/fug/'s awesome mascot edition
Fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Reasons Poland should be part of this general.
1) All of the other three countries have strong current or historical relationships with Poland for better or worse similar to how they relate to one another.
2) Poland is a defender of civilisation against the Russian and Islamic hordes.
3) Poland is a major military power in Europe.
4) Poland is the natural leader of the non-Russian aligned Europe east of Germany.
yeah we do, just send it to some african shithole to be buried forever
>muh catastrophic failure
nice fearmongering
hello fellow british people who aren't polish toilet cleaners
I love Poland
poland? more like POOPOOPEEPEEland! haha
>Relatively new general already has an autist spamming it
Will this become a constant thing now?
B-but they hate us, pola~ (๑´ڡ`๑)
Will what become a constant thing?
I need a 12-episode anime for this weekend. I need based recommendations from based anons?
be careful, pierre, you are dealing with instable and enriched german autism.
be very careful now.
hope so
I hope so. There's been some good discussion here, it's active but not too fast, and it's nowhere near as cancer as /deutsch/ or /brit/
Those can be the containment threads for the shitpost autists whereas /fug/ can be the proper thread for international discussion on our cultures
1000 year /fug/
Only if it changes to have Poland in it as well.
Things were going quite well...
But it's probably due to the time.
Solar energy is the future, Euro anons. Don't worry about not having enough sun. Morocco will supply you with energy. No tricks.
i still think it should be /frbrdeu/
/fug/ was good whilst it lasted. now it's become filled with shitty anime faggots and arrogant canadian tosspots.
I assume the price cannot be dropped because of big family?
Why not /frbrdeuska/?
Twin Spica. It has 20 episodes but it's really good.
i didnt know she did this
But I don't really want to go back to /deutsch/ ;_;
It's not what it used to be.
fuck off please
/fug/- Europe leaders
/cum/- North America
/asean/- Southeast Asia
/lat/- Latin America
/nordic/- Scandinavia
/pis/- Mediterranean
/balk/- Balkans
/balt/- Baltics
/rub/- Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)
/v4/- Central Europe
/ex-yu/- Former Yugoslav
Anime is good, fuck off.
Does that refer to me ?
I remember reading somewhere she was a Russian girl that moved with her sister to England to produce softcore LARPing stuff.
have you got more of her being a nazi? i would never say i am attracted to girls wearing nazi uniforms
kys weeb
>Anime is good
Ah yes, the cancer.
Well done on ruining what could have been a decent general
>complaining about anime on a japanese-owned anime imageboard
business idea: /fug/+/pis/+/nordic/
or /fugpisn/
>/fug/- Europe Leaders and appendices.
no I had no idea of her backstory or that she did that sort of thing, sorry :c
I have never even posted there.
Sure you haven't, weeb
No, anime is shit in general. And I say that as someone who goes to conventions and cosplays regularly. (Cosplay is also a horrible hobby, by the way.)
I haven't, the only places I post are Sup Forums, /his/ and Sup Forums.
I hate Germans.
Deep in your heart you know I'm right.
going to bed lads, try to keep the thread comfy.
suggestions: ask questions about history, language or culture
post music
post qts
talk about /fug/ related fantasies and feels (this may amount to a lot of >tfw no french gf)
guten nacht mes frères
/his/ is a fucking disgrace and /lit/ is more empty than ever
I hate reddit
fuck off weeb
Little Witch Academia
Rokka no Yuusha
Or just start reading all Non-H Touhou Doujins on Sad Panda
>guten nacht mes frères
Schlaf gut
Gute Nacht :3
kill yourself you tit
Going to sleep.
I hate Germans.
Gute Nacht, Bruder.
Träume von mir.
t. Hänß
I love France
what was more banterous lads, nuking the sahara, nuking australia, or never nuking anyone despite their best efforts?
yeah that's what i thought janny bitch
Wer heut' nicht im Funpark ist, der ist ein Kulturmarxist!
Eine Party, die geht anders.
Eine Party, die geht so.
Waffen, Wodka, Flaschenbier.
Kulturmarxisten Kopf ins Klo
Hab einen erholsamen Schlaf und schöne Träume.
Bomber Harris tu's nochmal.
>inb4 Yuros are sleeping
going to sleep
love germans and frenchies
Schoo schoo
Very glad that the filthy foreigners have finally fucked off
Nachti :3
>Sachsens Ministerpräsidenten Stanislaw Tillich hatte der Waginger als „eine vom Steuerzahler gemästete Schmarotzersau“ betitelt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft ihm Volksverhetzung und Beleidigung vor.
Still here
Look again m8
>insult people on facebook with your real name
>get sued
Pls leave Monaco.
Catholicism was a mistake
>French are most active in the morning hours
>Brits are most active in the evening
>Germans are most active late at night
Interesting data. Wonder what it says about us
glad you noticed finally
Gonna fap and come back. Wait for me guys
I was talking about the other kind
the kind that's always gone because i'm filetring his country from now on :^)
French are NEETs.
Frenchies are normies
Brits are mixed
Germans are NEETs
Madoka, if you haven't seen it already.
What about me, the only Moroccan user on Sup Forums?
I think I see who you're talking about. I should do the same.
are you that jew who namefagged once?
>compulsively having to state the obvious so people wont notice you are obviously also pretty retarded too
people who immediately go for low hanging fruit are weirdos and spergs t b h
So, who Sup Forums here?
I believe in keeping /fug/ pure
Me, but I'm off now.
I don't even know why you're trying to insult me over this
Doubt Sup Forums would recognize Kaguya.
you're here forever, eh?
magical girl raising project
Not always. The goddamn router sometimes generates a dynamic IP that Sup Forums bans automatically. I have no idea why
woops wrong post