Yfw you realize almost all of the music you listened to as a teen was complete shit

>yfw you realize almost all of the music you listened to as a teen was complete shit

post good 2000s music, there has to be some
no strokes, interpol, arcade fire, tv on the radio, phoenix, peter bjorn and other insipid trash like that pls




311 isnt shit.




come on



Great taste most of you

All.of those are great bands you listed
More pls

Last one from me.


lol no
get real







I'm serious when I say this is the best rock album ever made.



investigate 311

Also see Kid A/ Amnesiac


Good album


The music I listened to then is currently my guilty pleasure music now lol, anything by Blink-182/that whole genre

Please don't shit up the thread.

My fault:(



this thread has been mostly great

Here's another one buddy

why not 1999?

Because 1999 was released in 1999
>post good 2000s music


someone take one for the team and make another troll grimes thread

damn I'm retarded

libertines were pretty good besides the fact that pete doherty was a pretentious cunt



How the fuck is Interpol insipid, come on man