How do you handle depression ?

how do you handle depression ?

I listen to a shit ton of music and visit a psychologist.
If you don't visit a psychologist, you have no right to complain on the internet.

Realize that, in the long run, nothing that is making me feel bad fucking matters at all.


I sleep.

Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.



Drugs. Weed moslty


realise your body is a vessel for you. So that you are in control of your body. The go for a run and eat a healthy diet. It's probably your gut bacteria making you feel bad because you mistreat them.

martial arts and other exercise. releases endorphins which help against when I'm pretty low

I don't you cunt.

I've got avoidant personality and external locus of control you fucker.

>gut bacteria making you feel bad because you mistreat them

Direct sunlight, anaerobic exercise, and ethanol.

SSRIs and generally trying to be a nice guy to folks... a few will reciprocate and this feels good. But yeah, SSRIs are lifesavers

I'm not supposed to be depressed?

It'a true science. Depression can be treated with a faecal transplant. Take care of your gut flora and your gut flora will take care of you.
They can also cause you to feel anxiety and lethargy.


Fapping to Charlotte V from IFM (sauce on gif)

I think hes right bro ive heard something like that

Antidepressants fuckwad

I visit a Psychologist biweekly.
Doesn't mean I'm actually willing to try to fix myself.

Why aren't you willing?

hang with friends, drinks/(drugs), doing stuff I enjoy

Tell me the meaning of life and i'll get on with it

To procreate and pass on genetic information

Many reasons, most of which are part of the interconnected vicious cycles that I let control my life because I'd rather be dead than happy.

Stop being such a faggot, faggot.

As a counselor I get this a lot, and since we're here on Sup Forums I won't filter what I say.

This view of life is childish and to be honest, quite boring. You make you own meaning, the idea that we're here for some reason is stupid. We have no reason, there is no meaning so why waste energy trying to figure it out. I have clients every single day that say there's no point yet there are people who surround them who happily live lives where the meaning doesn't actually matter, as it should be.

Being happy is a choice. I'm not saying you can wake up one day and say "ok today ill be happy", I'm aware that isn't how it works, however I do know that there is no downside to being happy. While you're here you might as well enjoy it. On your deathbed, you should be able to look back and say you enjoyed it while it lasted. Who cares when it will end, how it will end, what really matters is that you're here right now and it is entirely possible to be happy without an ultimate "meaning"

i've got shit genes go figure

>how do you handle depression ?

Hot spicy food, salsa, Thai, Indian, whatever.


Been trying to stop but whenever I have a mental relapse I end up drinking again.

I don't...I'm just doing my best to hang in there for my dog so he can have a happy and healthy life (I rescued him he was badly abused so I promised him he'd never feel that pain ever again). After he's gone I'll kill myself. I'm currently looking to get my CDL and just save the cash I make over the next 8-10 years how ever long he has left and I'll travel the world once my money runs out, I'll exit this world with helium. Honestly so fucking ready to die, three years I've felt this way its been a rough ride so far gonna be a rough decade.

Daily medication

Real depression/dysphoria isn't completely treatable, there are many things you can do to mitigate the suffering but nothing ever takes the pain away completely, I'm on two medications with a healthy diet and comfortable living conditions and still mildly anxious/restless/dissatisfied constantly, although regular exercise might help but fuck that shit. Being dead is better than being alive, it's so strange to me how few people understand that and they're so scared of death, as if life is soooooooo good that you can't bear to lose it, give me a fucking break, these people are delusional. What the fuck even is happiness, like what the fuck is it, it doesn't even exist. Life is suffering and even the Buddha knew that shit. Dysphoria sucks so much ass. No highs, no lows, just a constant mid-low state that really isn't that good at all. My life isn't worth living and if dying was as simple as taking a pill, I wouldn't even be typing this. Fuck life, fuck all of it, why bother? Everyone dies anyway, what's the point of living? Just totally pointless. At least I'm reading a good book called the Dragon and the Unicorn

Mastutbation and lots of alcohol.
If nothing changes by Christmas, I'm killing myself.

Dank memes

an hero

>Being happy is a choice

Well no dipshit, it's really not. Shows how much you really know.

You black or something?

Sex is fucking boring, this proves how stupid most people are, because they really care about sex a lot.

>"people are stupid because they disagree with me"
fucking degenerate

I'm not that asshole but in some way I agree with him.... I can only speak of my own troubles but honestly I choose to feel this way because I feel I deserve it from the way I treated a person that was everything to me. I was a royal cunt and it ended badly and I choose to not let things go and tear myself down daily.

For many it is. Believing there's no way out is the first mistake too many people make.

I would rather have an entire day doing my hobby than have sex right now.

Suure when you're not in a relationship it feels like sex is important, but realistically sometimes jerking off is better than sex.

I came to that same conclusion a few years back, but ever since then I have had no real desire to put much effort into school/work. How can I be happy slaving away at a job that I don't enjoy?

everyone is a little depressed. Soul crushing depression where you don't even want to leave the bed? I leave the bed. I shower. I go out. To the store, the mall, movies, work; anywhere around people and where ill be forced to interact with people. If you don't leave your bed sometimes you fall into a deeper depression and you just keep repeating the cycle. Go out explore the world no matter how shitty it is. What's the worst that can happen? You get murdered or maimed in some horrific fashion? Shit it would still be the most interesting thing to happen to you.

Stay away from people as much as possible
Sleep 16 hours a day
Sleep at day and wake at night
Never go outside
Keep my mind busy
Never use social media

Fucking moron, sex is the only reason your dumb ass exists to look at this sad Fucking website

There are a few ways to deal with things such as jobs/schoolwork. I get many teens that are quite literally on the brink of suicide because of schoolwork. The best advice I can give about the job, is that leave work at work. Keep it out of your head when you're at home, try to keep your mind off work when you're not there. Find something constructive to occupy your mind, exercise and set goals for improvement. Not enjoying your work can indeed be horrible, but enjoy your time outside of work as much as possible.

The things you have just listed are exactly what's causing your depression.

Used to take prozac
Now i just drink and smoke
Never really found a way to deal with it, i just live with it

Move on. Leave your past self behind if you don't believe he deserves to go forward. It's hard to deal with things that you yourself have done but redemption isn't impossible. It is honestly more important for you to forgive yourself than it is for the person you're referring to to forgive you. Happiness is the most important thing you could ever think to experience. It isn't worth dragging the weight of yourself when you can let go of him and become better than that.

So do your parents but that didn't stop them did it?

Get the fuck out there and do your job.

David likes this.

Copious amounts of Liquor

You find something that you think about more than being depressed. Until you are motivated enough to even think about it, you will continue being depressed.

For it me it was music. I started to make it and now its all I think about.

Paxil and weed, the occasional night of drinking alone. Works pretty damn well.

anti-depressants, Sleeping myself to death and eating myself to death, cos my anti-depressants don't work properly.

I let it wash over me.
Then I wallow in self-pity awaiting the sweet cold embrace of death.
But sometimes I like icecream too.

I don't really have issues with depression, I only feel depressed when I'm bored. Although once I'm not bored I stop feeling depressed, so its more of having boredom issues.

Sometimes you can't really handle depression, Sometimes you can.

I try my best to surround myself by new people and things, so it keeps my mind off the things that make me sad... But even then, sometimes it's still very difficult to navigate depression, and for me? Anxiety as well.

I don't :DDDD
pls kill me

I retreat into self-pity, it's so easy
Where they patronise my misery
La Tristesse Durera
Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

Alcohol and lsd


Cocaine, whiskey, oxys and a high work load

Get out of your comfort zone. Do something stupid that you would never do, like... Like killing yourself, yeah try that


Medication (Venlafaxin) and psychology visits

Do you like milkshakes user? What flavour?


This is what works for me: You need something that occupies your brain. Some kind of project. Something that requires thought. Building an engine for a muscle car. designing a new deck for the house. Whatever you like to do that you can make a time consuming project out of that you will think about all day long. What if I do this? Should I use this or that? How much of this will I need. Research. The more you keep your mind occupied the less time you think about being depressed.

You need to change. Change everything. Change the way you breathe.

Buddhism. Mindfulness. LSD. pick any road you want, just change.

you are growing complacent.

sauce on OP please

Logic fail

I sleep, then I go fap, then I eat, then for some reason I regret everyting and blame depression and start hating it enought to try my best and avoid it

I know brother I've had long conversations with my best friend he's like a brother to me. Many times actually, I know trust me but its too long of a story to retype for Sup Forums I've done it a few times long story short I'm ok with it. I'm an atheist and the idea of not existing any more sounds so fucking good to me its ridiculous. I haven't had a hard life, and I had women before her and I'll have more in the next 8-10 years I'm sure. Can't explain it but just nothing will come close to what I felt with her, and I'm ok with it now...I've grown use to the pain but that doesn't mean I don't want it to end.

No, the logic is sound.

I sink deeper.

Drink, fap, and play video games to escape.

I'm supposed to be depressed?


Hang in there friend. I myself have come from pretty dark places and have attempted suicide before and boy am I glad it didn't work. Things do get better, it might take a few months, few years or even a few decades but eventually you will look back and you'll be glad you're here. I believe in you brother.

Can't really argue with someone who has professional knowledge about this subject, besides, it makes sense. No matter how much you try to give life a meaning, it won't matter if it's not being lived. Life's either an incredible adventure, or nothing at all.


This is true.

I ate shitty foods all the time. Started cooking for myself. Veggies, low sodium, low carbs, stopped drinking...started looking better too.

Your body will feel great. And so did my pockets.


I dont

I want to die but im too much fo a coward to do it.

Being overly horny every day seems to be a damper on the body, with dopamine and all.


Drink heavily, fap almost daily, and play vidya as a form of escapism. Basically anything to fill time or make is pass faster.

It's an endless cycle of

>Im gonna do this today
>forget about it
>feel like shit
>ill j-just do it tomorrow

ah the old ultimatum. been there
i always pushed it back

I leave them alone until they stop being a pussy about it and then start talking to them again

See a psychiatrist and find the meds that help the most.

Being happy vicariously through the people around me

Also weed, lots of it. Life doesn't suck when you're too fucked up to notice

ive always managed to snap out of it, much like most of the people I know, unless you have genuine dopamine/serotonin imbalance you CAN just fucking get over it, despite what all the shitty infographics and shitty comics say. Stop being a loser.

By spendin gall of my time distracting myself from it, and knowing that I do not fear any supernatural afterlife and can kill myself whenever the hell I feel I've had enough