pol BTFO

\pol\ BTFO

Wow, I am now a Cruzlim

I don't get it. When has he ever expressed white "supremacist" views?

I work with the guys who made this. They are so proud of themselves.
They literally made the easiest and most memetasitc thing ever. Buncha fucking weenies.

When has the Huffington Post ever not had tabloid quality reporting?

What is it even supposed to be?

Guy laying in a giant coffee filter with a flag over his dick?

What am I even looking at?

>confederate flag
>white supremacy

Are those sticks of Butter in the corner?

B-but muh slavery!
>implying Africans didn't just willingly hand over a great number of their own people to Confederate slavers


no really. its ham

I was a trumpeter, now im a cruiser.

>to the confederate slavers
I think you mean British sailors but your point is extremely valid. I swear if a nig ever tries to talk shit to me over the course of getting my degree I'll have to bring this up.

Ending white genocide is considered "supremacist" to liberals. Fucking white males have no reason to live, and may never have pride in their country or their people because they're fucking white males.

Liberal is a mental disorder.


>they are still butthurt about the taco bowl

>Huffington Post is considered a reputable news organization

I don't even know what it is I'm looking at here.

Complaining about white supremacy is like complaining about the mayonnaise in your shit sandwich.

We are superior. It's about time we make them remember that.

>implying Africans didn't just willingly hand over a great number of their own people to Jewish slavers.
Like 90% of slave trading companies and slave ships were Jewish owned

Ask them what's it like to be a proud cuck?

Sound point, i am now a #cruzmissle

Wow i think i'm with her now.

So do non southerners and non Americans actually believe the confederate flag means racism? In the south I used to see black kids with little confederate flags hanging on their bikes, it just meant you were proud to be from the south, until SJWs stepped in and told everyone it meant racism.

They believe anything the Public Edjewcation system tells them.


cant wait for november

>tfw showed my support for Don in school (high school senior)
>tfw got reported to the staff for "hate speech" and I'm facing a week-long suspsension for "inappropriate and racially-charged comments".

I'm hating my parent's idea of moving to a primarily hispanic area of Florida because "it's so diverse and beautiful". I can't wait to get the fuck outta here.


Can't wait for the future headlines. What do you think huffpo is going to do if trump wins?

I saw this yesterday and it genuinely rustled me.

>huffing paint post