Weirdest food you've ever eaten. Mine is fried spiders

Weirdest food you've ever eaten. Mine is fried spiders

frog legs.... i know it's nothing special

they tasted like chicken wings

>fried spiders

does paper count? I actually enjoy that.

Had them recently too, fucking loved them

Fish eyes
Tastes like a jelly with no flavor

jesus christ, where? like that pic?

a bagel


Had fried crickets once. They're acutally pretty good, like bbq chips (crisps) and they're really crunchy.



Ramen noodles with spaghetti sauce, chili powder, and crushed doritos.

dude, those spiders look good, what does that taste like?

they're amazing dude. dip em in soy sauce

i make weird spreads as well. try, ramen, nacho cheese, crunched up takis, and chili. good stuff .

Some Asian bullshit my ex whore made me, it tasted like ass but what are you gonna do right, she swallows semen.

duck tongue
tastes like ham

Cum Nuggets

where can i acquire duck tongue?

some exchange student brought it from china when i was in high school

A couple magnets for 50 bucks

fried alligator

An obese Mexican woman's pussy

Fried crickets. Wasn't as bad as I expected, they just kinda turn to dust as soon as they hit your mouth. It's like eating sunflower seeds.

cow brains.
its delicious, id eat it every day if i could.

its known as barbacoa in mexico.
sometimes made from cheeks and tongues.

but brains are where its at

i have a friend who loves ramen noodles with kool aid powder in it.

yall should try that

i got really high one time and made a pbj sandwhich.

but i had no bread so i made pancakes and used those instead of bread.

was a terrible idea.

eating warm melty peanut butter is extremely difficult.

I'd rather put kool-aid mix in my bleach cocktail, thank you.

ah, your a gentleman i see.
fine taste
my mistake user.

Got high once and made hotdogs but then had a weird craving to put peanut butter on them. Probably the worst food combo that can exist, it simply won't go down. I doubt anyone could eat a peanut butter hotdog.

I've tried it. sweet and sour prison noodles.

Deep-fried scorpions. Not bad.

I'll go out of my way to try weird shit, and the only thing I've ever encountered that I just cannot enjoy is sea squirt, 海鞘. Ammonia is not a good flavour.

somehow they look potentially delicious to me.

Barbacoa means barbecue not brains. Cabeza is meat from the head that is cooked. Lengua is cow tounge.

You're thinking of sesos which I doubt you've actually had.


barbacoa is the name of the prepared food, not the parts that it comes from.

barbacoa is made from brain cheek and tongue.