Anyone that has studied psychological diseases... what is this honestly called?

Anyone that has studied psychological diseases... what is this honestly called?

What has to be wrong with your brain/upbringing to make you think you're not the gender you're born as?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's called Liberalism.

Something dismorphia I think

I hate you so much for making me chuckle at this

How is it wrong? Let people be who they want to be. It's no skin off my ass the way other people feel about themselves, be that gender dysmorphia, body dismorphia etc. So what if someone thinks they're different than as you see them? What risk are you taking by just shutting up and nodding? You can think it's weird, you don't have to accept it, but show some respect.

That's fine until you fuck what you thought was a woman, or a "woman" is receiving benefits intended for women like special loans and subsidies.

Maybe the rise in "female" athletes dominating the field because they think they're not men might convince you that it matters...

As long as you're not harming someone else, you are tolerant of them--the problem is that tolerance isn't good enough anymore. You have to love it or you're considered a bigot.

Hey SJW I never fucking said it was wrong. I don't give a fuck what people other people consider themselves.

I just said what do you think is wrong with their minds. There has to be some issue with their thought processes or an issue in their upbringing if they think they were born to another gender in which they where born with

Idc if one guy pushed this meme hard, i love it

It's more of a social condition than a personal psychological one, although they're both as guilty.

Society influences these changes and embraces those who change; but this is not necessary , as one without external influence can too be deceived into this train of thought by a hormonal unbalance that makes them more likely to enjoy acting naturally in the opposite way they are expected to, technically it's normal for a man to act feminine due to a hormonal inclination, rather than a social one.

That is to say, there is also the factor of social inclusion, which argues that introverted or naturally alienated people will feel leaned to strive for a specific appearance to stick on a group, the same principle that is also used as an argument against SJW's and Anarchists (I argue myself, therefore the logical conclusion that both are in some way linked) is illusory truth, repeat repeat repeat until you believe it as truth, even if it started as a lie

There is also gender dimorphism, DONT USE THIS ARGUMENT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. Gender dimorphism means you act or dress, "exhibit" sexual characteristics (in humans it doesn't have to be sexual specifically), like males using the color pink, normally affiliated to femininity. This would apply to a cross-dresser not a trans individual

It's wrong, actually equivocate, to feel as though you should be of the opposite sex, means there IS a real problem with how your brain processes sexual information, it's not MORALLY wrong, but at a fundamental level, it means (and this is stretching it) technically you weren't quite well wired up.

TL;DR: Your manufacturer fucked up the blue and the red cable, demand refund

Transexuality is not a disease.

Gender dysphoria. And it's a diagnosable mental illness despite what SJW's will tell you.

Found the mentally ill queermo

At this point I'd say you're just butthurt and didn't bother to think his question through.

(Transexuality would not be the term to use when replying to his post)

This guy got it quite right in the short way

>Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 302.85 (F64.9)
>Gender Dysphoria, while being a new addition to DSM-5, is the new term for Gender Identity Disorder.

Fuck off.

>but show some respect
No, you can't demand respect. The best you can demand is tolerance. But when people push shit onto other people they are in their right to tell them to fuck off.

"equivocate" is a verb. What is problematic with a brain processing sexual information that isn't conducive to procreating?

"not well wired up"


That your brain is programmed to preserve your species as is the brain of every other living being, except the ones who fail to meet the requirements for obvious reasons?

And you'll have to forgive my grammar if English is not native and when typing real fast I make many mistakes

>What is problematic with a brain processing sexual information that isn't conducive to procreating?
Well, first of all, every being goes through evolution and then seeing individuals processing information that isn't conducive to be effective at that is a regression from survival.
Second of all, it is a defect from society that is normally indoctrinated socially, thus just people being stupid and not having an identity they latch on to a group.

Lastly, it is overall stupid to identify heavily with ones gender. It is a biological characteristic but the individual is much more than simply that.

DSM also used to consider homosexuality as a disease, so they're not perfect. Also, there's a differentiation between diseases and disorders.

sorry, I was trying to appeal to some sense of decency. Yeah, just tolerate that trans folks have a different way of dealing with reality.

Don't how much neurological research has been done on trannies. Even if some are trying to question fragile hetero-normative ways of thinking, how is that so infuriating? How is that a threat, that it seems abnormal?

I'm assuming you meant to reply to Also I just came to the realization that I spent like 10 minutes writing this long-ass, researched article out of the feel I should inform you guys and this nigga tries to "debunk" all my writing because of 2 spelling mistakes out of 1700 characters

>Sorry, I was trying to appeal to some sense of decency
How the fuck is there anything decent in demanding respect? That is despicable at best.
I tolerate trans people and I encourage people to consult professionals on the subject, and I do not tolerate this "million genders" bullshit.
And we barely have any research on it, so the term "gender dysphoria" is a pragmatic category designed to try and help people, not a description of how their brain is structured. Hell, we barely have research on why people are gay either and we already see legislation that gender exists on a spectrum in Canada. That is stupid and rushed because of stupid agendas and ideological presuppositions.
Yeah, my bad.

Sex is biological, but Gender is a social construct.

>Even if some are trying to question fragile hetero-normative ways of thinking, how is that so infuriating?
What the fuck do you mean by "hetero-normative"? Seems like a stupid buzzword. The only "hetero-normative" way of thinking is called LOGICAL thinking. The idea that their claims are true and even that they know that they belong to the other gender is questionable because of their unstable condition. Which is why I want them to contact professionals, they aren't stable enough to make any claim about it if they truly are dysphoric.
It is not that it is abnormal, it is that it goes against any form of scientific inquiry and research.

yeah, social mores & being polite is just like fascist communism.
So what, and what obvious reasons?
No disrespect intended.

I think you're really negating the whole factor of civilization in human society vs.a monkey colony. It's no longer an issue of species survival.
I disagree with the idea that personal sexuality is socially constructed, I think that can be a dangerous idea.
And yeah, tell that to the bros who do Iron Mans.

When people jump in and say that gender is a human construct, they're hinting at the arbitrariness of what we care about when we differentiate between genders (except in the context of medicine and biology).

The idea that there had to be something wrong is also arbitrary. What makes the opposite right?

Is this an appeal to majority? Because that's a fallacy.

I'm not talking a "respect my authority" type of respect, just a fundamental, "hey, another person," type.

I just what to know why you feel we need to know why someone feels any particular way about themselves.

What makes it dangerous? Why do you disagree?

Because it's normal to fear the abnormal, mostly why conservatives, as the name would suggest, find it rather unpleasing that trannies and other sexually opposite exhibitionists are allowed to go un-hanged, as I suggested earlier, It's most likely normal that due to hormonal exchange and unbalance that females can act manly and males to act girly.

Although you right about not much research being invested into transexuals and other types of dystrophy we can theorize that it's both social and hormonal causes.

I don't agree with the ""million gender" bullshit" either, nor do I strive to tolerate it, in fact I am more inclined to discourage the use of this, since Biological sex dictates whether you have X reproductive organs, or Y, while gender is now related and immediately assumed is "identification" which is total absolute rubbish of an argument, you can find same sex appealing and be a homosexual, or find the same sex appealing and be hetero, while as a species we too use bisexual although I think it's still more homo since, well you like your own sex (not quite sure how to word it).

>the term "gender dysphoria" is a pragmatic category designed to try and help people, not a description of how their brain is structured

well put

Good laugh

>The idea that their claims are true and even that they know that they belong to the other gender is questionable because of their unstable condition [...] they aren't stable enough to make any claim about it if they truly are dysphoric.

Basically, a delirious man trying to diagnose himself?

>what obvious reasons?
Your brain's, and in turn your (our) only long term and permanent function is to preserve the species, thus, should [Reiterate: should, despite if I do or don't think it's right] be programmed to make us find a sexual mate. Even if it's not about survival anymore, it doesn't change the way our brains work and it probably won't change soon.

Is someone who knows they're gay the second they hit puberty fundamentally "unstable?"

>It's no longer an issue of species survival
No, but we still understand that the best animal is the best at surviving, so that would be the darwinistic claim.
>I disagree with the idea that personal sexuality is socially constructed
Agree, they just latch on because they got no clue who they are as an individual so they identify with a group at their peril. And I do believe we are talking about a very small minority identifying with a group, it is the group that demands this off them. To stay within the group they follow the doctrines of the group. I see it purely as group dynamics followed by individuals that have no clue of whom they are.

When it comes to people that do Iron Mans, I would not say that they identify heavily with their gender. They push themselves to their limits, even from a biological perspective. That is not identification with a gender, that is disciplin and a hell of a lot of training.

You mean recognition of their existance? I am not quite sure what you mean by it, but I would guess it is recognition of their existance and troubles by another human being.
The reason it is important to know why someone feels any particular way about themselves is that everyone is stupid to a smaller or larger extent, including me. And when they an individual is dysphoric they are also unstable, which doesn't help the situation. Better to ask somebody stable and less stupid on the area for clarification than simply guessing on your whim.

The technical name is gender dysmorphia. Generally nothing is particularly wrong in the sense that it can harm someone, but the argument can be made that something is damaged to make them gender dysmorphic. I just tie the penis on and send them on their merry way. If it makes them happy, I don't care.

>...while gender is now related and immediately assumed is "identification...
On point!
>Basically, a delirious man trying to diagnose himself?
Pretty much. It would be the same to make an autist try and figure out that he is an autist by himself. Extremely stupid. Better get help from a professional and have more certainty of the diagnosis, which in this case is also mostly pragmatic.

No, somebody that is dysphoric is unstable and also more likely to commit suicide.

Anyone know any trannies we can get to weigh in on this?

I fucked up a part of the argument, I meant hetero and other sex, I wrote same sex twice but you get the gist of it, I'm tired and make mistakes more often

Unstable would require him/her to be unsure about it, no?

I say it's because this is so new, not everyone has an answer to it formulated out of scientific, but emotional sources, therefore why they defend their opinions so harshly against criticism

I JUST said it's not the correct term god damn it, read the sticky for crying out loud

Thanks for clearing it up mate

Not sure what's the point of linking this, it's just an article exaggerating the effects of the transition and ignoring the social side, or that's what I guess mostly not gonna bother reading it through sorry if I'm not on point.

>more likely to commit suicide

I'd say it's more Dependant on stress/anxiety factors, not solely on the dysphoria.

Their opinion would be more personal though, not to discourage this, but wouldn't their claims be just as substantiated as long as they use a trustworthy source?

Gender dysphoria, according to the DSM ver. 5 written by the American psychiatric association

That is an article about changing your apparent sex, but I asked you why you disagreed with the notion of gender being a construct, and why it was dangerous.

This doesn't really answer those questions.

Yeah, definitely true that people defend their opinions harshly, as this thread is evidence of. I mostly want scientific inquiry to continue and let that develop over time instead of jumping the gun as many people are doing. We barely understand any of it and thus it is stupid to promote and antagonise people.

>I'd say it's more dependant on stress/anxiety factors, not solely on the dysporia.
If we follow the definition on dysphoria, wouldn't you say that stress and anxiety factors can contribute to worsening dysphoria or even creating it in their own right?

"So-called “conversion therapy,” sometimes known as “reparative therapy,” is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that falsely claim to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Such practices have been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization for decades, but due to continuing discrimination and societal bias against LGBTQ people, some practitioners continue to conduct conversion therapy. Minors are especially vulnerable, and conversion therapy can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, homelessness, and suicide."

Back in the day it was called gender identity disorder but the liberals nowadays call it gender dysphoria. I tried looking up the specific part of the brain that malfunctions, but my best guess came to a problem with the pituitary gland of male individuals.
Not to be a moral fag here but the statistics show that 40% of all gender reassignment patients commit suicide after surgery. These people are sick and need mental aid. It is not logical to let a mentally disabled individual choose to mutilate their body.

I'd say their correlated, complementing one another, not quite one being the source of the other but dramatically increasing together, like the little balls that hit one end and the other end swings and comes back, then the first ball swings and it goes on and on, many factors worsen the anxiety, while less factors, but more severe, worsen the dysphoria. Yes, factors CAN worsen the dysphoria, but they depend on it too, without it their effects would be less severe, or outright uncomplementary.

Ok, so I just read and I think I get it now, thanks for clearing it up guys.

This is my favorite debate I've ever had online, no one calling each other names and shit like that, and we're calm about it too, and those tumblr whales and cucks saying we're racist motherfuckers and shit, makes me want to show them this but they'd just exploit it and quote mine it lmao, but it's 12:33 am and I went to the gym so I need some sleep
have a good day/evenin by *dab*

-With love for the gay, hit me up at (01-800)555-Need-penis-now; Raq

>Anyone that has studied psychological diseases... what is this honestly called?
appears to be incurable, though there have been cases of remission

>Yes, factors CAN worsen the dysphoria, but they depend on it too...
The best way I can interpret that is, that anxiety and stress can compliment it in certain situations and most likely aren't the factors that create it.
> the little balls that hit one end and the other end swings and comes back, then the first ball swings and it goes on and on...
Really good representation.

I'd be careful with statistics. If gender dysphoria is to be considered a mental illness, then a vast majority of (nearly all??) suicides are committed by mentally ill.

Therefore it's fallacious, or at least misleading to mention that 40% of gender reassignment patients commit suicide after surgery without at least mentioning the 60% that don't.

I don't have all the facts here, but that's at least misleading to the extent that lives do seem to be saved.

Although perhaps I'm not considering some factors? Feel free to explain.


There's a reason different cultures have recognized genders besides male and female.

However, it's all weird and gay as shit.

>I don't have all the facts here, but that's at least misleading to the extent that lives seem to be saved
If the claim, that lives seem to be saved, is true, it would require statistics on gender dysphoric people's suicide rates when they don't go through gender reassignment. Not sure that such statistics exist but that would be the requirement to prove that claim.

Good point! Thank you.

Either way, doesn't that mean we don't have enough information and we should suspend judgement?

At least when it comes to that claim, it might be that it is killing people or saving people.
I have heard of a statistic regarding autistic people having a tendency to feel dysporic around their gender and growing out of it which indicates that it is not smart to do it, but I am not going to state that it is not smart to do it.

I suppose the best we can do is to advocate for people contacting professionals within psychology before jumping to a conclusion and insuring that people do not do any of these gender reassignment therapy and surgeries before their body is fully developed. Inhibiting the natural growth of the body is dangerous beyond believe. That would be my guess.

is that a mtf or a ftm?

either way, who gives a fuck if it's normal or a disease, the culture and political systems we relied on failed us over and over, and if we play by their fucking rules while they milk us everyday for all we're worth, break their fucking rules, conventions, traditions, ideologies - i'm a gender nihilist, and i think we can use gender to help bring down the tyranny we toil under, and in it's ruins, we will feel finally free!

I think it's purely an aesthetic thing that people think is a deeper. Personally I think people should be able to look and do what they want, ya know the freedoms the constitution protects.

>use gender to help bring down the tyranny we toil under, and in it's ruins, we will feel finally free!
lol, because that's worked out so well for the past dozen countries it's happened to?

turned into mob run hell holes.
why do you think it's a bunch of gangs and gangsters rioting during protests?


yes power is restructuring, and think of it: if God really is omnipotent, then He can, in fact, blow Himself.

>Personally I think people should be able to look and do what they want...
I agree to some extent. Personally, I am not against people comitting suicide either. Their choice. It is just stupid to let people do what they want if they aren't capable of critical thinking. The KKK are free to do what they want and they aren't really developing intellectually. I think a thread on here recently is evidence of that. Helping people develop from an intellectual point is also important, which is why schooling of some form is enforced. Even if the system is based on the Prussian factory schools.

you know, this one time, i came in second in an ass-grabbing contest. My trick was to grab my own ass when no one was lookin'!

Being a longtime sufferer of mental illness I find it hard to equate something like that with what is the overwhelmingly negative symptoms I get, it seems more related to personality disorders.
I have seen a LOT of trans people in psych wards and crisis centers it qualifies as a disorder just by the distress it causes not to mention the physical harm of surgery and hormones, there is a pretty visible difference between gender dysmorphic individuals and FOTM "non-binary" fat bitches.


Yeah but the kkk wants to eliminate black people. These people basically just want to look and act different. I dont think itll ever go mainstream. Humans natural desire to procreate will still persist. They can do their stupid thing while billions of people believe in imaginary fairy tales. I really dont see much of a difference.

>...there is a pretty visible difference between gender dysmorphic individuals and FOTM "non-binary" fat bitches.
Definitely true, everybody agrees with that. Post-modernists are fucking repulsive idiots. And the only reason they are post-modernists is that they can't believe in reality, so they jump on an ideology that can make them interpret the world so it fits their own bullshit. It is a horrible fleet from reality.

i way i've heard it said, which i can kinda get behind is sex=biological parts. So no matter what gender you are, if you have a penis sex=male or if you got a vagina sex=female. but since some men are more feminine or masculine, or some women are more feminine or masculine, gender just refers to where you fall on that line, and creating better names for it. i mean, tomboy was essentially another fucking gender and no one had a problem with that.

>ITT: people triggered b/c .001% of the human population wants to live a different way than them
Get a life faggots

>They can do their stupid thing while billions of people believe in imaginary fairy tales. I really dont see much of a difference.
The difference is that these "imaginary fairy tales" established a moral authority, a standard that weirdly also was dictated from a darwinistic standpoint and was very helpful in survival of groups. There is a reason certain religions exist today: Self preservation, survival!
This doesn't even have a moral or scientific basis, there is no reasoning behind it except for it being their interpretation of the world which can be incredibly dangerous to themselves and others, especially if they enforce others to "accept" and "respect" it. Anybody that demands respect and acceptance deserve hatred to some extent.

No one here is triggered. Read the thread before you comment, shithole.

PS: This is related to the ideological idiots, not people that are categorized as gender dysphoric.

PPS: Thanks for the nice conversation, it is rare that you get such a conversation on Sup Forums but it is definitely enjoyable when it does happen.

that gif is so cringey jesus christ i cant take anything you type seriously

but we all see the world through an ideology douche bag, it's not and issue of it being 'real' or 'unreal', the self is the creative nothing out of which all identities come shrieking and fighting into the world; the self is the horizon of language, and we speak our selves and ideas into existence with the narratives we tell, the songs we sing, the quality of books we read; it seems most people stick with the self that got them the most approval from the aurhority figures in their lives as a child, and some people had hostile, violent, manipulative relationships with family members, that forced them to live, be and act a certain way or to incur wrath and hate from the people they were depending on for survival...

Logging in

maybe it's as simple as some people don't give a flying fuck what their parents want them to be, because their lives were fucking nightmares...if father is ashamed, then call it equal!

why defend the dying regime of people who made you into an angry, hateful conservative puppet, when you could shatter it to pieces in front of them, for all the love they showed you....

It's called being crazy. We used to give crazy people help. Now we tell them they aren't crazy and that it's actually the rest of us that are crazy.

Heaven and Hell are both thermodynamically impossible...

I agree with all of this, but the presupposition, that how we interpret the world is something that is real, is the problem. I do not assume that my interpretation of the world is real but I speak of it as the truth that I see, and that truth is definitely fallible since it is subjective and not objective.
Science works in the same way when it comes to testing. The test of a quality in a situation is observed through us, thus one test is simply a subjective truth. Through the recreation of the test by many people we aggregate many subjective truths, and if this aggregation can continue onto infinity, the aggregation of the subjective truths are considered objective truths, since it is a subjective interpretation that holds true for every individual.
A good example of this is water turning to steam at 100 celsius, which can be observed in any kitchen that is boiling water across the world.

Subjective truth is an interpretation by an individual, objective truth is one interpretation that can be interpreted by every individual.

this one time, i did some serious "objective truth" down at your momma's house...

do you know why it's always so hard to explain metaphors to kleptomaniacs?

it's because they take everything so literally.

top kek, even though it is stupid it is stuill funny.
top kek, the same with autists.

Never told anyone this but- if your reply isn't quoted at least 3 times I don't read it.

>There's a reason different cultures have recognized genders besides male and female.
care to point some out?

or a giant robot is going to beat me to death with a fucking dildo and put the video of my death on youtube?

you know, i have this communication disorder where i make up things that are already true

Its gender dysphoria

I think he was referring to this definition of the word.

>due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.

I think you knew that though

let's say that gender dysphoria is a communication disorder in which individuals make up things about themselves which are, in reality, already true...

Lol, cmon Lou.

>Tips fedora

so you're claiming society should be organized around the ease with which men can peruse potential sexual partners from a distance without getting to know them really at all. It's like sexism fused with the predatory consumer-capitalist mindset - or if Reagan and David Lynch had made a movie together - if you fuck someone and find out later that they're trans, then you very much deserve it for being such a fuckin righteous douche..just because you want to treat people like cattle doesn't mean everyone is going to let you... someone will bash back,

