Let's talk about video games Sup Forums

Why do you stay behind your computer playing with strangers user ?

Why don't you go play a sport game in your local club and create bonds with other people instead of buying FIFA and Madden ?

Why don't you take your car/bicycle/skate/whatever to explore places you live near and draw/photograph or just taking a hike instead of spending countless hour on artificial open world games ?

Why do you come back here despite knowing it by heart instead of actually meeting searching people in real life with the same interests ?

Why don't you join your local RP club or write stories instead of wasting your time on video games RPG ?

Why don't you go to your local paintball/airsoft field or association and meet new people while shooting each other for fun, or a shooter club instead of craving unfulfilling FPS every months ?

Why don't you join the nearest dojo/gym and build yourself a body and learn useful skills by fun instead of spending time on stupid fighting games ?

Why do you keep playing lonely sim games instead of entering in a flying school/auto club or even RC clubs ?

Why do you waste time playing competitive shit like MOBA or RTS when it brings absolutely 0 pratical values nor happiness on the long run, just an endorphin shoot ?

Why aren't you chasing and flirting with women instead of masturbing from a cucked pov on girls you will never touch ?

You blame degeneracy on fags, jews, niggers, women and other various reasons but a lot of you are the most degenerates because you don't take your responsibility of young healthy men, you live in escapism instead of making the effort to build your own reality.

What the point of being lucid on society if you just stay out of it whining on everybody ?

The truth is if internet disappears tomorow you will be just like a crackwhore in withdrawal state unable to find numbness anymore who will probably seek another way of self destruction like drugs or alcohol.

Because i cant invade russia with my allies the habsburgic empire and germany like in victoria 2

I play video games to run away from the real world, there's nothing out there for me. Ever since my dad died, I'm depressed as fuck.

Why dont you actually win a war?

Not an argument

That double line reddit spacing.
You have to go back.

I've moved to a different part of the country from most people I know. Video games can be a way for me to keep in touch with them.

Hey user, my dad died in February, it totally blows. When I get depressed I try and imagine him looking down and hoping I'm not being a depressed little faggot then I suck it up and go mow the grass.

Like you can talk about winning wars, Kraut.

Other people annoy me too much. They expect constant attention and rarely warrant any.

>playing liquor factory simulator
>playing map painting simulator
>playing incest simulator
>playing w40k simulator
When will these memes finally end?

i lift weights and play csgo
i'd play dnd or pathfinder but no one plays it near me

As good as you can keep an empire Achmed

Because I'm preparing for the day we're all uploaded into a supercomputer and live out our own personal universes as gods.

I'm sorry for your loss. Coming from my own experience, even though the pain of that kind of grief doesn't go away, eventually you can be happy again. You won't "move on" but you'll develop some kind of equanimity, a bit of acceptance.

Becuase i find it fun.

Same here. Singularity is a hell of a drug.

>Stop playing video games
>Become more attractive
>Give girls more attention and money

Written by a very lonely and very bitter woman, no doubt


I-I just can't leave the computer it takes all my time

Stop projecting, nobody read a condensated paragraph here.

All I see is excuses and justifications, if you really disagreed deep down, you would not need to justify yourself.


money mainly

gaming is a circle of futility

You wish I would, to avoid a depressing and painful introspection.

If video games cause this much triggering I will play them all of the time.

I don't need to use a justification to play video games. I don't always play with my friends, it's just neat to have the option now and then.

well you asked

That wall has a pretty crooked nose.

I think it's really bizarre how people apply their thought process.
>Wtf why are you inside all day playing video games? Don't be such a loser.
It's so intellectually lazy. Instead of asking "what would cause a person to ignore real life activities in prefer to stay in and play games?" it's just a knee jerk hateful attack without asking any questions or exploring things intellectually.

Maybe there's a reason so many young men are opting out of social activites. Maybe social activities today are fucking shitty. Like really, paintball and airsoft and karate? Hobbies require time and effort. If I want to go camping I have to invest a considerable amount of time and resources and I have to organize with friends who also have limited time and money. Paintball and airsoft, you'd have to buy equipment or rent it, which would still take a considerable amount of money.

Video games are cheap. I spent $15 on CSGO and I have over a thousand hours on it. I can play with my friends and not have to spend a huge amount of time organizing and planning things. Karate classes obviously are an investment too. Getting people together for PnP RPGs can be a pain in the ass. Video games aren't the lazy option, they're the economic option. Why would I spend weeks looking for a group to play D&D in my city, having people fall through, have to deal with unsavory people, gross people, shitty people, etc. when I can just load up Baldur's Gate 2 and play a really really good D&D campaign?

I think if you just start to look at things from an objective perspective, instead of just casting around blame, things start to really make sense. A lot of hobbies are luxuries, and not everyone has a fuckload of time/money to throw around.

holy shit

Smells like pasta to me
Also all things in good proportions, learn to moderate and I see no reason to stop, exess is dangerous but abstinance gives you nothing.

Well, you could also play D&D online, it's only tough to get real big groups going, but even then it really depends on how people manage their time. So long as the whole group works normal hours, there should be at least a few hours every week that everyone is free at the same time.

And online there's no travel time.

>instead of spending countless hour on artificial open world games ?
>instead of buying FIFA and Madden ?
>instead of wasting your time on video games RPG ?
>instead of craving unfulfilling FPS every months ?
>instead of spending time on stupid fighting games ?
>Why do you keep playing lonely sim games
>Why do you waste time playing competitive shit like MOBA or RTS

>Why do you play [insert game type here] instead of [insert an equivalent irl activity here]?
Because the last time someone who likes to play world conquest games tried it irl pic related happened.

Why don't you go play a sport game in your local club and create bonds with other people instead of buying FIFA and Madden ?
>I don't like sport games like Fifa and etc. I play tennis once a week with friends.

Why don't you take your car/bicycle/skate/whatever to explore places you live near and draw/photograph or just taking a hike instead of spending countless hour on artificial open world games ?
>There's no nice places to explore here, I'm not in france...
Why don't you join your local RP club or write stories instead of wasting your time on video games RPG ?
>Why not both? also wtf is your local RP club? in university?
Why don't you go to your local paintball/airsoft field or association and meet new people while shooting each other for fun, or a shooter club instead of craving unfulfilling FPS every months
>Planning something with friends, the people in my army division should do paintball sometime (they do that sort of thing)
Why don't you join the nearest dojo/gym and build yourself a body and learn useful skills by fun instead of spending time on stupid fighting games?
>No time for that, but I'm going to start to work out at home.
Why do you keep playing lonely sim games instead of entering in a flying school/auto club or even RC clubs?
>sim games

Why do you waste time playing competitive shit like MOBA or RTS when it brings absolutely 0 pratical values nor happiness on the long run, just an endorphin shoot ?
>Moba is shit. RTS is not.
It's not just an endorphin shot. There's something called hobbies.
Why aren't you chasing and flirting with women instead of masturbing from a cucked pov on girls you will never touch?
>On nofap, working on that.

The truth is if internet disappears tomorow you will be just like a crackwhore in withdrawal state unable to find numbness anymore who will probably seek another way of self destruction like drugs or alcohol.
>I would just lose some of my hobbies.

can't become MILITARY RULER OF ALLL JAPAN without spending decades of my life in nippon military

>That wall has a pretty crooked nose.


I hit the gym and do shit in real life aswell
Vidya is a very good timewaster when you literally have nothing else to do

Because my health has been failing me for years and I only just figured out what it is and how to possibly recover, and am making slow progress

But hopefully I will do a lot of those things again, but I won't ever stop playing vidya. Unless something like star citizen never gets made which kinda seems to be the case I guess

1)Because the people I meet irl daily on the street are insufferable pieces of human trash

2. I derive no pleasure from sports games, irl or video game.

3. Because the worlds on my screen are far more interesting

4. See #1

5. I do write and make art.

6. See# 1

7. working out is work. I do enough of that shit.

8. Because that doesn't involve

9. I don't play games to learn values, nor do I expect them to make me happy. They're an escape. A distraction.

10.See # 1

11. As if I could make a difference against the hordes of degenerates. Being degenerate is mainstream now, in case you haven't noticed.

12. Just because I don't like reality and want to escape it most of the time doesn't mean I don't want to know what's actually going on from time to time. Real life does affect me, whether I like it or not. I'd like to know what to expect is coming.

13. If the entire internet disappeared I would assume the 2nd civil war/ww3 has begun and the grids have been shut down, which would be a time of rejoicing.

turn your fucking graphics up holy shit.




8. because it INVOLVES interacting with actual people. see #1

Because everyone but me sucks ass

took that years ago on my shitty laptop
amazed I logged 200 hours on that piece of shit

I don't really blame anybody, people here are a lot like me: young western male in their early 20's and I know the best way to have a meaningful conversation is to trigger them enough.

>Maybe there's a reason so many young men are opting out of social activites. Maybe social activities today are fucking shitty. Like really, paintball and airsoft and karate? Hobbies require time and effort. If I want to go camping I have to invest a considerable amount of time and resources and I have to organize with friends who also have limited time and money. Paintball and airsoft, you'd have to buy equipment or rent it, which would still take a considerable amount of money.

Video games are cheap. I spent $15 on CSGO and I have over a thousand hours on it. I can play with my friends and not have to spend a huge amount of time organizing and planning things.

Martials arts class are cheap as fuck, rarely more than 50$/month in the US for illimited number of session, in Europe with all the subventions it is almost free.

Airsoft full quality gear+uniform price is around 600$, paintball cost much more though but that not much than a really cheap gaming station.

Unless you are a pinoy or a russian price barrier for most hobbies is a lie, especially when avid gamers spend a lot of money on upgrades, accessory or even goodies.

Like you pointed it is time and effort which poses problem, why the western youth is more and more stucked in his room behind a screen ?
Why are we a generation of depressed faggots ?

>implying that everything about playing video games is related to some some deep seeded psychological issue

I play Vidya cause it's fucking fun you faggot ass frog

>overpayed for a generic meme game he plunged 1000 hours into
>blames everyone else for his shit taste

Oh yeah, also this.

They're just... fun. People doing things they enjoy, how about that?

Is your pic Shogun 2 running your new PC?

Inspire moi OP

because in Sims i can have a big house and improve my career in less than 3 hrs.

I think where we find ourselves as young people is more symptomatic of our sick economy than anything else. I could spend the weekend camping with friends, spending a few hundred dollars on equipment, food, etc. but I have homework. I have to study for tests. I am learning a language in my spare time (to make my CV look more impressive) and I have to dedicate free time to that.

I really do think this is all a function of academic pressure and a shitty economic situation. Young people have to dedicate themselves to their studies to ensure they get a good, well paying job, which doesn't leave them with much free time. And the part time work they're able to find while in school doesn't leave them with much money.


using an old dell monitor from 2007 though

1. I don't
2. I play Lacrosee
3. I live in a coastal welsh town with a lovely beach
4. I find Sup Forums funny
5. >RP
6. >paintball
7. >martial arts
8. I don't
9. Can't argue with that
10. I am
11. I'm not a degenerate
12. Because I live in the United Islamic Kingdom
13. I drink pretty much every day anyway

The real world sucks.
Real women are not worth my time or money.
Videogames and anime and the 2D world in general are superior in every way.

what if i play videogames with the people and firends i know and have in real life ?

2D boipussy>2D poon

It's funny all you have to do is change those things a little bit and you got a needy girlfriend

>Why do you always go to play those stupid sports with your friends
>Why do you always take your car/bicycle/skate/whatever to explore places and then draw and photograph them
>Why do you always go out with those racist neckbearded losers
>Why are you always wasting your time with writing and hanging in that dumb RP club
>Why are you always going to that dumb paintball thing
>Why are you always doing that martial arts thing it's stupid and violent
>Why are you always watching porn don't you love me anymore

And to answer your question why do I play video games? Because they are cheap and fun.

>There's no nice places to explore here, I'm not in france...

Bullshit, Israƫl is Mediterrannea, there is beautiful landscapes and places to see, I live in what I considered a desert shithole in northern France until 2 years, then I realized there was a lot to see simply in a 50km perimeter.

I don't play CSGO, I just forgot the >

For 30 uninteresting/stupid/scummy people there is one you can actually have fun with and build a solid friendship which is ton of fun and pros in everyday life.

Telling yourself that you are forever alone while stopping all efforts to socialize and deciding to act like a misanthrop is so fucking dumb that we can consider it /mlp/ level.

Too much effort for too little music.

Spoken like a true faggot kike.

Gassing you > letting you live

I stream LoL for six hours a day. It's the only thing that makes me feel remotely accomplished even though I'm not doing much.

I work retail overnight, no friends, no GED, zero accomplishments in life and far too old in my 30s to start anything.

I play videogames and go out to the pub on the weekend, get drunk and chat up girls (failing most of the time)

Its all about balance

If its the escapism that keeps you in your room replace it with a drug habit

Rude tbqhwyl


Sorry senpai

I'm not acting like a misanthrope, I AM a misanthrope. I seriously hate people and the stupid bullshit they do. I cannot wait to watch this world burn.

I can't find the energy to bother sifting through mountains of shitty people to find one that may or may not end up being genuinely worth it. I used to try that, but really, it's just not worth the time, resources, and energy. If I happen to stumble upon some one cool, great. Otherwise, fuck it.

Livin' the dream, eh mate?

You know why.

Agreed. We're worth more than nothing.

Oh but I do ,OP! I go to the rifle and pistol ranges a good bit. Wish I had more time and money/ I'd go every day.

This is a very long post typed up by a femanon using shaming tactics. A lot of femanons go on Sup Forums, specifically Sup Forums, and endlessly talk about "WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD MEN GONE"?, not realizing that boys won't date them because they are autistic sluts with poor social skills and they are just trash in general.

Woman up, femanons. It's time for you to be Real Women, where have all the Real Women gone?

How can real women compete?