Mfw an Albanian told me that all Greek history is actually Albanian

>mfw an Albanian told me that all Greek history is actually Albanian

Why do Balkan Slavs LARP as Hellenics so hard? Same thing with the former WEWUZ Republic of Macedonia

albanians aren't slavs tho

albanians are not slavs, faggot

albanians are the original greeks, modern greeks are turkish imposters
t. expert

all of the balkans is we wuz kangz and sheeet LARPing center apart from bulgarians

Literally who cares? Fine, I'll call them the Balkan shithole race. Happy now?

lack of history


I thought it was mainly the "" "Macedonians""" and the Albanians who were the main LARPers.

Everyone wants to be Greek desu.

>apart from bulgarians

top kek

What is so funny, this territory was home to many prehistoric cultures. Some of the oldest golden artifacts in the world, predating Egypt, were found here.

That is true for both Serbia and Romania, Turdaș-Vinča culture

I guess Balkan people were the original shitposters

many bulgarian subhumans think that they are related to ancient Thracians
bulgarian history if full of evil and failure

slavic subhumans just trashed this region
same with turks in anatolia

show me your prehistoric golds

this is not true for us, we define our identity by our opposition to the the Greeks/Byzantines

sup ikibey? still unemployed, and without money for that medical treatment?

>we define our identity by our opposition to the the Greeks/Byzantines
bulgarian history is full of evil and failure

bulgarians are subhumans

was some of that stuff inserted into her?

It's him,faggot, he probably put his pecker into the thing.

I am a Greek


do people actually respond to ikibey? for what purpose?

He is the guardian spirit of Hellenism

greeks were greeks
albanians were illyrians

turkey came and fucked all our females
now were all mixed with kebabs somehow in our blood
no point discussing further

no you were not
you were and still are subhumans