How to solve peace in the middle east?

How to solve peace in the middle east?

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Definitely not with guns...

kill all muslims


Blow up Jerusalem so nobody can have it and force all the Israelis to relocate to another continent. Palestine is restored and the Jews can pretend they own somewhere else

you see the problem lies not in the middle east but elsewhere where people earn from all the conflict.
look at the weapons do you think they would have supplied all of their weapons for themselves on their own?
look at the areas where the conflicts emerge, it is clear that these lands have a long history of resource richness (particularly in oil) thereby spurning the nation into fighting on who takes the lion's share.

Neutron bomb the whole fucking lot of them. Wait a few weeks for the radiation to clear. All done. No more savages. Lots of space for modern, civilised society to use

you think that will cause the muslims to stop being batshit insane and wanting to kill everyone that's not a muslim?
it's part of their religion. convert everyone to islam, kill those that resist.

taking it back to the root human nature of greed that's really all there is to it. this conflict arising from the middle east is nothing but an externality of the transactions of the oil trade, and the prospects of encroaching countries that want the resources


>few weeks

Nuke israel, syria, iran and Pakistan. That will be a good start.

Put (put back) a dictatorship strong enough to BEND all these motherfuckers. These animals cannot act as civilized without a huge THREAT.
Democracy is definitely not for them.

Literally nobody wants there to be peace.


yes (137/140)
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you forgot saudi arabia and as for israel, they need it twice.


Seriously, why do you care? You actually think Muslims and Arabs will actually, wholeheartedly, except Jewish colonialism?

Use you fucken brain, EMPATHIZE. This will never, NEVER, happen!

The absolute best, most humane and right thing to do is to LEAVE THE MIDDLE EAST THE FUCK ALONE! Stop trying to save, change, democratize, other people. Do you want an outside group shoving their ideas down your throat?

>where people earn from all the conflict
actually that's the middle east
> they would have supplied all of their weapons for themselves on their own?
> these lands have a long history of resource richness (particularly in oil) thereby spurning the nation into fighting
you literally just said the problem lies not in the middle east, you know what they also have a long history of? total violence.


that's pretty much exactly what the house of saud and the rothchilds would like you to think.

Hydrogen and atomic bombs.

Plenty of them.

Wipe it off the face of the earth.

>Do you want an outside group shoving their ideas down your throat?
You mean like the zionists, the elite, the globalists, and the governments and banking, oil and drug cartels?

I bet you never seen a jew in your life, yet you hate them because you were told to.

For the rest you're right.

Tactical nukes

literally this. Did your boss yell at you OP?

>Send asians to the middle east to solve their issues.


jews want a good reason for the world to hate muslims and to kill muslims with out anyone saying how it is bad

christians want to kill muslims and want to serve jews

americans and the west want to sell weapons jews and msulims do that

the west want there to be a distabled area so they can buy oil in a cheap price and keep the east from buying oil

arab dictators want to keep controll of there country and kill any rebelions and the top dogs such as saudi arabia and israel want to stay top dogs so need a weaker regional countries around them

The western leaders/big companies such as google want greater power to snoop on you they can make new laws based on this thanks to to the fear of terrorists

so yes with terrorism every one wins

Stop the United States

Jews want war because it helps them to keep society of Israel militarised & agressive.

This should help

Stop them from what? Doing the bidding of the Saudis and Israelis?


Your analysis is flawed and highly inaccurate.

Not all Muslims act/think that way. Way to spread the hate there kid.

self-proclaimed proclaiming the self-proclaimed self-proclaimed

why would you nuke islam?

Hey, yeah, that's exactly what I mean.

Easy, get rid of the petrodollar.

As far as they are concerned I exist only to be converted, subjugated or killed. Why shouldn't I preemptively defend myself and my country?


They're the ones spreading the hate by beheading infidels. If the 'good ones' that you say exist, would stop the few that are out there killing in the name of allah then the world wouldn't have a plague like it does. But no, they just sit back and keep their mouths shut, never once denouncing the murders that are committed in the name of their religion.

LOL. Where is my post do you see hate?

Even in anonymity you make your own religion identifiable. Try taking some responsibility instead of proving your haters right that members of your religions are genetically incapable of doing so.

You're made because of your revulsion of truth.

>How to solve peace in the middle east?
Solving peace in the Middle East would just cause a conflict somewhere else to spring up. The Military-Industrial Complex needs a demand for it's supply.


>How to solve peace in the middle east?

Kill all the Jews.

Christians have killed as well, how come the other Christians didn't stop them?

There are extremists in every religion, can't just condemn them all because of the actions of a few lunatics.

uhm islam-muslim 2 different things? what?

>would just cause a conflict
>Military-Industrial Complex needs
dear niggerpilled nigger:
ask yourself: what role does human nature play in repeating human conflict throughout history, long before the word 'industry' had a definition?
then kys

Seriously? 'Not all (insert protected group here) are like that'? The ones that 'aren't' are still going to stand by and do nothing while the ones that are are blowing shit up, running people over, chopping people up, JUST AS THEY HAVE BEEN. None of them are on your side. That's the way they are conditioned in the mosques (us vs. them), and those in the west who don't get it or are too stupid to accept that it is us or them will reap what they sow.

Muslim means " one who submits". Islam is what they're submitting to.

yeah, because that worked out so well for saddam and mummar.


True, but Islam is and always has been a Politico-Religious system. It was invented by a violent soon-to-be warlord, remember.

>Christians have killed as well, how come the other Christians didn't stop them?
Actually, yes other Christians did stop them in the many reformations of the religion. They moved past it hundreds of years ago, while those shithands you're defending are still stuck in the middle ages, dumbass. It isn't a religion, either, it is a theocratic system. You should study up on them instead of blindly going along with the righteous hashtag lovefor (insert site of terror attack) crowd.

People can say what they want about saddam, no al Qaeda or Isis running around killing and destroying whs while he was in power.




>hundreds of years ago..

Google Jim jones or David koresh and learn something kid.

Nuke Mecca


No shit sherlock. you should brush up on your comprehension... since it seems you need it spelled out for you, saddam and qadaffi got hit because they were going to trade oil for gold, as opposed for dollars. as a result both of those countries which in the past had a relatively high standards of living in comparison with the region are fubar and libya is no longer preventing passage of extremists to europe. so as a response to user who said getting rid of petrodollar was the answer to peace, i used those two examples, hopefully you can read well enough to get it now...

nice cherry picking, assclown, and the disparity of numbers of casualties is beyond laughable. i'm not dependent on search engines either, fuccboi, I've been around long enough to actually have had to use internalized knowledge, back in the days when colleges taught people how to think instead of what to think, idiot.

Wow so much anger...

I understood the whole thing right from when I first posted petrodollar, but if your little angry rant made you feel better or made your dick hard then more power to you buddy!

>cherry picking

Alright.,,just go away kid, I'm done with you.

>oh shit, i have no refutation
>i know, i'll call them 'kid' instead
nice counter argument retard.
never change, Sup Forums.

j'ai ready's?

>I understood the whole thing right from when I first posted petrodollar
if you think it's as simple as that, you demonstrate yourself to be nowhere near 'understanding'.

By supporting the immortal science of democratic confederalism

send them more goats

Fuck them up indiscriminately and discreetly.

Kill all' news and muslims. Nuke makkah, telaviv, Jerusalem, Cairo, Teheran and all' Major cities. Steal news Money afterwards.

Take off and nuke the place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Appoint 36yo with zero knowledge or experience in Mid East to bring peace while simultaneously fixing the VA and the entire federal government. Oh, and while also creating the dept of American innovation.
Yeah. That should solve it quick smart.
i.e:Jared Kushner.

Do you go around in public and walk up to as many random total strangers as possible and say, "Hello, I am a fucking retard, and I just need to let you and as many people as possible know it."? Because that is, in essence, what you are doing here with your post. Also, you're a pussy with that passive aggressive snarky bullshit, but you probably think you're being clever, yes?

You have presented nothing except for insults.Your "argument" is absolutely 4th grade in construction.I mean wtf, i dont even care about politics.But at least i could discuss them given opportunity.

0/10 had to reply because your autistic self importance needs to be put in check

No, dipshit.
OP asked a question, and I simply gave the official whitehouse policy on solving one of the worlds most intractable problems.
So. In essence, your response is actually aimed at the president of the most powerful country on earth.
Thanks for being engaged user.

this isn't a debate or in any way a formal argument. however, you and those like you are still massive gaping fagholes, so nice going with your total fail at putting me 'in check', hope your retarded little attempt at self righteousness made you feel better though (not really).

>I simply gave the official whitehouse policy
no you didn't, fucktard.
liberals always lie, liberals always double down, liberals always project.

Stop treating it as a Abrahamic faith theme park and let them hash it out themselves. Whoever wins, there will be one less enemy to deal with, and in smaller numbers.

Actually, dickhead. I'm not a fucking liberal. That's not projection. And it is the fucking WH policy. Insofar as it can be called a policy. You knee jerk cock swaddler. You don't have to be a libtard to see it's a disgrace and embarrassment. You just have to be able to read.

Extremely Simple:

Kill all fucking brown people who praise the religion of hate, fuck it kill all the brown people.

Ban praising Allah

World Peace

Dont worry about it... Donald Trump has already claimed that he will solve the problem. And we all know that he has a very smart brain right?

Were the Egyptian pyramids built by the wind?

i mean you could have presented an opinion,but you didn't.All you did was go on a half coherent diatribe.

>Those and those like you

Not Op and a strong generalization is a sign of a weak mind,cry harder

You're right, Hillary is the solution...Get out liberal fucktard

>Insofar as it can be called a policy
so not a policy then?
also, while you may or may not be a liberal, you remain a retarded faggot. so there's that.

turn those rifles upside down faggot and put their helmets on them

>being this retarded
>being this much of a triggered fag
>trying this hard

destroy israel

You dumb, illiterate fucktard.
That's my point exactly. The current policy isn't any sort of fucking policy for one of the world's most intractable problems.
You have the literacy competition of a nigger.

Everyone knows how.

Ban religion.

>current policy isn't any sort of fucking policy
choose one, you extra-chromosome having steaming pile of waste.

peace is solved with bullets


>pretending to have some highground
>using pepe
>reee in piss

you are one of those "kekistani" retards aren't you?

What is he going to do without religion (?) Behead his friend for being gay (?)
No, he'll just start working to feel happy.
Why you are all retarted