"American woman"

>Be driving in your car with your girlfriend
>Someone throws a trashcan at your car
>Starts yelling at you claiming you are speeding
>Your bitch starts crying and siding with the man yelling at you
>Bitch is siding with the man and telling you how he is a father and doing it for the kid and that's it's your fault

Why are American woman such trash?


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That's stupid shit, that bloke threatened multiple times and assaulted the driver, isn't that a valid reason for protecting yourself? Should of whacked him instead of getting out a rape whistle.

Oh, that explains a lot.

Why does he talk like a nigger when he's white?


Bitches are illogical and disloyal, niggers are niggers.

In Canada this man could be placed under citizens arrest

If he was driving legally I don't see how he could get in trouble for retaliating

Why do you all act like niggers when you're white?


That guy sounds like he has an IQ of 60 jesus fuck.

it's quite obvious he wasn't speeding, the car stopped instantly...

I hope that cunt with the trashcan got arrested.

its called natural selection. the brown guy who threw the trash receptacle will go to jail probably because this isnt the first dumb thing he has done

while in jail he will contract hep c and the government doesnt pay for lots of things for prisoner health care.

in 6-15 years depending on how virulent the strain is hes dead . he might even get the nasty one thats drug resistant that the new pill doesnt work on. and probably has infected his sexual partners and people he shakes hands with

the circle of life

How the fuck does this even happen?

Did the wigger have a speedometer on hand? Even if he did, how can he react so quickly?

he has a kid dumb fuck

lel as if men with kids don't go to jail

he's a man, the justice system won't care.

probably people like to speed along this long road
he just vented on the next passing car

he has the IQ of a nigger yes.

Cliffs? I ain't watching this shit.

america seriously needs to sterilize its stupid

>Bahh im gonna call the cops.
>No me.
Jesus christ all talk no action life must be hard for big mouthed pussies.

>Driving down the road.
>Guy throws a fucking trash can at you.
GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKERS THAT'S AGAINST THE LAW! That's the same exact shit as throwing a rock at traffic, it can cause a traffic accident.

He should have called them right then and there and if the fucker tried to run smash his fucking ass.

Or make his girlfriend call.

Video is shit, all talk no action, and men that are all talk are pussies.
They are 3 levels below a beta male and 2 steps above a cuck.

police have to deal with some fuckin' idiots like this every day. dumb guy is letting his kid run into the street (which is his responsibility, the kid doesn't know better) and throws a trash can at the car. what the fuck is that going to do?

both parties involved are assholes.

kid doesn't need to hear all that shit.


I hear three high pitched female voices that entire video. Only man there was a cop. Bitches be crazy.

I real man wouldn't act like a child and get thrown in jail.
Fucking hate this site all the time

The guy is obviously drugged up. Such a skinny fucker too, should have knocked him out in "self-defense".

Holy shit, this bitch is crying hysterically over nothing. How can this dude put up with being involved with such a braindead girlfriend?

Who the fuck throws trash cans at people's cars? He was obviously moving slow enough to have enough reaction time to see the car and throw a trash can at it.

The both of them are fucking pussies. If someone threw a trash can at my car, I'd just pull over and call the cops, not argue with the stupid nigger.