Faces of Sup Forums

faces of Sup Forums

post no1263892912
people still call me attentionwhore just for posting my face

you look like you suck dicks

i could fuck you up, kid

you look 12 for fucks sake

i also draw


don't look for trouble, sven

So what's it like being depressed and gay in Russia?


Feels like poverty

I want to say you're a girl, but being on /k/ long enough makes me question that.

Why are there so many gays in Russia?

Could i pass as a local in your cunt

you look like a chink, race mixing was a msitake


you have to be 18 to post here

Yes, I am fat


Masculine societies produce tons of closet gays. Look at Arabs for example.

Fucking faggot


post another pic



Why yu hurt me so much :( We wuz allies n sheeit

you have almond eyes

Man I was totally mistaken. Indians are fucking cute. This is me by the way

Russia have 2 allies:
It's army and fleet


Frandship ended with Roossia
Amrika is my new best frand

how can they be your new best friend if they're trying to keep you out?


Not all Indians wants to move to the west, some Indians are happy that US is cutting H1B visas since it will help stopping the brain drain and will force those wannabe Americans to work in India.

>stopping the brain drain
oh right. I forgot we had that problem. Good on you guys, then.


the fuck OP
are you meant to be female or male

>implying he isn't right

I'm going to visualise you every time I see a German being autistic on Sup Forums

>I am trap and I also draw lolz xD

how original

Meddl loide

Could I pass?



Here i am once again

14/88 white pride

sup sweeties

You look like a gypsy tho.

rate me

Incredibly medicore in all honesty. Not a single thing, good or bad, about you stands out senpai.

thank you

>brown eyes

>wannabe Chad that let himself go

Come fight me, im part of neonazi group heil hitler

another pic for full rate/roast


Not a Mexican or Chicano

not a chink even though clearly look like one


Lose weight
Gain weight

Its photo of drachenlord, a german youtube autist

you look a little bit like me

los latinos senores ajajajkajaksjakssjasjsskajskj

>full hair
>steel-blue eyes
>masculine jaw
>blond beard

>posting your face on Sup Forums


me and my white northern friend


Gurl here
>tfw no int bf

good b8
