I didn't get this scene.
Lex was sending Bruce letters saying "you let your family die", but he was trying to make him think they were from superman?
I didn't get this scene.
Lex was sending Bruce letters saying "you let your family die", but he was trying to make him think they were from superman?
I know it's a bait but if you actuallly thought that, well this is another level of stupidity.
No, from wheelchair boy, to give the impression that he was so severely distraught to the point of bombing the capitol.
why would wheelchair man send bruce wayne letters
That doesn't make any sense
They were supposedly checks from Wayne Enterprises essentially to take care of him for the rest of his life and he was mailing them back.
why? and wasnt it a newspaper article not cheques?
God what a shit movie
How so you baiting fuck?
Man lost his legs and blames Superman for it. He also knows Bruce feels shit for being small and weak when his parents got slaughtered.
The final one that said "You let your family die" included a newspaper article of the capitol.
wasn't it a newspaper article of wayne tower
>but he was trying to make him think they were from superman?
No, he was just trying to push Batman over the edge and screw with his head.
Yeah, this was a stupid scene.genuinly kek'd at the thought of someone trying to troll Bruce and Bruce not even realizing.
From the previews, it looked like some Joker bullshit.
In context, it doesnt really make sense to me. I know the idea is the guy was returning checks to make Bruce feel like shit, or someone was intercepting them to frame the guy(Lex?)
Either way, the impact was kinda lost on me. I'm not sure what he was supposed to think or feel because of that. Did Bruce suspect the wheelchair guy was gonna suicide bomb when he saw them? Did it just make him angrier with Superman for causing the collateral damage?
Snyder did everything wrong.
Bruce gets taunting letters from the employee to mind fuck him
The employee got his support from the Wayne Foundation intercepted to make him think Bruce didn't give a shit
Bruce going off the rails points his hostility at Superman
Superman is turned against Batman by the increasing extremes Batman is going to and Lex giving him the last push by taking his mother
It's a pretty simple playing all sides against each other
>but he was trying to make him think they were from superman?
Yes, superman the shitposter.
He wanted a better wheelchair
The entire Wheelchair Man subplot is a complete waste of time. Like the rest of Lex's plan, it doesn't pass the "so what" test.
Bruce Wayne had already resolved to kill Superman regardless of the missing disability checks and Wheelchair Man's storyline. And when Wheelchair Man does blow up the courthouse, it doesn't make any difference to the storyline of the movie from that point onwards - none whatsoever.
The entire tedious rope of shit could have been cut right out and the time used to, I don't know, maybe give Superman a bit more characterisation, seeing as he only has 42 lines of dialogue
>i have the focus of a fucking child so the movie is bad
Fucking redditors I swear.
>He also knows Bruce feels shit for being small and weak when his parents got slaughtered.
Fuck I'm dumb. This whole time I thought by family he meant all the dildos from Wayne Tower. Rubbed me oddly.
>seeing as he only has 42 lines of dialogue
Jason Bourne has 24 lines of dialogue in a film that he does not share with FUCKING BATMAN.
No, Lex intercepted the checks, wrote the letters and sent them back to bruce
It furthers the seeds of hatred and doubt in Batman and Supernan respectively, while removing Sen. Finch from obstructing the kryptonite.
Hence "supposedly".
It's left ambiguous at which stage he was intercepting them. Given Wheelchair's apartment, and failure to make bail I'd always assumed he actually was sending them back, but Lex was adding the notes.
or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he only intercepted the final one with the article.
Lex intercepted the checks and had the stuff written on it, he wanted it to look like the wheelchair guy was behind the bombing and used the checks to make him look like some mad bomber to Bruce Wayne.
That could've caused Batman to be even more mad at Superman, as it looked like the destruction in Metropolis caused this man to go to these lengths,
jesus that's whole new level of convulted storylines
No, it was Lex trying to mess with Bruce, but Bruce never even saw them until that scene.
And look how good the Jason Bourne movie is!
>It furthers the seeds of hatred and doubt in Batman and Supernan respectively
So what? Batman had already resolved to kill Superman based on the 1% chance conversation with Alfred.
And Superman already had a disinclination toward Batman due to the branding thing. Enough to make him threaten Batman.
And none of this matters AT ALL because the courthouse explosion has NO EFFECT on the storyline thereafter. Lex simply smuggles in tge Kryptonite anyway, kidnaps Martha, and bam, the two fight.
The courthouse incident directly pushes Bruce from "we need to stop the Superman" to "we have to move against the Superman NOW"
It makes him immediately smash his way into Lexcorp to take the Kryponite.
No it doesn't.
Batman's theft of the Kryptonite happens when it happens because the White Portuguese arrives with the Kryptonite in board for a handover to Lex's guys. The stuff is stolen already when Lex gets back from court.
And Batman doesn't "move against Superman". Superman is SENT to find and kill Batman by Lex after he kidnaps Martha. He would have done so regardless of the Bat signal.
You're remembering the order of events wrong. Bruce goes after the Kryptonite when the White Portuguese arrives, Superman interrupts him but he puts a tracker on it.
After the courthouse incident, Bruce immediately storms Lexcorp to steal it.
And Bruce didn't know Superman was being sent after him. From his point of view, he calling Superman's challenge out and initiating the fight.
Prior to the courthouse scene, Batman batmurdered a lot of guys with the Smashmobile and Superman stopped him. Then shit happens, the capitol goes boom and the scene immediately cuts from Bruce Wayne angrily glaring at the screen to the night where Lex arrives at LexCorp after Batman stole the Kryptonite. The explosion was absolutely the last straw for him.
Lex only orders Lois to be kidnapped after the Batsignal is turned on, which is what brought Superman to LexCorp tower, where he then sent Superman.
After Batman made a move against Superman.
I concede your point regarding the sequence of events.
How did Lex get Polaroids of Martha if she was kidnapped miles and miles away in the short window of time since the Bat signal was switched on? Was the Bat signal lit up for several hours or even days? Let's assume the Bat signal was switched on for 30 minutes - during which time Martha was kidnapped in the countryside, transported to an urban warehouse, photo taken, sent back to Lex, Lex pushes Lois off building, this summons Superman, Lex shows Superman Martha pics, Superman goes off to get Batman..while Batman has been waiting the whole time,?
I thought the letters were from Alfred; taunting Bruce in a passive-aggressive way because he thought Bruce had lost his way??
The only other "mail" scene is with Alfred opening the Luthor invite so it establishes Alfred's control of the mail
Damn this movie is confusing. 2/10
Why did he wait until after he got to Metropolis to call in to the office and see how things were going? He could have dismissed them 15 minutes earlier than he did, easily.
Why did he rush to Metropolis to begin with? If he wanted to help wouldn't he have done more good coming as Batman instead of Bruce?
Ladies and Gentlemen is why we can't have good things.