This just randomly showed up on my dick, can anyone tell me what this is?

This just randomly showed up on my dick, can anyone tell me what this is?

molluscum contagiosum?

Give her a good squeeze and post results. Probably ingrown hair, maybe MRSA.

It's aids.

Nah it's probably like homeboy said an ingrown hair.

Doesn't be itch, just randomly showed up about 3-4 hours ago

Stop trying to brainwash us into thinking you have a sex life

no joke, i get one of these on my balls in the exact same spot like every 6 months. goes away after like 3-4 days, hurts like a bitch to the touch. can't pop it, not an ingrown hair.

I have zero clue wtf it is, but it has zero effect on life if i leave it alone.

Herpes simplex 2. Gonna be an awkward life from here on in.

That's that new super gonorrhea

Since I can see that you are shaved, it could be an infection caused by bacteria entering a microabrasion caused by the razor. I would treat it with a topical OTC antibiotic ointment and if you don't see improvement within a week, consider seeing a doctor.

Hope this helps,

-- Gary


std for being a cuck

Looks like a boil.

Thanks m8

Herpies simplex1 that you probably touched tour dick while having a cold sore so now its on your balls

Fuck you Gary

Why the fuck does everyone making these threads have an erection? Just show the goddamn problem area. No need to embarrass yourself on the internet with your tiny dicks

If dubs, pop it and eat contents.

Ingrown hair follicle into your skin judging by the look of your recent trim. It will stay like that and continue growing inside the skin unless you can free it.. but that takes a bit of digging around

This isn't Harry Potter you faggot

Rolling for this


fuck me kek'd harder than i probably should have at this

now this is a post

its an ingrown hair. tweezer it out and don't fap for a day or so.

Winrar /thread