Hungarians vs. Bulgarians

Which do you prefer?

Other urls found in this thread:–Hungarian_wars


Post Hungarian memes pls

Hungry Bulgarians

Or Hungarians with a Bulge

never seen any hungarian meme



how about hung aryans with a bulge

stfu gypsy

where do you get the balls to call me a gypsy you fucking subhuman paki nigger faggot with a muslim mayor in the capital?

fuck you, faggot

yeah, i prefer hungarians now

i dont give a fuck who you prefer mohammed


> Hungarian memes
good luck w/ that one

bull-garians > hung-aryans

Hungary unveiled


WHo has the best looking girls?

Well let's see:
Bulgaria = commies
Hungary = gypsies

Although, Bulgaria is no longer communist, and is quite better than most eastern European countries, but our lord and savior was born in former Austria-Hungary.
Gonna have to go with Hungary.

I think you'll find it's the Bulgarians that are the gypsies, you thick cunt

I've been to Hungary, shithead. Some gypsies tried to sell me a Nintendo DS for 10,000 Hungarian dollars.

They're both full of gypsies

does anyone have some good goulash memes?

No you haven't

You're thinking of Romania

I could have sworn I saw one years ago where it was a Hungarian merchant adding shit to a pot of goulash and it said "Serves him right, he trusted a Hungarian" or something like that.

All 3 are full of gypsies dude. Those are the 3 most gypsy filled countries in the region. Turkey has a ton too but who can tell the difference there

>Those are the 3 most gypsy filled countries in the region
Ah yes, a clueless, arrogant nigger who thinks he knows it all.

Go play with the cops and do us all a favour

What's the difference? They're all turks anyway.

I'm going to trust that it was funny.

t. János Paprikács from Birmingham UK


t. Ty'Rone O'Dinghylips for Shitsville, Alabama

One more

You can't even create a fake black name.

It's more like this:

Tyrone B'robert Freeman from Kangzville, MI

Ah yes, the old székelygulyás

That's a real Black name though

final stage

>Subjecting all of Europe to so many grammatical cases

How will society even function?

Not the bulgars

go away. no one likes leafs

>telling a leaf to go away when they make a good post for once

it was a boring shitpost

i wish i could pick one
palvin is my wifu, and berbatov is my favourite football player
i seriously dont know which to choose


Szopjad a farkamat kurva angol ribanc, mennyél vissza a rothadó népedhez és várjál a halálra.

But thanks, I try

please kill yourself leaf



Hungarians, but they're all so despondent and sucidal

szopd le a faszom te angol rohadék*

menj vissza gusztustalan népedhez*

és dögölj meg*

Majdnem helyes volt. Ha nőről beszélsz kurvázhatsz,de férfiakat nem szokás.

bit rude

If you put it in the google translate I can guarantee you it's 99% incorrect, because our language is agglutinative, not indo-european, also a great deal of meaning is implied by free word order, so it changes according to the speakers intent and robots are really bad at interpreting the nuances.

Bulgarian women are much more beautiful. In terms of beauty of the country, I'd also give it to Bulgaria because of their coastline and mountains.

Bulgaria wins, hands down. Fucking love that country. But Hungary is also very nice.

Oh yes. Language is another reason why Bulgaria is better. Hungarian sounds pretty nasty lol... It's the Chinese of Europe.

Ne játszd magadat nyelvtanárnak, úgy sem figyel senki. Ráadásul apámnak minden kurva volt, nőktől a barátokhoz és a kocsikhoz, igyis nekem is megfelel.

>chinese of europe
>written by a leaf
Have you already visited the Yellow Maple Pagoda and consulted with your ancestors regarding the upcoming Year of the Beaver dog eating festival?

yes hello where are the butthurt diasporas

More like the Japanese of Europe, but pretty accurate otherwise.

>Hungarians vs literally anyone else

same answer every time famalamalam

The world.

He's right you idiot. And hungarian gypsies are worse than ours.

Why is there some random bong in this thread just acting like an underage cunt?

Hungary by far.

if this is your language, then no. Not even close.

They're both pretty cool, Hungary has nicer cities but Bulgaria has a coast and beach, both have hot girls

Hungary vs the World
Who would lose and why Hungarians?

Bulgaria by a lot. I loved it there so much. The fact that they have a nice coast and beautiful mountains is a big reason. But Bulgarian women and food are much, much better than Hungary. Otherwise the countries are very similar, I enjoyed them both greatly.

And why is Romania even being mentioned here? Romania is gypsyland; both Bulgaria and Hungary are much, much better.

they're all gypsyland bogdan

>both Bulgaria and Hungary are much, much better.
In what? We have a higher HDI, GDP/capita, exports, you name it then Bulgarianbros and we are at the same level as Hungary.

Don't need to be so buthurt Secuii bro (I know its you)

Olso I like both of them....except Hungary...and Bulgaria, not so much.

Macedonians, so Bulgarians


The real question is, when are we going to share a common border?

when we conquer those goddamn gypsy romanians together my friend

did these ones kill each other in the past or what

Hungary is a lot richer than gypsyland (Romania). I'm talking about the feel in the country. Hungary and Bulgaria both just feel more European and developed. I saw some VERY bad places in Romania. Wouldn't recommend Romania, but strongly recommend Bulgaria and Hungary.


A very long time ago. We are buddies now.

Good analysis. I have studied in both Bulgaria and Hungary so I consider myself an expert on these countries.

Budapest was the most architecturally impressive for me... and I enjoyed it more than Sofia (which was also a pretty nice city). But Varna (on the coast) and Plovdiv (in the mountains) in Bulgaria were my two favorite cities by far. Just so beautiful, with history everywhere you look and a cafe on every corner.

Honorable mentions: Pecs, Eger and Sopron in Hungary and Veliko Tarnovo and Burgas in Bulgaria. Beautiful.

The coast is obviously an advantage for Bulgaria.

Girls I thought were hotter in Bulgaria, by a lot, but I understand this is subjective.

Overall both countries are awesome and similar, and both peoples are very kind, helpful and warm. Great experience in both countries, strongly recommend.

Hungary is based. They like building fences, like us.

I sincerely doubt you ever traveled here or to Bulgaria or Hungary. I invite you to actually do so, like this Canadians:

>pretending you're not bulgarian

Inconclusive. Seems like wussy wars to me. You guys were always bros I feel.

I sincerely doubt you ever visited any of this countries. Just some basic google searches for a butthurt Bozgor.

I did go. I've been to the entire region actually and explored it thoroughly. Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece I loved. Romania and Montenegro I liked. Serbia...not so much lol.

I am sorry mamaliga bros, but Hungary will forever be cooler and more European than you.

Its just 5-6 wars in a row, we won some, Magyars won some.
In the end the overall 5 century history of conflict was inconclusive, not the individual wars.

Hungary joined the crusade against the Ottomans after Bulgaria fell, unlike most of western Europe, so they are fine with me.

Kek. Burgers always gotta chime in with their $0.02. Go eat a burger, fatty Try seeing something outside of your small redneck town as well.

>Implying Bulgarians will ever invade their only friends and Hungarians have any army at all
Come on mate

>implying anyone would choose Bulgaria

We are friends with practically every country surrounding us.

Btw, this seems like a much more friendly Balkan thread than normal. Are Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians all just secretly bros?

Romanians and Hungarians don't like each-other that much.

I dont know man. Wait a few more years, and see how daddy Orban manages to fuck shit up for them.

Macedonia and Serbia openly hate us, that half the countries surrounding us.
Turkey literally calls us "former territory", thats not friendship.

>that massive change in language towards romania when called bulgar

>We are friends with practically every country surrounding us.
Hehe...We all know about the great Bulgarin-Serbian friendship or the impressive Bulgarian Macedonian(Antiqui) relationship or ,lets not forget to mention, the lovely Turk build-a-bigger-wall-at-the-border-and-stop-the-huge-Turk-minority-in-my-country stuff.

Pls man

The fuck are you talking about fatty. Romania is good, not great. Gorgeous women though.

Romanians and Hungarians HATE each other as much as physically possible
But Bulgarians and Hungarians are bros for sure