Dear Sup Forums I think I may be falling in love with a co-worker that is less then an appropriate age in the eyes of...

Dear Sup Forums I think I may be falling in love with a co-worker that is less then an appropriate age in the eyes of society .
I work this job only part time so I rarely see her but when I do I can't stop staring, perving and falling for every facial expression. Sucks to want what you can't have . Not really sure what I'm looking to gain from this post lol.

Lets see her

how old are you and how old is she?

I wish I had creeps to share but she works in the front and I work in the kitchen . When she comes back it's random and I never have the chance . She's petite as fuck. Like 5 foot skinny light dark skin round face and big eyes . Maybe not bug but full of life when she smiles and talks

23, I think I be dates chicks under age before but I don't think I have much room to risk more luck. If i thought I could get away with it without everyone at work tripping on it and authorities I would totally take that bitch

I meant 23 I think she's 16

Well I guess this thread is already dead

Just talk to her. Anything random. You guys can date but if youre caught fucking then youre gonna be doing the sex offender shuffle

Ya but I don't have to get caught if her parents find out we are talking they can still report me for shit. Dammit I wish I didn't find younger girls so sexy

I just met a girl online, she turned 16 just the other day...and I'm 37... And it's not illegal in Croatia where I live, 'couz I didn't meet her 'in the position of authority', like, her teacher or smthng.

I have no clue what to talk to her about but if I some how pulled off conversation that made her interested in me then I wouldn't know where to take it from there. Tho from her dark skin she might be Mexican and some mexican families are less caring about age differencce

Lucky u . I live in California. In a county that has a high raps conviction rate .

Youre not soliciting a minor tho right? Youre showing interest in dating. Nothing illegal there

I would like to say if rather my daughter be with someone mature and old enough to protect her and be sure that he want to be with her. Then letting her get fucked by a bunch of guys her age that don't give a fuck . Though I can't say for sure

What am I going to do ? Date her for 2 years so no one else fucks her until the time is right?

Lol, first time someone from Cali told someone from Cro he's lucky to live here...third world country in the outskirts of EU...

He well at least u get to be a hebe there and it's ok

Just go for it, fuck that girl like its the last time you fuck...maybe it will be?


You're past any possible Romeo-Juliet consent exceptions. So move on. Try not to eyefuck and fall for girls you don't even really know, either.

Sweet 16...

Sorry, no nudes yet.

Shit, she is still growing...

Ya I normally know better

Forget it user. The age difference isn't even that big, it's the age range she's currently on. Girls that age are trouble.

How bout it, Sup Forums? Too young?

Trust me I know I al ways fall in love with younger girl I guess I deserve the drama cuz I'm a creep . Got with my ex a little before she turned 17 and she ripped my heart apart with drama . Didn't loose my virginity till 18 with a 15 year old . She was head over heels for me but I started treating her bad cuz I thought I wanted to experience more

It refers to the attraction to girls 14 to 17 or something like that .


I also think I'm making progress with this gorgeous 22 year old at my other job anyways, but fuck I have a fetish for petite girls and this other one was wearing yoga pants for the first time tonight. Could see thing through them, perfect ass... honestly I'll admit I'm a pervert and want to pretend I dont need affection but id probably settle for dating the young one even if it meant just cuddling

You are not a creep. You're a man, ofc you like tight, smmooth pussy.In a child.

Spoiler: She is no virgo.

Ya I've already thought of that. So I might as well just wait till it's legal

Thanks my dude

Will she waith, though?

No. Girls like that don't wait. Ever.

Dude I don't even know if she has the slightest interest in me the most conversation we've had was her asking my coworker if he was busy cuz she wanted some garlic bread and he said to ask me . So she all cutely asked if I would and then I felt the quest to make the most perfect garlic bread resonate strong within my heart , lmao


Well then, seems theres nothing but fuck left to do...

Lol this post ended up being a lot me civilized then anticipated

Which reply r u referring to ?

Start by getting her Facebook, try make her laugh. Once you are chitchat friends, ask her out. Just don't fuck up until she's over 18 then no one will care what age it started at. So many retards and virgins in this thread. Oh and learn/mimic proper english

To the whole thread: She's no virgin, you want it, laws don't bann it alltogether, so...fuck! If she puts out... Or take it youreself?

Thing is i know I'm a creep and that's fine but I've already told my cousin I'm interested in her which sparked a laugh (though he has no room to judge he started dating his current girl when she was 13 he was 18) anyways both he and his girl work with me and they are friends with my little crush on Facebook. (Cousin is 24 now) so I jud t know me adding her on Facebook will come off weird to the 16 yr old and the rest of them

Explain??? I thought the most you could get away with was 3 year gap if not over 21 , in California??

I acctually didn't know about that allowed gap...just 3 years, huh?

Ya it's a weird technicality I forget how it's worded since it's been a while since it applies to me

Oh I see u basically mean it's not imposible for me to get my way, simply still a risk ?

I got dubs on original post so I'm probably gonna fuck her one day right ?? Lol

Shit, I've had them as young as 15, barely...and some of them are more mature than some 40-yo's I've fucked.

I know right . 15 is the youngest I've ever been with. I'm attracted to young girls who are mature and act older but still have a young dumb personality . I'm also immature so the gap doesn't seem so big

I have a hairstyle older then that... It excites me exactly becouse it is an abomination for the pius and hipocritical hordes... And, lets face it: Those who say shit about underage sex also want it.

I agree , if it wasnt such a taboo , it may not cause such a heart beating lust in me. I have a friend that accepts my interests but also finds them funny. He sent me an artical that states that the attraction to the youth is quite widely common and normal. Which makes perfect evolutionary sense . I know the argument is that bitches arnt mentally stable for sex at a young age but it makes for a healthy gene pool

So, in conclusion, go for it, OP. We all would.

I've had friends say to me that I'm strange, weird and even sick for being with 15-yo's in my 30, only for them to do the same as first oportunity presented it self.

Lol that's gold , but yea u still a sick fuck

Tggsnls dude


I've had a similar situation happen to some people I know. The guy's in jail rn op, no lie. Don't risk it and if you do, only do it once.

' perfectly welcome

No, don't do it once, couse she could feel rejected, and lie to get her revenge, she could go all victim -mode.

If fucked underage 3 times excluding the multiple times as a relationship, down to 1, anyways I'm saging this thread thanks for the advice

Fear not to fuck, my child... I mean, you are like my child, not fuck my child.

Lol the advice being to keep fucking her so she first spite me hahahaha

hebe is 11-14


Oh well idk what minbe is called then