
>dubs again
fokkin hell m8 not again

Sup Forums possible got someone killed


90% sure this is b8 at this point

anyone got the posts after these messages?

shits gun b gud


ask for his name


judging by timestamp, he might've commented on the last thread. Someone in the same writing style as him was posting.

Fucking faggot killed the fun

Think he's just trolling you at this point


OP is gone. It was the only way to move forward

he seems to really like you, he wont reply to me anymore. KEEP PUSHING FOR A NAME

Kid, it's time for bed. This whole situation has been extremely boring.

If this wasn't a b8 to start with, it's moot now.


so fake

Nothin' personnel, right?

Stopped replying to me too. Now we'll have to see what happens from him now then

Hey but this is the first I've heard about this, I'm intrigued.


time to begin the search

I know this is probably fake and all but I'm really enjoying myself here.

oh fucking shit nigger, keep it going

Good job user. Now use speech 100 to convince him into telling us what he did,his address, and his sexual orientation.

The. Fucking. Box.

What's in the box?

Fake and gay and checked

What's in the box?

This is fucking stupid

A fucking box?

This better not be maximum level bait into spongebobs embarrasing christmas photos


>not knowing about the box

Purple text guy here.
I'm suspecting this is going to turn into a spongebob christmas party.

Idk where the fuck I'm taking this

Op here, I'd be pissed if I followed this thread for this long only to learn it was bait


It probably is but it's entertaining and at this point I'm hoping someone died

we got baited nigs

God here.

You dumbfucks should have realized it was bait from the beginning.

Thanks for the kek's, faggots!

Like original OP?

It was a fun ride, atleast

I think we can all agree this is b8 at this point. I, however, am having fun

Funny how "killer's" grammar sucks so bad now compared to the beginning. Hmmm

I think hes trying to hide the christmas pictures. Theres probably a secret compartment holding them

Tell him to go back and take pictures of what he did for the box. Then you can tell him how to cover it up from pics

Purple text guy here. Unusually long response time = neckbeard currently searching for a random intersection in Elizabeth NJ on Google maps

I'm more curious of what is IN the box. like wtf

Alright we can all go home now.

Also if he was 5 min away from Mark's house and went there, wouldn't he had found "the box" by now by looking around?

Not even a punchline : ' c

Well it was fun while it lasted

Nah. Saying whats in the box sounds like more bait. Pics of carnage would prove something. Then move onto box.

Night fuckers

check em

You're the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved, purpletext. Night.

Bitch where

Knew it from the beginning. More fun than trap threads, at least.

kek I ended up doing the "your mother will die.." post last thread, instead of OP. :p

So did a mod just put his own number on blast?

Checked. The mods are watching.

Honestly, kinda a faggot move. Not gonna lie. Lot of effort put out with I guess a worthy reason(?) but kinda a faggot move.

might just be a throwaway number.

Thread Over.

Original OP here.

Night everyone. oh btw check these