On August 26, he was given twelve life sentences; one for every person he killed in addition to 3...

>On August 26, he was given twelve life sentences; one for every person he killed in addition to 3,318 years for the attempted murders of those he wounded and for rigging his apartment with explosives.

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>just take your SSRIs goy! They're good for you!

>they said it would be lulzy...

>tfw he walks out a free man, millennia later

that's a long sentence

>banging out a 3,318 stretch

You think he regrets it?

>brilliant/poor college student with PHD buys $20,000 worth of specialized tactical gear and rigs complicated explosive traps in his apartment, goes on random killing spree
checks out fine with me


>better Joker than Leto

top. lel.

So what's the theory?

>poor student
>getting free money from the schools/ hiring prostitute and left reviews of them online

He was mentally ill, we'll never know what was going through his mind. Now stop asking.

MK ultra CIA sleeper assassin

How come he isn't allowed to kill people, but if you join the military, you're encouraged to kill as many people as possible. America is so fucked up.


[citation needed]

>in addition to 3,318 years

Why do Americans do this?


You don't join the military and go to a theatre to kill people. War is different and I assume your country has the same thing with its military. I'm not even American but thats just common sense.

He had a lot of loyalty

Look up what happened it Port Arthur

because it sounds important

I see Michael Emerson

I don't know. I think it's enough to say that the sentence will be life-long imprisonment with no chance for parole.

Same reason people get multiple life sentences. It's in case some of them are dropped through appeal and shit like that.

I don't think he even knows what planet he's on

>Holmes attended the University of California, Riverside (UCR) and, in 2010, received his undergraduate degree in neuroscience with the highest honors
>He was a member of several honor societies, including Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key.
>Holmes graduated in the top 1% of his class with a 3.949 GPA
>PhD + multiples grants and stipends
he was pretty smart

>You think he regrets it?

He might have. But they drug the living fuck out of high profile people in prison.

prevent some stupid loophole that might let him out sooner, what i don't understand is how come he didn't get the chair. im pretty sure colorado have death penalty, why the fuck they wasting money to feed this fucker for the next 20-40 years


>You don't join the military and go to a theatre to kill people

no you go to weddings and journalists lmao

i think he regrets not killing himself before the police caught him

Maybe. Has he realized he'll never see a bat man movie again for the rest of his life yet? Over the years he'll gradually even forget the storylines and the face of the Joker and other characters will just be a weird blur of a distant memory

The sad thing here is your infantile brain thought it was being witty while writing this.

Death penalty is more expensive than keeping someone alive

How is this Sup Forums material?

>there actually are people that saw the plane scene in their last moments of life

Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums now. Who cares.

>people who were 9 when the shootings happened are probably browsing Sup Forums now

>mfw Zack Snyder batkino would have saved him

you know i thought this was some meme and it sound very contradictory but you are indeed correct. i still don't know what kind of laws and hoops they made that execute a criminal is more costly than jailing him for life

>The death penalty is wrong and immoral
>keep him in prison for 3,000 years instead
I don't understand this society.

Just hang him, is it so hard? Quick, cheap and effective.

I never understood the point of consecutive life sentences. Life is life. After that you're just tacking on years that don't mean anything. Not like the guy will die, be reborn, then serve another life term.

The scene that those poor souls were watching as they got killed is posted every single day on this board

As it should be.

for me

>they drug the living fuck out of high profile people in prison


Dying while watching the plane scene doesn't sound too bad.


it's so that when law enforcement agents, prosecuting attorneys and judges and the like are running for office or just looking for new work they can say "handed out 4,000,000 years of criminal sentences" and such. it's pure resume padding at the expense of citizens unfortunate or dumb enough to get snared by the USA's """""""""'CRIMINAL JUSTICE""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" system.

Because they can get reduced sentences. Makes it harder to get out when you need to reduce 3000 years rather than 100.

>you know i thought this was some meme and it sound very contradictory but you are indeed correct. i still don't know what kind of laws and hoops they made that execute a criminal is more costly than jailing him for life
Bleeding heart libfags championing for murderers, but also the fact that there are numerous cases of corrupt police getting tunnel vision and going out of their way to get a person convicted for something they actually didn't do. It's very rare but it has and does still happen, especially now that DNA exonerates some people. Also the lawyers that challenge their conviction make a fuck ton of profit from the state for extending their time on death row. Our prison system is fucked. I still think we should just execute them without dicking around for 50 years, no poisons though just shoot them in the head.

Bullshit just dont give him water for 3 days 0$ and sell his organs


it is a secret ploy so if they somehow accidentally capture an immortal they gonna keep it away for themselves

as far as i know the drugs they use for lethal injection are imported from europe and are very expensive.

I think this is why it has such Memetic power. It was a mass sacrifice to the gods of cinema

so big pharma gets their shekels

Yeah i can understand the innocent people who got fucked that might lead to hesitation and fuck them for that, but cases like this should be easy money.

And yeah I used to lived in asia, if you get convicted of some serious shit it doesn't take that long (1-2 years top) for the execution, and they used to use shooting squad as well but i think they all changed into lethal injection now like the US

They died a little after it ended so they actually got to enjoy the short film in its entirety and didn't have to suffer through the actual movie.

This dude is a real chameleon, he looks different in every picture

based Billy Joe Godfrey

bet he wished he killed some people that he hated in between too

He wasnt some nignog who got arrested for stealing a car
He was a mentally unstable man. You drug them up so they are docile

a "life sentence" in my european cuckland means 15 years max. I assume the consecutive sentences aim to ensure he really rots in prison.

Why are white people so crazy?


>you will never have this many women send pictures to you

England just uses a whole life sentence. Their sentence ends when they die, no need for dumb shit like 'I SENTENCE YOU TO 3,000 YEARS!!!'. This is Muriclaps being childish yet again.

>You will never have this many women.

he's gonna take you back to the past....

>simple, rustic, fresh

>You will never have women.

They work very well for most, including myself. They are given to the depressed, anxious, and sometimes crazy. You think they're going to work for everybody?

I think you should just slit your wrists and get it over with.

You're clearly underaged trying your hand at conscious thought. This has all the intellectual merit of a jaden smith tweet

they do it so in case god come back in 2000 years the dude gonna miss it because he is still in prison

imagine getting prpper medication, mental illnes gets under controll... and you wake up and truely realize what the fuck you did

Nah, not going to happen. If I ever meet you I just may slit your throat tho

fuck i did not know about his guy. i just realized there are people that only saw the dark knight rises plane scene and got murdered just after that in the theatre.

You know they get to watch new movies in prison, right? They probably even see it before you. Gotta love the liberals.

yeah right, totally not knowing about him and you only made the same joke has been posted like 3 fucking times in this thread

>I'm not crazy these meds help but I will SLIT YOUR FUCKING THROAT

Can someone post the infograph that proves that the shooting happened during the plane scene?

>Four of the victims — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, and Alexander Teves — died protecting their girlfriends

>make the valid point that the system is far from perfect and innocent people go down for shit they didn't do
>further recognize that developments in DNA analysis have exonerated so many people in the last decade or two that entire states have suspended the death penalty out of fear that they're executing innocents

>advocate for expedited executions so there's no chance of catching mistakes

do you think things through at all?

not in ADX Florence they don't

That's what white knights get for defending roasties

I bet they were on a different cock the very next night

>they used to use shooting squad as well but i think they all changed into lethal injection
No wonder with these fucking ammo prices skyrocketing.

Really makes me think.

High intelligence -> extraordinary crimes.
Meanwhile dindu is riding dirty trough the hood doing nigger shit. Nobody is going to report about that desu.

Here's a cheap drug they can use. Relatively painless too.


Maybe with a thin copper coating.

Problem solved.



why do people keep misusing this

for a hired gun

in all fairness you tol him to slit his wrists. maybe you should be on meds bro

What if he actually makes it, say immortality treatment pop out tomorrow and its cheap as fuck and it's considered human right to give it to prisoners, will he be set free?

Why do you continue to live?

le edgy

imagine all the batman movies he got to catch up after 3000 years

wtf why do they want you to sleep at night but not sleep at day? fucked if true

not the same poster fuck face