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You know, I was thinking this exact same thing in the kitchen a few minutes ago.

>we're all just animals so let me stomp on people
Eat shit.

>Muslim coming to stomp us
>Do nothing and silence any opposition to the plan
top cuck

Yes goyim, we're all equal

Yes. Egalitarianism is quite possibly the biggest lie that the human race has ever believed.

Muslims aren't the majority in the US mong.

>if I think that we are different from eachother because we evolved for thousands of years in separate environments and we should retain space from eachother and live how we feel accustomed too I'm a bigot who wants to exterminate other people

Taking say blacks, who were tribal foragers and making them have cellphones and jobs is far more oppressive and destructive then anything I'd want you commie nigger faggot.

This reminds me that I have to do an essay on intersectionality where I analyze myself and judge whether or not I'm privileged.

>muh anecdotal evidence

were all privileged to live in the first world


Thanks user.
I'll write an essay about being thankful that I don't live in Germany.

I don't know If I could do it. I'd probably just drop out of school.

Analyze yourself, come to the conclusion that you are not privileged, and then argue how privilege based on race and other social factors doesn't exist

You mustn't be that privileged if your teacher gave you an essay which requires self flagellation

Fine then I have been enlightened! I give up! We must fight for rights! The civil rights for chimpanzees! They are more oppressed then niggers! So check your chimpanzee privilege shitlords.

user, I attend an Ivy League school. Why do you think the assign is so cucked?
Then again, I'm supposed to be a master of bullshitery. Imagine if I convince everyone I'm not privileged. Jesus Christ.

>Having to write an essay about privilege when attending an Ivy League School
Why in anyway can that be thought as useful to a student.

Brainwashing, my man
Er, I mean, recognizing that those less fortunate than me are still human beans and deserve care, dignity and respect.

Just look at how much care, dignity, and respect the affirmative action Ivy League chimps have for you!

Is that caramel privileged house nigger debating or rapping?


I watched it again and actually paid attention to what he was saying.
Holy shit, that is just surreal.
Good thing I'm a Cornell pleb.

not yet.

>Not considering bonobos are literately niggers

the primitives here are the people who live on the most resource rich continent in the world, yet were unable to support themselves on it until white people started building infrastructure for them