Greedy Old Fucks

Why is he still acting?At this point, he probably has enough money to buy a small country.And it's not just him,a lot of rich and old actors are still working in shitty movies.That's why I have respect for Daniel Day-Lewis.At least man keeps his filmography clean.

Who does Morgan Freeman play in this?

>That's why I have respect for Daniel Day-Lewis.At least man keeps his filmography clean.

that's just because they scrapped the cobbler film after he had been doing it as a method actor

old people like to keep busy

He makes movies to spite people like OP now. He literally says in interviews he's just doing it for the paychecks.

African horse enthusiast

>people like to keep busy
what else is there to do until death?

pool parties with young hot girls

why don't I get invited to these parties?

What else is there to do at that age? Fuck it i'd spend my old age on expensive movie sets with people sucking my dick and telling me they loved Shawshank

Get busy living or get busy dying

Morgan Freeman supposedly smokes a lot of weed so after a while you get tired of just watching movies when you're high I guess

an egyptian kang

That hair is so laughable. How can anyone take him seriously in this film?

Way to go for ruining what could have been a kino remake

Why? What can 20 million more add to his life style?

>implying greed is bad

>What can 20 million more add to his life style?
This. They may have to reach a point where they instead start offering actors rare relics or other stuff in order to get them involved in a film because if you are rich, what's more money gonna do for you? It definitely won't make you happy.

But if a director offered you the very first Beatles LP ever made or something else very rare then that would be more interesting.

He either wants to leave more money to his kids, or maybe he lives a very expensive lifestyle and actually needs that money to keep it up.

Rich people can burn through money very quickly.

Yes at the 100 million point there is nothing a few extra millions will add to your life.
His net worth is 230 million. Even if he invested 200 million of that he isn't hurting for cash and will die a millionaire. It's just because of greed.

>implying this is an intelligent post

What is that Morgan Freeman movie where he plays a fairly grumpy old man with apparent wisdom?

Breakfast at Tiffany

>Daniel Day-Lewis .At least man keeps his filmography clean.
Yeah, no.

You're not a jew.

>It's just because of greed.

Hardly. It's probably he likes doing movies (and Cosbying young extras).

Harrison Ford is fucking miserable doing movies and you know it

>What is that Morgan Freeman movie where he plays a fairly grumpy old man with apparent wisdom?
Wait, there are movies where he doesn't play one???

That's the joke.