i'm brazilian!
I want to fuck asian boys mouth and ass
I'm not nigger, I'm white.
i'm brazilian!
I want to fuck asian boys mouth and ass
I'm not nigger, I'm white.
Congratulaciones, seƱor.
>tfw no brazilian gf (male)
holy shit what the fuck are you doing nigger asian traps can look substantially better than that
might as well pound whitey with that lack of effort
>Tfw no cute asian boyfriend
Lynch yourself degenerate faggot
there is literally nothing gay about liking girls (male)
with dicks. unite.
twinks or traps?
>surgical mask
such a cop out
>I'm not nigger, I'm white
Sure. Every people who have weird fetish is white people.
I-I'm a cute asian boy! I wouldn't mind if you weren't white, user, so you don't have to lie about your race!
There are cute guys everywhere!
Except Africa, niggers can't be cute.
post photo
>that feel when most traps probably have larger dicks than you and wouldn't give you the time of day
How about hot mongol boipyssy brazil-senpai!?
>when finn talks about being sissy/trap
Twinks who occasionally crossdresses is the patricians choice
I'm not joking, i would really fuck you so hard since I'm fapping for this now, I'm not gay, i only want to be sucked and fuck ass.
you should do it too.. swedish people are almost max cute twinks, right behind the finns of course
is he cute?
If that was true I wouldn't be here you dofus. There are more american sissy twinks and shit than sweden+finland+WHOLE FUCKING europe.
There is a freaking site just dedicated for this shit and their main visitors are MURIKANS.
I don't think I would like getting fucked... my ass is really tight and would probably hurt a lot from anal.
gimme a sec
hurry up and dress as a trap
>american with bad reading comprehension
Not surprised.
I am not a twink nor trap, I am a giant who likes twinks/traps.
You would look like gerudo link? I would love this.
Are my hips trap-tier?
sorry for the bad quality
kuso thread
kill yourselves
Is there something wrong with your nipples?
It's my shirt, I don't want to be identified because I wear it a lot.
why did you take the pic with the shirt in frame at all? Timestamp
>tfw i will never find a bf all i do is posting my photos on 4chin and crying
Why are homos such attentionwhores? You're all worst than teenager girls
wtf i love russia now
i know thats my problem
maybe its because of female hormones
I got shot with the sweetest gun
Never mind what I have become
Why should I love when I can have fun
With my breathing toy
Wow, very hot.
after surfing the internet for many years. i conclude almost all of brazilian men are fucking gays.
how many sane person in brazil ever exist? cant see non. all of you are horny monkeys
>being a skeleton or skinnyfat DYEL makes you a "cute" trap
Grow some hips, nerds.
You've just posted in the wrong board, mate.
Try Sup Forums