What was the best portrayal of a genius?
What was the best portrayal of a genius?
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not that
it would be a neil degrasse tyson biopic, if it existed
Good Will Hunting
Anything for (You)'s, huh?
Literally me.
when I look in the mirror
bored and drunk famalam
is the correct answer, beautiful mind was a steaming pile
Mathfag here, that movie was actually not very good from a math perspective. The explanation for the Nash equilibrium (bar scene) is so ridiculously wrong that I honestly have no idea how the writers came up with it (the actual Nash equilibrium is much simpler and says something completely different). It's also not very good from a historical perspective, For instance, Nash had a complicated love life involving several wives, an illegitimate child, domestic abuse, affairs with students, etc.. but in the movie they were all compressed down to one wife and he was made to seem like a relatively harmless person.
>According to Nasar, Nash "wished to show everyone that he was the master of this gorgeous young woman, and that she was his slave." He did so by throwing her to the ground during a mathematics department picnic and placing his foot on her neck.
His illness was also more tragic and complicated than was depicted. The whole speech at the end never happened, the only time he spoke about his research was at a research seminar which essentially is a room with a small number of researchers where one does some math on the board and describes the findings and future aims of their research.
vid related
By far the most legit math movie I've seen is the one about Ramanujan (Ramanujan was a genius who claimed to receive theorems from one of his gods but being entirely self taught he wasn't trained in the methods of rigorous proof that were being formalized at the time). On the historical side it was also super legit right down to him having a ghetto rigged kitchen in his room and Hardy being criticized for not treating him like a human being.
Also Aguirre.
How was the first reply not Downfall? It's such an obvious joke.
what did you guys think of finding forrester?
John Nash also renounced psychiatric medicine later in life, crediting his recovery to going off the meds for good. But in the movie they had him give a fake speech endorsing those meds
Also, he apparently never visually hallucinated, only audibly. That renders most of this movie moot.
pretty good, i liked it a lot
correct answer
The best answer.
Also pic related is like female Good Will Hunting.
tl;dr fucking nerd
Is it sexist that until I read your post I instinctively assumed Jake was the genius and not Paltrow even though he's in the background?
Year but they left out the part that Ramanujan married his wife when she was 10. And that she was 14 when he left for England. And also left out the fact that he was sick his entire life(bad immune system) and thought that he would die young and that was the reason he wanted to get published as soon as possible.
Well since film is a visual medium it makes sense that it would have been more effective to do it they way they did, and more interesting too. It's great to see subtle moments of his insanity before the 'twist' is revealed fully, like when the little girl runs through the pack of pigeons. Furthermore, they obviously had to dramatize and certain things for the sake of the film, and remove others for time. In my opinion it is a great film and deserving of all its accolades, even despite these inaccuracies.
Yes. But being sexist isn't a bad thing. Men are much more likely to be geniuses.
They're both really smart, It's just that Gwneth is wayyyy smarter and has wayyyy more problems.
But being sexist isn't a bad thing.
wew lad kys
Men are much more likely to be geniuses.
Hey guys
back to tumblr you go!
the nobel prize is named after a man for a reason
Bane ka~
Because a man got rich doing the only thing men are good at: inventing new ways to kill thousands of people?
Chekmate meninists.
genius is hard to describe. I have better standardized scores than most "genius" fags.
I have flunkedbout of 2 scholarship programs. I can't keep interestd. but I am very smart by any test you give me.
being successful haa nothing to do with being smart.
>back to tumblr you go!
Just because I treat men and women from the same perspective doesn't make me a tumblrshit you faggot
>the nobel prize is named after a man for a reason
Yeah, and that's because Alfred Nobel paid hueg amounts of money
go get triggered somewhere else, landwhale
>go get triggered somewhere else, landwhale
Memes, memes everywhere
>It's a show a character is a genius through a blackboard covered in maths equations episode
>le black science man
gay nerd lol
Taking a partial derivative of a wave function doesn't make you a genius. Quantum mech has been around for over 70 years at this point. Every 20 year old that passed physics 2 can take that class.
Yes it dose. Men and women are not the same.
Stop projecting, nobody asked for your life story. You're not a genius, simple as that. Genius is not just theoretical smarts but drive.
Do alt-right losers even realize how pathetic they are? Jesus Christ do you have to do this gender wars thing in every single thread. Just go back to your Trump general on Sup Forums and suck Milo's dick some more.
>is the correct answer, beautiful mind was a steaming pile
Yeah fuck you young fag, Crowe deserved the Oscar that year instead they gave it to Denzel for affirmative action reasons, Training Day was shit
>came here to post this
Just stating facts here buddy. If you don't want to have an argument about it then don't dispute them.
reading is also hard
>im totally super smart im just such an underachiever XD
how did you not grow out of this memery by the end of high school
Is this thing really good?
I didn't watch it because of Indians. But may be I should because it's recommended to me
way up there
Right actor, wrong movie.
"There are no genius underachievers" is also a meme. When will you grow out of it?
You need to be 18 to post here
It's not. A genius is a special person, there's nothing special about some loser who never applies his intelligence to anything and won't get out of his basement.
t. Aalewis
You cant just make up your own meanings for words you know. At lease not if you don't want to sound like an idiot.
genius - very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a particular area such as science or art, or a person who has this. You don't have to do anything with talent, just have it
>movies for regular people
>have to explain what the genius is working on in an interesting way in just 90 minutes along with drama and shits
>have to respect other involved parties
But frankly what genius is working on should be understandable in a movie
Does bible quiz count as genius?
I don't know, but it wasn't in this movie
"my play was perfect"
The state of the board makes Nash's self confidence hilarious.
>He did so by throwing her to the ground during a mathematics department picnic and placing his foot on her neck.
Woah. Should've been on film.
You definitely have low self esteem.
Baby Geniuses
Probably to humanise the character so the audience doesnt think he's some pedo who doesnt give a shit about his loli wife, it also gives the moment where they do realise he has tb more impact.
Excellent movie. Though he's not exactly a genius, nor is he thoroughly established and portrayed as one.
t. Bernie supporter
Last frankenstein one