What happened to this place? When did Sup Forums go from actual YLOL threads, risk boards...

What happened to this place? When did Sup Forums go from actual YLOL threads, risk boards, revealing of pet abusers locations, creation of memes, when did that all go away and become gay dick rating threads, gay fur, traps, and pretty much everything else this place never used to stand for?
Are we in perpetual summer?

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Basically. The internet became more mainstrem and therefore Sup Forums became more mainstream.

Probably because this place is now popular with the normies .

The old make way for the new. If you don't like it, then change it or leave. It's the way things have always been--something you'd realize if you'd actually been around long enough. Stop whining and pining after a romanticized picture of a place you've never been and move on with your life. Fuck off or lurk moar, friendo.

yeah you haven't been around long enough either

>implying I wasn't around during that time

Partially due to Pewdiepie making Sup Forums videos. It caused Sup Forums to die because a good chunk of his underage fandom now makes up the general population

The fact that y'all are turning this into a pissing contest about who's been here is pretty pathetic. If the best you can do for yourself is brag about how many years of your life you've sunk into this shitheap, you really oughta re-evaluate your priorities.

doesnt explain all the bunch of 20 year olds posting their cocks asking for validation from other fags, but regardless its really fucking sad.

I think you're missing the point.

>gay dick rating threads, gay fur, traps
These things aren't what's killing Sup Forums: It's the spam for porn sites that scam you out of your money, the forced memes, the log of shit, and the "reply or else" bullshit. Also, all the dipshit libtards and cuckservatives fighting each other. Purge these scum and we'll be better off.

Then enlighten me.

Typical newfag bitching about old Sup Forums he never knew. Fuck off

I've been here for almost half a year now so I pretty much get the whole story. Really started going downhill around March cus newfags lol right guys?

Any other oldies here? Channing is my fav hobby

Normie detected

Not that user but the point is Sup Forums especially Sup Forums is shit compared to what It used to do. Used to actually do useful stuff now It's just dicks, porn, and rekt on Sup Forums. I never used to come here to fap I used to come here for fun

Been here for last 20 yers, kid. Be silent or gtfo.

At one time the cp and the fear if getting doxed kept the normies away .
This place has noticeably got worse since moot abandoned us

>6 months

hey, 6 months isn't really oldfag, been here 6 years and I still don't get oldfag references

Hiroshimoot needs to give the furries and faggots their own boards, like we did with the pony fags back in the day

You are no better than us either. Get off yout horse

I hate how a lot of the time Moot is mentioned anymore the majority of anons respond with 'What is a Moot?'

its the fact they called it romanticized when its pretty much how it actually went, and now its turned to shit, but people treat it like its always been shit.
he has the idea 100% agreed
if we cant purge them, we move them.

its a sad day

>implying Sup Forums wasn't made almost 14 years ago


Implying you're not scum

The internet became about validation, not escape. Been here since december 2003. All thats really changed ia people are teying to get personal attention, not try to lulz and diatract themselves from reality. The internet is reality. The future is now and it wants likes and followers.

All the true oldfags have left this place. Now there are only fags and edgy kids pretending to be oldfags.

Sup Forumstard vs normie


its so easy

I guarantee it.

Kek at the kiddos who post about OP not being here for 10+ years.
Lel at the fags who use summer like that's ever been a thing
Kjall at the normies for being on 4 leaf, thx for making this Reddit.

Don't act like a oldfag bitch. You're annoying me.

You know what good things I remember about old Sup Forums? Nothing. There was nothing memorable. At best, I can remember nearly every thread full of DESU/THE BEST spam, a half-dozen fucking furthreads and another dozen bitching about how furfags can yiff in hell. A bunch of shitty half-assed attempts at combo threads and to fill the cracks, the same confused misanthropic teenagers complaining about how this place isn't all it's cracked up to be because of "them." Oh, and actual caturday threads every saturday. And that's not mentioning the constant fuckery from the mods/moot.

I can admit ive no where near been here since 2003, but i really wish i coulda seen it in what i have to guess is 4chans prime

This, this this this oh my fucking god this.

I understand now. All these years i have been looking for answers and you sir have enlightened me.

If you were an oldfag you would know literally not a soul here cares if you are annoyed

>Implying people didn't like attention and likes back in 2003

You're a newfag. Don't pretend otherwise.

>being so stupid that you cant take a joke

I've been in and out of Sup Forums since the reset (total time spent zozzling is around 8 years)

Sup Forums.org/flash?file=thisis4chan.swf&title=This+is+Sup Forums!

You guys wanna see what old/b/ was really like? Take a trip to 7chan or wizardchan. Hell, even 8/b/--the places where all "muh reel oldfags" who couldn't adjust migrated to. It's just a bunch of depressed losers (like yourselves) doing the exact same shit you all do here, except with less traffic and shittier memes.

I've only been here since 2012 so I can't consider myself and oldfag but yeah this Is actually pretty much the case

being baited this hard

I've been here since 2008, Sup Forums has never been good, that's a running joke. Yes it is a bit more mainstream but it wasn't that much different.

At least there were raids back then

Forgot about the spergs that always like to pick fights. They've probably always been here, but they're not helping.

Prime was around 2007 - 2009
Then it started declining

I'm a former underage oldfag

Newfags can't control themselves when they see baits

Yeah, and they had about as much potency as raids today do. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be part of something major or revolutionary, but I think you need to remember that it wasn't Sup Forums who led the raids--it was the people on Sup Forums who did--and those people have been growing up and living actual adult lives for over a decade since. It's lunacy to think that those people who grew up during a different social climate and experienced a completely different internet would stick around and not either blow their brains out or move on to actual greener pastures as is expected of adults.

No they didnt lol. You obviously arent of the generation that was warned against aharing anything personal online.

You're doing the same, shitlord.

lol I remember when prime was fucking pre-07 get on my level faggot.


>underage oldfag

Kek. Nice try kid. Go back to mommy.

Nailed it

What, are you fucking retarded? There has been a literal paradigm shift in the way the general public associates with the internet. People have always whored for attention, but the advent of social media took that shit and turned it up to 12.

Perpetual summer since 2006.

Trips confirms Sup Forums used to be good

Newfags aren't totally lame either. They fucked hwndu hard.

Fite me nigger I was jerking off to nudes of moot before you took your first keyboarding class go back to gaia you fucking pleb


>claims been around since 07
>still on Sup Forums

Get a life loser


That's exactly the point I'm trying to make. The world changes, so does the population of Sup Forums, and so does its agenda. Sup Forumstards are still exposing pedos, fucking with the general public and being a nuisance altogether. It's just that a small, particularly whiny portion of this board needs to be reminded of that on occasion.

You're pissing in an ocean of piss tovarisch

I'm just a grown up internet kid who misses knowing that being an internet kid meant you at least knew about anime (this place used to be just anime and random, for snacks' sake), probably RPed online, probably liked electronic music or metal, and most likely were a social outcast online.

>Posts photoshopped picture
>claims to be oldfag

Nice try kid

And by RP i dont mean cybering, i mean dungeons and dragons witgout the DM basically.

> Talking down to someone who's spent more time on the literal rock-bottom of the mainstream internet while also surfing the literal rock-bottom of the mainstream internet

Happens faster than you think, m80. Plus, this is like, the number six repository for "fresh" amateur porn on the planet.

This guy knows.


Typical newfag whining about how newfags are better than oldfags. Fuck off

Sup Forums City and Sup Forums City: Craptastrophe capture a bit of that feel.

A boy can dream, can't he?

newfag here how long has it been this way? Seeing how threads like that stated are commonly posted seems like they've been around for awhile and are popular.

2007 is after faux news warned everyone to buy a dog. Definitely already early mainstream era, man. Sorry to piss in your bucket.

Slowly growing in frequency for the last 4-ish years. Although fur threads have been here for a pretty long fucking time.

Fur threads have ALWAYS been here haha.




What happened to this place

we used to raid newfaggots and do everything for the lulz

now its just porn webm and gayfur
aint even mad


Holly fuck this is next level shittery, if you've been on here 6 months you wouldn't be posting the way you are.


I don't like fucking animals am I retarded?


Not necessarily m8, but maybe funnyjunk is more your speed.


>Obligatory YIFF IN HELL

What are you gonna do?

You have no fucking clue what the actual fuck you are talking about you little shit, keep posting and i will reveal your IP


No lol the internet hated furries back then too.


> my dad's a volunteer at Sup Forums, xhe'll ban you
> implying OP isn't a superl33t 01DF46 who's hiding behind like, 9000 proxies

Been here the whole summer! I'm the greatest oldfag here

I've never heard any 'anons' who don't know who moot is, fucking normies know who he is, nobody hears about Sup Forums without hearing moot, fucking joe bloke grandpa has probably heard the name on tv sometime.


hello Sup Forums i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

media attention
normies flocked and spammed "mods" on anything they didn't like such as raids, racist pranks and general dickish and loutish behaviour
gore, porn and family friendly topics was what they wanted and its what they got

So long, peeps.

My monthly check-up-on-Sup Forums-to-see-if-it-stopped-sucking visit is coming to an end, and as before, I shouldn't have bothered. It's even called "Random" now, for sanitary purposes.

If you're here now and you think Random is funny, you might be right. Perhaps it is funny, but it is but walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, compared to the old Sup Forums.

What you are seeing today is just an endless looping rehash of the fun we had. If you think it's funny now, try to imagine the fun we had when it was fresh, and people had the time to shop, improve and alter a birthing meme. It was a time of creativity, good quality trolling and the occasional SCIENCE discussion. Good times.

Feeling like Milton's Satan reminiscing about the splendor of heaven where he once dwelt, comparing everything to that glory now lost and unable to see his surroundings for what they are, but only what they are in comparison, I bid you adieu. See you next month, and keep on trying.

Obviously, I will stick around for the remainder of this thread. If you remember the old ways as well but are stuck in here because the internets are basically pretty empty, bland, and boring outside of Sup Forums, feel free to drop in and describe your pet theory about where and when Sup Forums went wrong.