
memedonias are the strongest race in the world

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good morning faggots

Good morning
How it the whether there, here its snowing again, fuck this shit.

Good morning to you too.

Same here. I hate this shit weather.

helo niggers

why is diaspora so cringey balk

idk u tell me

Because they think they are real balkanars when they are not experiencing it first hand.
One of the reasons i respect greeks is that you do not allow diaspora to vote at all. I think that the best choice.

>no old

Still does not link it, whats your point ?

nu mai posta aici, nu suntem balcani.

Sunt de acord cu fratele meu inteligent
Cu exceptia materialului genetic, a pozitiei geografice, a culturi si a istoriei nu aven nimic in comun cu balcaninei astia retardati

nu am fost bombardati de nato, nu suntem o tara majoritar musulmana, nu ne incadram sub belarus la hdi, armata noastra nu este sub africa de sud.

Morning niggers.


>posts at 10:29
Get a job you you neet-shit. Only I am allowed to post at this time and not feel guilty about it.

>what is uni

Then he should go to class. and not post shit like this here.
>tfw so old I forgot about uni

Tu suntem European East like Ukraine desu

>he cant post from work
Sucks to be you

stop bullying me ros :

where my waifu Vuno at?

>that romanian kid who gets assblasted seeing his people posting here

btfo'd everytime

Wanna fug?

post boypussy and we can talk.

>tfw bulgarian gun control makes it too inconvenient to own a pistol

How am I going to face the Ottomans then?

bun argument moldovene

She ceased posting after we found out she was a qt (male?)

Ironie venind de la un tigan muntean.))

Stop replying to yourself Ros with your estimation maps or ill pull out a gypsy estimation map.
Btw, I read Romania only 16M nowadays, are you dying out?

nah she was in /shqip/ 2 days ago posted calves :^)

What do you call this style between blockletters and cursive proper? Loks bretty dank

cCc Osmanli


-Y- B1lgari

sunt ardelean
cum te suporti cu fata aia?

Si mai rau. Esti romin doar in limba.

>mfw there are people speaking a language that is not at least 3k years old
wow.. how does it feel to not be steeped in history with every step you take
sounds really strange

More like iYi Bulgar

i wont save to uni pc and upload heres url

imi pare rau dar esti prea hidos
inteleg ca importam gunoaie umane din moldova dar tu ai fost o greseala

Tu ai fost importat din Ungaria. Mars in /v4/ si lasa /balk/u.)

More like ıYı Prab1lgar

Its 20 million, and yes: We , just like the rest of eastern Europe have a huge demographic issue.

BUT the good part is the majority of gypsies are also leaving.

>Stop replying to Ros

who here plays ligo legos(LoL) :^)?

shit, she's really a girl

No timestamp though

i never browse Sup Forums came randomly 2 days ago saw her legs and now im staying forever :^)

>Tu ai fost importat din Ungaria
adorabila insulta, dar tot esti in subom hidos


No, cum spui tu, Tiberiu Latinescu. Acu valea-n /v4/

>One of the reasons i respect greeks is that you do not allow diaspora to vote at all.
we can vote in greece though
a lot of people go on vacation to greece during voting period

Greece has other good things, like no minarettes are allowed on mosques. Based post-ottoman politics, also strong army.

>voulgar praising greece
im confused tbhfam

how many years you live in Germany already?

most of my life senpai

Thats why you are behind on Balkan relations nowadays. Why not return home?

>canadian flag posting this spicy meme


>Why not return home?
after uni i might if i find a job

What are you studying?

rate my autism lads

gunoi uman hidos :))))))))))
literalmente moldova intruchipata

Nu-ti mai dau (You)-uri.

How will the Serbian sultanate ever recover

thats fine if you wont to vote so much to go back there its good.
Nah do ass all greek do, get a job in the west until grees default and return as a millionear during the crisis.

who here Sup Forums

It's пaшaлък not cyлтaнaт.


>Class (?) militaristic le gsg r8 my groβprussia
>government hereditary monarchy because nothing says meritocracy like a syphilitic nimrod taking all the decisions for the future of a nation
>euthanasia illegal because muh feelings > your life
>oops a condom broke, ready to raise a baby correctly my 18 year old couple?
>paid maternity because equality is for suckers
>no voting for women and alienating half the population instead of educating them
>illegal homosexuals/transexuals because you can just make it illegal and it's gone
>illegal prostitution and cannabis in the grey zone because I love the black market and fuck taxation
>1 meter long automatic rifles are somehow a practical solution for self defense
I stopped here because the fedora was just too dense

only /csg/

you seem rustled senpai



heh as expected from /balk/
why are we so poor

>everyone i disagree with is stupid

>everyone i disagree with is mad

mad enough to feed me (you)s


Give me one reason why this isnt a great song and Ill leave this thread forever

you fed me an equal amount of You, stupid

You are in the lead now though

yeah but I had the last post

hes mad af because i bust his leftoid bubble senpai

Now he answered you indirects, you gave more you's and dont have the last word anymore, what now desu? --->

call this guy a kebab ↓

He fights dishonorably, no wonder for a person with such moronic opinions
Call him petty and a commoner

>first a turkish crescent
>then a commie star

What do they put on it nowadays?

1.Plato is always right
2.Plato was against democracy
if you are in favour of democracy and womens rights you are a nu male

cacat cu ochi

All countries in the region orientate their flags on Byzantine ones, Serbs, Albos, Monteniggers...

We didnt as we fought them as equals for long periods whilst the others were just slaves.

Good try, but Sup Forums is basically r/TheDonald and crusader larping.

The opinions on pol about Trump have strongly turned into hatred recently as he just pleases his jewish overlords instead of the working class americans.

Tell my this isnt a comfy song and I might leave this thread forever, maybe


no they haven't, there is even a trump general there and they all think it's a quadruple false flag and bannon is on a 1488D tic tac toe spree

Lads today is the anniversary of the Junta
Yahweh bless Papadopoulos

The general is there but its one of the last places he gets favorable opinions

>Yahweh bless Papadopoulos

The footballer or the biscuits?

wait so were proto-bulgarians tatars or turkics that got mixed with tatars? bit confused here

They were Mongols, just like Russians.
Then mixed with Thracians, Slavs and Greeks.

this man right here senpai
i heard that song way too often last year bit annoying desu

Debunk this and Ill leave this thread forever (maybe).
>protip: you cant
