How do I detach myself from all my emotions and stop caring about what other people think of me?

How do I detach myself from all my emotions and stop caring about what other people think of me?
Anxiety is crippling my life and making me depressed. I just view emotions as a burden now.

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Become a Witcher.

I'm a sociopath. I have no empathy and feel no emotions outside of anger and brief fleeting joy. I use the people who care about me and manipulate those around me for my benefit. My existence is hollow and meaningless, and I wish I were dead. I am jealous of people who love each other and can format connections. To love and be loved is my greatest dream, but I am simply incapable of feeling it.

Enjoy what you have. You're luckier than you think.

Ive had this problem for years. Not fapping helps. I developed a method of enjoying my own presence to the point that people became attracted by the vibes. Literally not caring what people think or say is the easiest part. Loving yourself is the key factor user

no you're not, dexter is a shitty show

What did you say?

You take that back asshole

I often wish I was a sociopath so I don't have to feel things so strongly. My emotions hurt me so much to the point that a single moment of embarrassment can make me severely depressed for weeks. I'd rather feel nothing than feel emotions.

Being alone makes me feel so insecure because I feel like people think I'm a freak due to my lack of friends. I wouldn't be able to be comfortable by myself.

Imagine being so lonely you want to stay in bed and cry. But you can't cry. Interacting with others doesn't do anything to assuage the loneliness. Faking a relationship with somebody doesn't help because it's just constant lying, and sex is the most unpleasant thing in the end world. Being touched makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm not some badass serial killer or dashing casanova. I'm a broken thing that doesn't mesh with human social behavior.

You don't want this. Work on what you have. You can get better. Work on your confidence and learn to like yourself.

Ummm im really stoned and share my secrets but sure. Get some Escoploritin its tiny tiny pill. It makes your brain more wet and calm. Pay close attention so you know what fuel you got. Last like 17 hrs. You may be overexcited and miss it but try not to.
Smoke weed, you go into your zone easier.
Do Binarual Beats for meditating youll be able to nonstop meditate when you get gud.
Dont try to impress anyone or flirt those are trap doors.
After a day week month youll be a high meditating machine!
I can do anything. Stress. Fear ect but I only do it cause im stuck right now I do miss my friends. Its been like 8 months ill get internet next week. Im a survivor.

why do you care?

Unrelated to OP but I've thought I was a sociopath for a long time now. Do you have to fake every facial expression to look normal like me?

Hang around people long enough and soon you'll stop caring about them.

I used to care what people thought about me and I became an alcoholic because of it.
you have a life. I'm guessing its a young one.
do you work? have a career?

I don't. I'm just telling you what it's like.

Every one. Smiles come easy, it's expressions of sympathy or interest I have problems with. And modulating my voice for emotional inflection. You gotta do it right so you don't sound over the top.

>How do I detach myself from all my emotions and stop caring about what other people think of me?

Inject a bullet at very high speeds directly into your fucking head.

I regret talking to people almost every time I try to interact with them. I feel empty inside almost most of the time but when I do feel emotion its always anxiety, sadness, embarrassment or anger and my emotions are almost always triggered by other people and social situations so I try to avoid them but obviously I can't go through life doing this.

my brain is dry?

Depression and anxiety are emotions based in giving too much of a shit about the past and future respectively.
Emotions are not something you should ditch lightly user, but they are something you have to keep in check. I recommend working out: you will have less energy to be bitching about it in the worst case, and in the best case your priorities are oriented towards sick gains and not emotional bullshit.
That or nofap. Excess emotional stuff is generally caused by hormone addiction and shit.

Get a lobotomy

maybe you are meant to be a loner.

DBT and therapy (while being honest).

Why not suspension hanging? Easy and quick.


And talk to people. It's a skill that gets better with practice. Find somebody way lamer than you are, and practice on them. Chat about the weather with strangers. Practice talking to old ladies before you practice flirting.

Find friends or coworkers who are having a rough time and talk to them about it. Comiserate. Empathize. That shit comes naturally, and when the lameass is a shoulder to cry on, they see you differently.

I think its dry it heats up and certain spots begin to cramp. Esco is a pill that relieves that pain.

I say dry cause it feels like a giant thunderstorm on the brain. idk what it does just feels like rainclouds. I got it from my psychiatrist. 10/10 usefull pill

I have one friend group and a best friend but I'm always insecure that they don't like me and so isolate myself from them. I can see my friendships dying but I can't get myself to go outside and do something about it to avoid social situations.

Learn about the real nature of the universe and realize that everything is pointless and that Nihilism is the only true point of view.

Internalize everything until every experience feels the same. Take the things you love and experience them constantly until they lose their luster. Consider everything you want first before anything else. Strive to appear content, and correct yourself mentally and personally to match over time.

It takes awhile for some people to transcend emotional reliance, but fuck does it feel good to be numb. Ignore these other people that talk about wishing they could feel things deeply. Sociopathy + moderate narcissism is how you really enjoy life.

Humans are social creatures and everyone should experience connecting with someone, be it a mate or friends. Saying that is the same as saying to give up

I know that everything is pointless but I can't stop feeling.

Lurk on Sup Forums for a while then move over to Sup Forums, then what humanity was left in you would have shriveled up and died leaving a careless unfeeling being who has transcended all emotions.

Monitoring this thread. I may not be able to give you good advice but I can relate. I'd drink a beer with you op. Unless you're underage, in which case nvm

lmao ive desended from Sup Forums to Sup Forums Im so sad

I just took insane doses of adderall for most of my life

I don't need connection. I know that everything is temporary so what's the point in investing in someone. I just want to be comfortable doing the things I like without feeling crippling anxiety.

Attachment is suffering.

If your question was serious, find a Buddhist temple and find out if they give lessons on meditation. You don't have to become a full on Buddhist to benefit greatly from a good, regular meditation practice.

Meditation has a measurable, positive effect on your brain activity.

Hey user, anxiousfag here

Dude, you need to keep an eye on yourself, do you understand? If you don't know yourself, you can't fix your own problems.
Look at what's wrong with you, look at what's hurting you, then you can search a way to control this. It's hard, I know, but if you keep struggling you'll finally find a way to love yourself. From this point, you only need personal improvement.

I've had some childhood trauma. I don't know if my problems may stem from there but I don't know what to do about it.

This is padestrian gym bro advice. Take it with a grain of salt because these issues a lot more complex and exercise doesn't magically make your problems go away.

Also, no fap increases your risk of prostate cancer. It's straight out harmful advice. Don't do this OP. Just stop looking at porn. It's porn that's the problem, not healthy masturbation.

do 1,000 pushups

Seems like you're really empathic, to much emotion that you can't handle at the moment. I suggest diving in the art of meditation, also taking cold showers. both help the anxiety, and or deppression you may have.

Hm. What do you think about doing therapy with a specialist?
If you can't, try writing about this. Keep a note about things that hurt you. Always remember that the past is dead. Keeping yourself in the past means being dead too.
Never stop trying different things (I'm not talking about drugs), so you can find something you really like and comforts you. If you feel lonely: don't worry. There are a lot of people just like you, someday you may find someone, and yet it takes time to happen, make yourself your best friend.

I don't care about other peoples pain or emotions I just care about what they think about me. I don't do selfish things though because I'm afraid they'll think I was weird. I wouldn't say Im empathetic, just that I care about what other people think of me.

I also feel very insecure about the fact that I have had no sexual experience at 18. I've never had a kiss or a boyfriend which makes me feel less than other normal people. I feel like its too late for me to be normal.

OP by empathic I mean their emotions that they are projection out upon you. you feel that to much right? if so that makes you emphatic.


My dad died when I was young which was a huge shock to me but I was still a happy child who felt love for my dead father. A couple years later I accidentally found out that he killed himself in jail which I had to keep to myself. It shocked me so much that all emotions connected to my dad are gone. I don't love him anymore and I don't feel sad. Not because he killed himself but because this was the only way I could cope with this information as a child.

I don't really see how this connects to my anxiety and lack of confidence though so I don't see a need to see a therapist

Agreed user, the place to start is with quietening the mind. Meditative practice is essential to overcoming stress, anxiety, depression and developing higher reasoning. I don't recommend going the sociopath route which is more of a genetic propensity than a learned behaviour. Realise life is about having an experience and you decide which path you take along the way, it's up to you - make yourself. Socialise more in the real world with people that are easy to talk to like kids or old folk

Meditation/nofap will do the trick.