When will the Japanese just admit that they want to be Australian? All of their food comes from us, and even their restaurant advertisements will say things like "made with true Australian angus beef". Japanese women are always talking about how they want to marry an Australian man and live a wonderful life in Australia. Japanese people are conscious about how they have no culture, unless cartoon depictions of well-endowed minors counts, and they are pushing to see Australia as a cultural and national role model. The Japanese are tired of their stressful work hours, they are tired of their overly spicy food, and they are tired of everyone thinking that they're Chinese. 40% of the people in Japan aged between 18-40% are virgins. Why? BECAUSE THEY ONLY WANT TO FUCK AUSTRALIANS. Can't you see it? They want to be Australian so badly!
If some Jap laughs this off and replies saying that this is bullshit, remember that while you are trying not to get fired from your company's board of directors 13 hours each day, your beautiful wife Sakura is fantasising about leaving you to fuck Dechlan Wilson from regional Queensland. YOUR WIFE DOESN'T CARE THAT WE ARE VULGAR, SHE JUST WANTS THE AUSTRALIAN COCK.
When will the Japanese just admit that they want to be Australian? All of their food comes from us...
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If you let me immigrate, i will admit.
Your wife/girlfriend can immigrate here any time :)
australia sucks
wagyu >>>> cat meat >> aussie beef
fucking this m8
shiba >>>>>>>>>>>> koala
>australia sucks
Oh, that's why Japan is #1 on the HDI, right?
australia is a shithole that has never been a champion
Stop jerking off to your past and realise that the future of Japan is Australian idealism. Japan hasn't been #1 in 24 years. Australia is barely under Norway on the HDI, and the only reason we've never been #1 is because Norway has struck oil like crazy. The only thing Japan strikes is US fleets, which is met with tactical nukes.
No seriously, how the fuck do you fall from NUMBER ONE on the HDI to number 17????
Also, Australia's rating on the HDI is rising twice as quickly as Norway's, so expect Australia to be #1 by the turn of the decade.
shut up and bring some minerals over here
that's what you are meant for
Are you okay with my 2d waifu?
lol okay, you depend on us, if we decided to stop giving you meat and minerals then your economy would collapse within 24 hours meanwhile we would be standing strong.
We are not meant to harvest minerals for you, you are meant to pay for our efforts, learn the difference. You are just another asset to Australia, and we wouldn't hesitate to replace you. Similarly, your women depend on our cocks.
Looks like someone needs another nuke for acting particularly nasty to our greatest ally. Keep in mind, that the Anglosphere owns the world, peasant. Act proper to your masters.
pull your tongue out, jesus
The only reason Japan is even a sovereign nation is because of Australia.
Hmmmm? What was that?
Sounded like a mouse squeaking in the distance.
what flag is this
Do they also get cucked by the Big Bird Cock like Aussies?
>implying we lost the emu war
Sure, Roger. Whatever you say.
Fuck of moor or we'll """test""" some nukes on Portugal too
lol the ADF pulled out of the Emu War for the government to replace them with bounty hunters. By the end of the bounties, 30k emus were killed.
Oddly upset when talking about a war you claim you won. Americans tend to do the same thing, very intriguing.
What do you mean upset? We're putting you in your place for touting bullshit. The only reason you are even a country is beecause of Anglos, so don't question our superiority.
Shhhhhh, it's alright now. The war is over, the nightmares will stop.
lol shut up you're not even a sovereign state.
t.chinese state
You are literally a Chinese state
I genuinely don't see what's wrong with this image
Now all we need is a Jew to come in here and tell you the same.
>pot calling a kettle black
This is why Australia will always be the Queen's favorite cuck.
Why are kiwis such unbelievable faggots? Just like Canada, it seems the less relevant neighbors likes to pick on the biggies because they're weak, puny, and want to get some attention from the rest of the world.
I don't doubt you, I'd probably do the same if I was a little faggot.
No wonder they got suspended from ANZUS lmfao
>using the word f*ggot unironically
kys bigot
Does New Zealand even exist?
Quite peculiar how you perform mutiny against me when I ally against your bullies. What's up with that? Hmmmm.
NZ existence is based solely to a manlet hero movie called Lord of the Rings.
don't forget lorde
propose the immigration plan to us first. why do you give only chinks and gooks and those kinds of 3rd world immigrants that privilege.
Because non-whites are the only baboons left.
we run ourselves, you are run by us
I love lorde!!!
>implying singapore has a modicum of authority
you need our money fuckboi, your gonna get rice'd soon enough
Your GDP isn't shit lol, what money
Justify your racism towards the poor malays you fucker
It's because the Nips all have brain damage from radiation and getting fucked up by the White man.
there isn't
meanwhile we will cure yours soon ;^)
You'll need asia one way or another, prepare to accept those boats
lol cunt we don't have to take any boats when they're being shot down
lol today we have singaporeans who think they matter what a fucked up world
>overly spicy food
What the fuck are you talking about?
fuckinh bump bitch
Japanese are enough smart to avoid the land of emu
Why are Chinese so obsessed with Japan?
So the Japs are smart enough to avoid Australia (they aren't), yet they they're not smart enough to avoid being the second most populous demographic of North Korea? Makes sense.
>second most populous demographic of North Korea
Norks are generally good guy except kim
Wrong. Japan is greatest ally. Australia is shit now
Angus beef is a shit meme.
>they want to be Australian
I just want your Koalas and Wombats
Angus are just bad tempered little black bastards with shit genetics, they only really kept around because they reach maturity quickly.
Hereford and Santa Gertrudis are much easier to raise, good quality beef
Stop talking shit about my girlfriend
much rather japs than chinks
you work on a farm?
Just waiting for tons of anti-austrailia meme by butthurt netouyo
I part-own a beef cattle and sheep farm
>even their restaurant advertisements will say things like "made with true Australian angus beef".
The purpose of them doing this is just to clarify for customers they are not using American beef aka the shittest quality shit. Not that we value Australian beef.
Good taste
>Japan is our greatest ally
No, they can never be our greatest allies. We nuked them twice. Remember?
What girlfriend? You realize we're too cold, and bitter to have one. Sadly independent really. Much like MGTOWs. It's the price of freedom. Sorry, but it's true, we're in fact, kissless, hugless virgins because of it. Even our lesser twin wouldn't want to date us because of our freedumbs. We're lterally the /r9k/ country of the world.
Don't worry, they're not gonna slide nuclear materials into their beef lmao
>Not that we value Australian beef.
What the fuck are you doing with 300,000 tonnes of it a year then?
We produce wagyu here too, actually a good portion of the wagyu beef in Japan is probably from Australia. Wagyu is shit anyway though, probably why it's exported because there is no market for it here.
what book is that?
Do you want to collapse diplomatic relations with Japan forever?
ahahha, this is what whitey thinks of you red button nip
stop using your rose tinted glasses
send more
>Implying an austrailian shitpost could trigger PM Abe and make him chimp out
Reminder that Australia fended off an invasion from the Japanese Empire at its peak