. That is very illegal.

>citation needed

I'll wait.

>google three black teenagers
>litterally get the image comparing three black teens to three white teens on google images

Look here you fucking faggot. Here's the thing.
I hate bullshit and CNN is bullshit and as of recent, my claim has even more support.

A hurricane is approaching America. CNN reports that a hurricane is approaching America. Someone tells a Trump supporter "I just saw on CNN a hurricane is coming, we better prepare." Trump supporter laughs venomously and continues laughing until the hurricane kills him.

well, you know what they say, where there's fire there's fire.

more like

where there is smoke....."You're Fired!"

You have Trump eyes to see all the fake news.
Your sex master is blind.

that is the kind of thing only trumpfags think is clever.