Should Hollywood ever try to make another Dragon Ball movie?

Should Hollywood ever try to make another Dragon Ball movie?

With fan films and the fights in Man of Steel i think it could work if enough time and love was put into it.

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I'l want to say yes but for some reason anime just doesn't work in live action

>Implying Evolutions isn't already kino


No. The hair is killing it.

If they do it, start at DBZ and tell the Vegeta Saga.
Take out most of snake way and you have a great movie. 60 minute ending with Nappa and Vegeta.

It's garbage. Not even trash kino.

>time and love was put into it
No one in Hollywood cares about either of those things.

>Should Hollywood ever try to make another Dragon Ball movie?
They did. It was called Project X.

Honestly, it would just look stupid in live action

I mean, it already did

i was hoping for 90 mins of goku and piccolo learning to drive

Why can't they start from the very start with a whacky ,comfy tv series of dragon ball and work their way up. Instead of all of this trash.

This desu, dragon ball has a lot of material that just won't translate well to live action, which stems from character design, to fight choreography and dialogue. I mean seriously have you seen half of the fights in the series? A lot of them take place in air or at high speed, meaning a lot of cgi would be involved and as an end result would just look awful. In order to make it work, one would have to water down alot of the source material, and the budget would also have to be ridiculously huge. Also there's not alot of actors out there I could who could portray any of the DBZ characters. The closest we got were those two fan films, light of hope and fall of man and even those were hard to watch imo.

why have all the asian american actresses in the last 15 years been unattractive?

Some fights have worked. Shot them slow then speed them up. There's different ways to make it work.
Honestly, a DBZ film of the first season could work. It's got small amount of characters and its locations are very small.

She looks like she'd be cute if she didn't have that stupid hair.

It would have been so much better if Goku wasn't white

you know this is true

It would of been much better if the script wasn't shit.

You know this is true.

>Goku is not white
>His master form is literally to turn into Hitler's Aryan wet dream

>With fan films and the fights in Man of Steel i think it could work if enough time and love was put into it.

Except those were shit. And were shit in Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball was better as a martial arts adventure epic. The whole powerhouse, shattering boulders and mountains with their fists and beamspamming fucking sucked.

As long as it's profitable I don't see why not make another one. It's not impossible to pull off a good movie, but it's pretty damn hard though. However, animu fans are always a pain the ass, so they will hate whatever they come up with anyway.

Goku is a fuckin alien, not an Asian

blond hair super saiyan has been old news for a while now you know

white guy is just so lame

Goku was meant to be a bro-tier Asian dude

goodness the blue hair/eyes is so stupid. even gogo dancer/male stripper goku is better than this design

>Asian guys
>bro tier

Doubt it. Most are douches.

Pic related I guess

Race wouldn't change anything if he was still an angsty, love sick schoolboy who got picked on by bullies.
i.e. literally the opposite of Goku's character in almost every possible way.

>hey guys what if...what if we start making dragonball again
>oh hell yeah but we pretty much hit the wall of powerful enemies right? wasnt buu like the strongest in the universe and goku stopped autoleveling after saiyan 3 right?
> yeah but if, like, not that
> what do you mean?
> i mean what if all the gods he has met were like not gods but gods that worshipped gods stronger then them who were gods and stuff and goku can become a god
> whoa man, thats amazing i guess we should start working on a design for gokus new mcguffin power boost
> nah man we'll just take super saiyan and turn it a differnt color, blue maybe
> man we're good at this storyline junk arent we
> guy guys guys, what if...multiverse?

If they are gonna do it they need to put these guys on it