I've never been to a concert

I've never been to a concert

>frogposters avoiding social experiences
holy shit

Me neither. I don't wanna go alone, but I have no one to go with.

Swans had a concert in my city few months ago but I didn't go because nobody wanted to go with me.

I went to see the Moonlandingz by myself a few months ago, was fucking dope

Just go, no one gives a fuck

They genuinely suck, I've enjoyed very few of the concerts I've been to.

>tfw you've seen 300+ bands live

You aren't missing much. The playing is never as good as on the record, and other people being around just makes things annoying.

go alone fag

fuck you I'm a virgin

It's funny because many of the concerts I attended were actually 100x better than the records and that was not only my opinion.