wew lad
mccarthyism-tier desu
I don't Diversity can beat nukes.
can't we all just get along?
i still dont know what bigot means or when people even started overusing that word
I swear to god the people running Hillary's campaign must have been actual retards.
This seems fake
You slavic idiot. This is a fake ad made by Sup Forums.
Because it is.
shut up stupid piece of shit burger
>that text still lingering in the russian photo
at least try to make it convincing Sup Forums.
Russian army was full of finns, turks and mongols, and I believe some churkas aswell
at least we have a bigotry. What will force them to fight? Diversity? Liberalism? Western ideology is weak, moral spirit of it's army is also weak. They are not ready to die, like we are. They don't know what is it to defend homeland, because of no ideology. What they will fighting for?
Proper ideology does anything like God the turtle.
a bigot is someone who refuses to listen to opposing viewpoints, social justice warriors use it ironically to describe those who support free speech
>posted by a russian
Now why would you ever suspect that?
>god the turtle
So, what you guys gonna do when Putin bans internet?
Ahhhhh, the meme wars. Hilarious times these were.
bit shit
Silly Slav, that bigotry that you worship will soon turn on you. When you become a bit too different from the norm then you're an enemy.
>that bigotry that you worship will soon turn on you
I follow the scientific communism. It can't turn against me.
> become a bit too different from the norm
What is norm?
Who is making this retarded fake propaganda?
t. vanya from his mom's basement
This was anti Hillary propaganda for the US election made by mostly Sup Forums and a few by the_donald. The meme wars man, where the fuck were you!
t.Pepik from his father's sausage shop basement
Hmm, really made me think.
>Diversity is our strength
I imagine combat transgender transracial and otherkin squads. I would run from them as fast as I can
Whatever the person in charge thinks it is.
why wont diversity troops use biodiverse nerve agents in warfare?
Don't worry, by the time you meet any your ass will already be loose enough from all the anal training you'll receive from your comrades.
>hurr durr diversity xD who needs any of that?
>i-i'm totally normal I swear, I wasn't at the mandatory prayer because my mom was dying, plz don't stone me
t. beneficents of diversity and tolerance who don't realize they would be next to be killed after the boogiemen they hate
tbf Russians are not bigoted at all when it comes to religion. They have entire regions designated as state sanctioned sharia zones, unlike intolerant racist xenophobic shitholes like France or UK.
>posted as Russian Federation just yesterday outlawed being a Jehova's Witness and confiscated all their property for the state
>an actual religion
you have a point though, maybe the trick is that you have to be strong enough for state to be afraid of you to be tolerated.
Funny, considering burgers were more racist than than euros back then.
I hope you are not dumb enough to believe the shit you've written. Euros and murricans will fight for their good lifes, for their prosperous eceonomy and for their welth, while you, what you gonna fight for, pidorussian? For $300 salary? For 20 square meters in commieblock? For your oligarch's mansions? What ideology you are talking about russoshit? Putin's cleptocracy has no ideology, just the thirst to make as much money as possible using stupid pidorashkas like you. If something happens, I - russian guy from Kz, wiil go fight against you fucking pidors and with the God will we hang your tzar on the Kremlin's wall and exterminate all of pidorussians like you with the fire, steel and lead.
>>an actual religion
Well most of the world including the russians do think so.
Russia is diverse as fuck they're 15% Muslim
Thiss dude understands. The true soul of the American people is our rampant consumerism and anyone who wishes to take our mclives better watch the fuck out
>taking a shitty baiting that serious
russia is actualy a tributary of Chechnya.
Its not shitposting when enough people genuinely believe in that statement
How do you know how many people do actually believe in this bullshit?
>The true soul of the American people is our rampant consumerism
that's a true soul of entire humanity m8 and don't believe anyone who talks you otherwise. prosperity is the only thing worth fight for. only mudslims and stupid niggers die for notning called 'ideology'.
My cock is a tributory of your mom
86% of russians judging by the ''''''polls'''''''
Sup Forums and friends. I'm all anecdotal if you are trying to push for a source or research
I hate people who would only die for money & wealth and nothing else
huylo is already out of money and I bet Kadyrov's dogs will come and take everything you have soon.
lel i bet you won't find any person under 30 years old in russia who genuinely believes it.
literally no one (well besides the professional soldiers since they are paid to do that) would fight for this corrupted shithole willingly.
that guy is definitely baiting
you would die for ottoman empire, I know muh boi.
This guy is absolutely right.
>huylo is already out of money and I bet Kadyrov's dogs will come and take everything you have soon.
I bet nurik already did that with every """""" human'"""""" in kazakhstan
>someone was butthurt enough to make this
Most of the Russian soldiers would desert if they could get away with it, stop romanticising your army.
It's funny because Putin and Hillary are basically the same person apart from minor details.
>Let me tell you about your country and how do you live
>I've seen posts on lentach how babushka in remote city in siberia libe in 20sq meters with junkie son who work for 300$
>I beevery russian live like that! Also sit on bottle hahahahhaha
People will fight to protect their way of life against an aggressor.
People don't want to fight over shit outside their country.
That's why the army is professional and why large scale war is unlikely.
we still go on the quite same level regarding wealth and economy if you talk about that. we don't have to pay to bunch of kebabs for not being 'bottled' at least.
Who we? You and Junkie in Ekaterinburg? Maybe. Wake up mambet your country is mexico of russia, kazakhs come here to work as janitors and send money to their families
>God the turtle
what did he mean by this?
>Let me tell you about your country and how do you live
let's don't pretend - this shitty excuse doesn't work for me, a person who goes to russia at least 2-3 times monthly. russia is incredible shit comparing to any other white country. you are literally niggers of the white world.
>your army
will go to army to defend Motherland (eve that capitalistic crap). Our citizens are our army.
wtf I love diversity now
>kazakhs come here to work as janitors
lel no. you mix them with uzbeks and tadjiks.
Porashnik go home.
just typical runglish
World is 40k Warhammer, most Russians admit that Russia is a complete shithole, especially ones with half a brain.
>inb4 but we are not running to West like you Eastern Europeans!!!!
If Russians could leave to Western Europe as freely as we can, you'd outnumber Poles very quickly. Even our local Russians make a large portion of those who leave for West, but I never see them going East.
Russia is not white just like Kazakhstan
And 100 times better than kazakhstan where do you live and shit on russians for being cucks and living in shit
wow fired my neurons up
World *isn't*
Guys like him will be the first ones who will desert because reality will disillusion them.
>Wake up mambet your country is mexico of russia
so how is our GDP per capita is higher than yours then?
> kazakhs come here to work as janitors and send money to their families
leave your dreams m8
>pidorussian trying to excuse his being from the cesspool full of shit
it's so common
No i don't
i have kazashka in my office working as janitor
many much cases
Excuse me, Russia might not be a first world country but there's no need to exaggerate. Russia is basically Argentina-tier and actually one of the most developed countries in Asia
>so how is our GDP per capita is higher than yours then?
Its nit
> kazakhs come here to work as janitors and send money to their families
Its true
>pidorussian trying to excuse his being from the cesspool full of shit
Horsefucker running out of excuses! Sad! Unlike you i have decent quality of life, i can afford basic white man's privilegies and it doesn't look shitty for me.
meant to
the onle person who could take your posts seriously here is you. you act like typical capricious vatnik schoolboy who just imagine his own reality insantly.
>Its nit
deepthroat it. pidorussian. (pic)
You're bydlo, m8, you better go to dvach
>implying nig nogs won't be the first to run from battlefield
what's wrong? those are the most nebydlo words in the world's vocabulary because it humiliates the most bydlo phenomenon of the universe - pidorussians.
>hurr durr no one takes you seriously
thats exactly about you, just shitting and shitting on country thats better than yours
Still shithole but better.
I admit that there's such problem as corruption but hearing that from even more corrupt shithole? Its laughable.
>Insult someone
ahahah typical rotten underage """""""nebydlo""""""""
Your asspain is so intense that it seems I can touch it.
kek you obosralsya po vsem frontam, pidorashka.
just funny how your fervor dissapeared.
And thats how mambet lost this thread
Ah yes, those people you are sending off to die for your personal interests. How quaint.
this is how pidorussians get bottled even on Sup Forums.
he was one of you
the one who called normal people "pidorashkas" t.e. typical lentach visitor.
Пoчeмy вы пoжиpaeтe ceбe пoдoбных?
>Proper ideology does anything like God the turtle.
literally wat
A bigot is someone who holds an emotionally driven irrational prejudice against a group. Say I had a bad run in while a mongolian guy and from that bad experience I projected these feelings to all Finfags in general and held a general hatred for Finland. This would be a bigoted belief, or an example of bigotry and make me a bigot in this regard.
seems we need ambulance here, typical paroxysm of vatnik after facing the true reality.
>Euros and murricans will fight for their good lifes, for their prosperous eceonomy and for their welth
No, they throw their lives away to advance the personal interests of the political and elite business class who profit from the constant war America has been at all around the world.
America has been at war around the world for 222 years of its history as a nation, and no, not for the benefit of its people. If you want to see who has actually benefits from all this conflict, look at wealth distribution in the USA. Those bastards sent to die aren't seeing any of it, neither are their families and communities. Ever notice how banks and stock trading firms can afford to set themselves up in skyscrapers in the same cities where thousands are homeless?
People don't benefit from war.
Your wet dreams arent true reality
the reality is that im more successful than you so i just can leave you jealous without replying your posts. But its funny to see mad poor kazakh, just like monkey in the zoo.
I didn't mean they benefit from war, but it would be very rational for Westerners to defend their home from the russian hords. russians turn everything they touch to the shit, just look northern korea, ex-soviet republics, especialy Ukraine, especialy Donbas, especialy South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Moldova. I would die defending any european country from the fate of those. And I'm sure any sane european would also.
>an actual religion
What a fucking stupid insinuation. It's a group of intellectually stunted death fearing lowest common denominator human mediocrity worshipping any brand of woo to make them feel better about their own unwillingness to accept the nature of the human species. Be it door knockers, head loopers, or boy fuckers; all of those death cults are actual religions.
>wet dreams
>im more successful than you
wet dreams is making such conclusions knowing nothing about me. you are insane just like any true pidorussian should be.
You live in kazakhstan for christ sake
Im less successful only if you're ДПC general