*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

move plz


I step on the worm as I continue on my way

*throws pot on ground, walks around the dirty stoner as he scrambles to pick it up*

"Thanks for Religulous it was awesome,
and thanks for including the scene where theme park Jesus totally powned you. Including that burn by one of the kooks made your film stronger, not weaker."

*gets violently raped*

*pushes black hooker into him and continue walking.*

*shakes his hand and proceeds to have an intelligent conversation with him*

Move, house nigger.

Find a new path. People who rely exclusively on strawman arguments can't be budged, and I'm not the fighting type.

*violently rape hooker*

*violently rape this nigga too*


*gets violently raped by this nigga here*

Shut up, nigga, or I'm goin in dry

*starts trading racist jokes*

This is a fucking gay ass thread and everyone in it can only achieve orgasm with an elephant tusk lodged in their anus

I like it dry

What's that like? I've never tried it. You're in here so apparently you've tried this?

>Laugh for 10 mins straight.
>Push loud mouth faggot to the ground.
>Take all the cash from his wallet.
>Go buy sodas, burgers, and pizza.
>Sit at home watching him complain about dumb stuff I don't care about while laughing and telling my house hiw I punked that faggot.

>Did my part to make Murica great again.

You are now in here as well so we can both describe to each other how it feels.

Found my next boyfriend.