>be me
>be Aussie
>abbos stealing my money
>Muslims stealing my jobs
>Wogs stealing my Nikes
>NZ stealing my internet
>go to Centrelink
>"sorry sir, we've introduced the new Abbocuck 2.0 pension, all your tax now goes toward Aboriginal welfare"
>left penniless by my own inferior natives
Be me
>be me
>be autistic
>get to join in on the NEETbucks
I swear to fucking god those Tea Towel Head Cunts are going to cop it now that Malcolm Turnbull is trying to be like Trump
>be me
>fights for indigenous rights
>went to Reconciliation marches
>jumped two weeks ago for my new nikes
>the most inferior shit skins known to man
I didn't think autisim got neetbux
>Malcolm Turnbull is trying to be like Trump
Have you not read the news in a week?
Not a boomer mate
>NZ stealing my internet
How do we know you aren't just a Kiwi shitposting from a dinghy off the coast of Tasmania?
Our border patrol would be onto him by now mate
I'm dredging up broadband from the sea floor.
where did you source these alternative facts from?
you've got to Fight to make things Right.
Do it, Aussies.
"I'm a rich man, no-one can buy me."
"Australians should have priority for Australian jobs."
"We need to put Australia first."
"Immigrants must accept Australian values."
That's not Trump. All of our politicians have always said that shit.
The absolute fucking irony coming from the nation which manages to brainwash its citizens into fighting for the rights of corporations and foreign political interests to further intrude on the rights of the people.
Fucking wew lad, you cunts have no sense of self awareness at all.
t. melbourne
Well, atleast I'm not some weakling vegetarian liberal from Melbourne. I have solace knowing that I could probably beat whiners like you up anytime, anywhere.
prove him wrong
>he doesn't know what liberalism is and he thinks it's the same everywhere in the world
lighten up bruce