Explain this, Argie fags
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the chicane is animal dirt with no aguante the chicane ugly hey
But really, why do Spanish people have little surname variety?
Those are jew names
Because Conquistadors rape named random Indians with their names
Argentina confirmed as Indian
Why do argies speak nasty spic instead of german or italian
Spanish surnames lacks for variety, they're like 100 italian surnames for each spanish surname.
Argentina son Inglais
Why would they speak German? And they have some kind of Italian accent desu
Something -ez means son of. When plebs took names they registred the name of his father, and thus the more common names of the epoch are so common.
I thought it was Galician
But what about names like Gomez, Lopez, or Sanchez
What first names are they named after? The rest seem kinda obvious
Lopez=Lope, Sanchez=Sancho, Rodriguez= Rodrigo, Gomez=Gome/gomo (that is gothic).
Some popular Argentine surnames include
Sanchez comes from Sancho.
Lopez comes from Lope.
Gomez comes from Gomesco.
Ancient medieval names.
Sounds like a cool ass name desu
Italian and Spanish aren't too different. I think a native Italian speaker can learn Spanish in a month
It depends of how dedicated he is. Catalan and Castilian are brother language and in catalunya (where I live) you can find lots of immigrants than only speak a few words in Catalan even when they understand it well (a few don't specially grannies).
I can't find the similitude between galician and argentine accents at all...
They speak with spanish accents, and here everyone would notice that they're spaniards.
Catalan always struck me as half French and half Spanish
It's a lot more influenced be the Provenzal than with French desu, tough it's now very ded it was a very cultured language in the medieval times, they had great poets and stuff. Modern catalan has lots of Spanish influence too, some people speak Catalan like a patois of it and Castilian. Other Speak Castilian like a patois of it with Catalan too...
Last guy in the vid, there's a region of Galicia with pretty argie-like sing songy accents, but I'm not from there so I can't place it.
>and here everyone would notice that they're spaniards.
Well no shit, rioplatense isn't a copy of anything, it's it's own thing. And the whole soniquete is closer to Italian anyway.
but Sup Forums told me argentina was pure amerindian
That was us you fucking thieves stop claiming Valencian achievements it's not the same.
Valencian is a daughter language of Catalan(you can consider Provenzal the Mother language of Catalan too), afte all the colonizer from Lleida were the ones than settled near the sea, while the Aragonese ones settled in the interior. You guys are you own thing, I don't say otherwise, but culturally the Balears, valencian, Catalan and in a lesser degree the Aragonese share the same sphere (call it whatever you want, I prefer to term Levantine culture).
This but also, they have more kids
most of the italian immigrants here were women who gave up to spanish bull's charms
because it's not like someone can choose the mother tong, you stupid english teacher
El siglo de oro fue valenciano con autores valencianos no tiene nada que ver con vosotros, ladrones.
They are all immigrants from Equatorial Guinea
fucking ez