Is hip-hop really music?
Is hip-hop really music?
Not really, no
God I fucking hate this whore.
Also hip-hop is music but for niggers
Should hip hop get its own board?
It will the ghetto Sup Forums lmao.
>i only listen to real music like blues and prog rock
this is why you're still a virgin
I don't listen to blues nor to prog rock, I'm a virgin because I'm autistic, nice try faggot
You managed to post the 2 genres that are even more boring than hip-hop.
there'd be waifu threads for ratchet ass r&b singers, chance the rapper in a wig would be grimes, 10 active wutang threads at any given moment discussing who is the better member, a bunch of '>rap more like crap' spammers, a bunch of people larping black people and that one guy that won't shut the fuck up about aesop rock
let's go
>you're taste in music will get you laid
This is what Sup Forumstants actually believe. kek
Not him but I really wish it were true. Almost everyone I know who gets laid is pleb as fuck.
Hip hop is poetry laced over an instrumental. Yes, it is music.
Does it even matter? What's your endgame with these threads?
Who is she? I wanna hate her too!
Is Avant-Garde Jazz music?
The notion that it isn't music comes from the fact that it's often built off of samples or beats made on a computer. I fail to see why music made on a computer isn't music. Also, sampled music is still music. Plus there's plenty of hip hop made with traditional instruments performed specifically for the album that aren't sampled or digitally produced.
Kendra Sunderland I think
if you want to get laid all you need to do is listen to the everyday bro with the disney channel flow
The overdone opinion in should get its own board t b h
STPeach, she's a Twitch steamer
Yes but it's on the lowest tier
y u a bitch
is OP really straight?
who dis
>are the things i don't like still things?