Global warming is a hoax. Grow up liberals

Global warming is a hoax. Grow up liberals.

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It's not a hoax, it's just not manmade

One good volcanic eruption spews more shit into the atmosphere than all of humanity ever has

>not knowing the difference between weather and climate
>trusting a cartoon over climate scientists
>being this fucking retarded

fucking kek

>Climate scientists

From the same scientific community who will insist that niggers are equal to whites?


A hoax for what? What's the trick?

Their tryin to take are guns!!!!


One more way to levy taxes

PM Margaret Thatcher used a very flimsy correlation between coal burning and an increase in average global temperature to break the Welsh coal minier unions and nationalize the coal mines


First comment is best comment.
Are you a physics teacher?

ITT: Stupid Conservatives

>you're dumb if you don't believe scientists are right because they are scientists
0/10 troll

Fucking retard 1/10 for my reply

Wrong, fuckface

Bruh, Volcanos ain't got shit on us:

"Because while 200 million tonnes of CO2 is large, the global fossil fuel CO2 emissions for 2003 tipped the scales at 26.8 billion tonnes. Thus, not only does volcanic CO2 not dwarf that of human activity, it actually comprises less than 1 percent of that value."

>Fucking retard 1/10 for my reply
Almost believed you seriously thought OP was wrong


>Global warming is a hoax.
So, thousands of scientists are lying but all those politicians and business men aren't. You're a special kind of stupid now, aren't you.png

>when you try to have a conversation with a trumptard and all he says is "cuck" and "nigger"
[spoiler]not an argument faggo[/spoiler]

The Earth has 60-year trends. In the 60's through the 80's, scientists were convinced we were going to have an Ice Age again. We do not look at the fact that the Earth is Billions of years old, because we've only studied global weather correlation data for less than 100 years of our human existence.

jesus christ, what a fucking moron


your dumb if you believe a cartoonist over a climate scientist when it comes to matters of climate

trips wasted on a fucking retard

Bruh the Pentagon thinks different

I'm no alarmist, but the shit we are doing, and have done, will cost us billions in taxpayer dollars, and that's just the DOD. That link is to the US Navy's top strategic think tank fyi.

Being influenced by ideologues you see on tv is a pleb tier move.


For fuck sake, global warming is real but the solution isn't in govt

We have an Earth's Core, a Sun with flares, a Moon keeping our polarity in axis. Lots of unknown variables. These hypothesis of weather prediction wizards are simply that. Hypothesis are based on guessing the hypotheticals of what little science has figured out so far, that's all.

>so what if climatologists through the '80s made up data to support the global warming narrative, that doesn't negate the fact that the made up data supports the global warming narrative

Global warming is real, there is a lot evidence for that. However, the human's implication in this global warming is extremely exaggerated.


Nice bait, you got me good

You mean the people who's very livelihood depends on there being a problem to research? Climate scientists profit from studies that show global warming is dangerous and anthropogenic in nature. They need a false flag to get their grant money.

Global warming is a trend that has already declined. The Earth will trend cold again, then hot again, etc etc etc.

scientists who work for oil companies totally don't have this problem, huh?

Fake news, they are peer reviewed and there are consequences. An example being the loss of your credentials when screwing results to show a certain bias. Such the case where vaccines cause autism. It's just parents unable to point the finger to anything choose to blame a tangible thing.

The fucking satellite data showed no fucking warming until NASA 'revised' it. Its literally for money. Al Gore wants a trillion fucking dollars to fix it. I sure as fuck could find you data to fit whatever you want for a fuck tonne of cash.

Also no such thing as a climate scientist. At least not until they started handing out money. Whoever cherry picks the warmest dataset will get the biggest payday.

The satellite data was the most accurate and it showed nothing until nasa fixed it.

this actually hurts your case

Better to be silent than to go against the climate change dogma and take a hit to your credibility for no damn reason

What we DO have to worry about is a comet so large that it throws our axis off balance. At the equator of the globe that is Earth, the water gravitationally is 544 feet higher than that of the north and south pole. Were we to destroy our Moon, or a comet or asteroid to throw our polarity off balance gravitationally, that oceanic water will even itself out coastally on all continents of Earth. Dig?

The state didn't need idiots to think vaccines caused autism. However, liberal/progressivist government parties found a climate change scare to be very useful In their bid for power.

There will always be yes man in a world of cheap money

stupid op global warming is a reality or you don't watch the news? a significant part of the south pole, has divided that means that the planet is hotter than ever and thanks to the polution and the huge hole the ozone layer in later decades we wil suffer a lot, ask you why the scientists are planning to go to mars or to look foward other similar planets similar to this one, the simple fact that human race deny this climate change and deny to reduce pollution, tells us that the planet itself is defending from us, even ocean creatures are dying in the coats every summer due to the missorientation of the oceans courses, op I hope some day you don't wake up and ask yourself why you don't have enough trees that could provide you oxygen or clean water, or food which is provided by the ground, yeah I hope you realize that the extinction of bees is serious shit as every other type of extinction that is happening with every living thing on earth

But look who's thinking it hurts my case

what the hell are you talking about the only time scientists actually get paid is when they're contracted for research when they patent and sell their research or when they are using applied science

please show me one big name company paying all of these scientists to do research about how their company is hurting the environment

and heads up that last statement was basically rhetorical seeing as the large companies that do that are hoping the payoff scientist to say that there is no climate change nor global warming


You mean majority of the people who happen to read what you type and think you're a fucking retard?

That is why the Earth's Polar-Shift is a huge topic of interest. It is valid, proven, and we don't know when or how that will happen. It is hypothesized to shift over the course of 100 years, but if anything happens to our moon during that transition, we are f'd. Same with our protective ionic sphere, as that fades woth shift, we are screwed with solar flares.

the way you convince a person of something is through reason and logic if your immediate logic is to say whites and blacks are not the same then attempts to hurt your argument from then on out people will doubt everything you say because they see you as a type of person who believes the bible should be the only book read in schools

I mean the type who thinks pointing out uncomfortable facts 'hurts my case'

What was the name of Al Gore's documentary again?

Anyone who has ever been around niggers is well aware that they're subhuman

>contracted for research
Mostly this one. It's called shilling. It's quite common. The only difference is these mouthpieces have degrees to back up their bullshit.

>one big name company

Any questions?

>What was the name of Al Gore's documentary again?
"I over-invested in solar panel companies and now need to convince people to buy solar panels, but not wind generators."

this is applicable to the


>trusting a cartoon over climate scientists

see global colling
see the trend of lower temps over the last 100 years before they had to fudge their data and change their sampling to get the result they wanted

its all bullshit when they have to fucking wit their methodology to get the results they would like instead of what they actually found

>or you don't watch the news?
stopped reading there

want to disprove man-made climate change here's a fun test

step 1 set up an enclosed room the reason we use an enclosed room is because it represents the Earth this experiment will be done on a smaller scale than the Earth and it will have quicker results because it is at a smaller scale

Step 2 once you have an enclosed room measure the temperature and be sure to note how hot the room is at the time

step 3 start a small fire in the room this fire should have the same effect as industrial fires around the world

step 4 allow some time to pass the passage of time is Key to proving man-made climate change doesn't exist

step 5 check the temperature oh shit the room just got hotter I guess humans can have an effect on climate seeing guys if you start a fire your surroundings get hotter and hotter well you tried at least

step 6 the experiment you just done by yourself is clearly fake news and should be ignored

The results - climate change does not exist

Go back to pol. Hell, go to fucking x, your stupidity is spooky enough to fit right in.

Yes. That is about all climate science adds upto. Not scientific at all.


Old conservatives lawmakers don't care because they'll be dead long before the full effects of global warming come into play. Enjoy South Florida while you can before it's all underwater.

I alway imagine the poor bastards on the poles; working they ass off, freezing, collecting data, discuss on high level with different scientist of the whole world and here on this board or on comments of news or youtube people try tell you they unjderstand it more and better than the qualified and educted people. and now it seems global warming is a liberal thing..? and if you critisize trump/erdogan/putin you are also liberal; what a time to be alive.
btw if there is no global warming, why are the ice poles melting?

>user gets bullied by niggers everyday
>vents his rage behind 4chins

We can look back thousands of years by looking at samples of ice from Antarctica. I'm not certain about temperature but I know they get data on the atmosphere

the EPA is a government agency and even under Trump's new head of EPA they still hold by the belief that humans cause global warming

Source on this? Or are you going to be making shit up based on your belief.

OP's picture is backwards

I think irony is what your post consist of. More companies would prefer to dump and not be eco friendly as it would save them more money. In turn they would flood in more money so that politicians say to ignore global warming guys.

>record cold
Gee I wonder why it's almost something is shifting the entire climate.

Global Warming doesn't mean everything is getting hotter.

ITT: People ignore facts and don't know simple thermodynamics

world 4.5 billion years old, been going hot and cold periods forever, man arrogant enough to think we fucked it all up in 1 century of industry

>global warming

Just like 6 months ago it was 70-80 degrees on a typical afternoon. Now, it's like 90-110. Explain that!

In another 6 months, we'll all be dead. Thanks, Drumpf.


also English stupid

You see I can tell you're just pretending to be retarded here, don't make it so obvious.

it doesn't happen that fast we still have another 10 years b4 an Arkansas summer becomes a California winter

its not the total volume of shit its the composition of the shit spewed. Global warming is a byproduct of increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere very little of which is emitted during a volcanic eruption. Learn 2 science.

Wow user, good work creating a fantasy land where someone is worse than you :^)


97% of scientists acknowledge that the world is getting warmer. Ocean temperatures, a thing you can directly measure and track, are going up. If you are going to ignore this, you might as well ignore all of science, that thing that made the internet and your ability to shitpost this misinformation possible.

>it doesn't happen that fast

It's already gone up 30 degrees since January. Let's see if you can keep denying it in another 6 months when a typical day is 140 degrees.


They can study then climate going thousands of years back from ice cores

Also yes, we should be in an ice age. Global warming has prevented it

>97% of scientists
That claim was debunked years ago.
>Ocean temperatures

That's so evil, I love it.

But also doesn't disprove climate change. That's just a politician being a dick to the working class.... so status quo.


you have good intentions but terrible execution if it happened that fast a cuckservative wouldn't be arguing about it they would be saying Daddy Trump already fixed global warming

i just really don't get people who deny it.

ok - let's say yes, you're right. it's all a hoax. what do we have to lose from being more enviro-friendly?

like, even if there's a 1% chance of it being real, wouldn't you say the stakes are too high not to take SOME kind of action towards it?

Like, if a doctor told me that if I keep eating red meat, I was going to have a lethal heart attack... Even if I thought for some reason the doctor was full of shit, I probably would significantly cut down on my red meat

Oh look an oil company shill

Just like when the oil companies payed off a scientist to say lead in the air was safe to save money.

Global warming denialism is a scam

you are littiraly a shill

you need to be 18 or older to use this site

Are you sure you have opposable thumbs to text that level of ignorance on here?? Or do you do it with yer oversized balls?? Y'all really need to understand how science works....and what scientific consensus means. Also, the world's climate scientists do not depend on NASA alone - they actually have other instruments and records.

I wonder, genuinely out of facination, what goes through your head. You have this thing that tells you temprature, either filled with electric pixies or if you don't trust them filled with alcohol. It has numbers on it. You can walk outside and dip it in the water, and read the resulting number. Write it down. You then do this for 40 years and compare the numbers to the same date on previous years.

What is wrong with this? I mean how does this not work

You can also get a bunch of your friends to do the same. Repeat it. Science is repeatable. They notice the same, upward trend.

You still need more data because fuckwads don't want to believe you, so you get hundreds of automatic pixy-powered emperature monitors. You put them all over the planet, and record temperature. You plot those points and they show a sharp, increasing upward trend.

And people still don't believe you.

I mean seriously, what proof would you require to acknowledge that the temperature, on average, is going up.


it's not a hoax, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong, good thing people like you are in the minority globally and what you think doesn't matter.

have fun yelling about how it's a hoax only to be ignored and have the world move ahead with it without you.

we're emitting more CO2 than supervolcanoes. daily.

Your 97% claim was debunked. Obama lied to you, the survey he was referencing did not survey what he intentionally falsely claimed it surveyed.

Ocean temperatures are well within their normal variation.

Deal with it.

Nigger attempts to tout logic in an argument. Nigger then proceeds to write a barely coherent run-on sentence, thus destroying any credibility they had.

A single "supervolcano" eruption can emit more CO2 than all of humanity combined for the past 200 years.

You do know that most scientists work at Universities and are salaried workers?? You also know that Exxon Mobil and the Koch brothers both had their scientists conclude that climate change was real and that yes, their companies were hurting the environment?

never got my information from obamma, I'm canadian and I get my information from more respectable sources.
There does seem to be scientific consensus on this issue though.

The ozone layer is the only reason the greenhouse effect exists. CO2 accounts for 80-70% of all man made greenhouse gas, but makes up a fucking minuscule amount of total greenhouse gasses. Water vapor and ozone are the majority of the effect.

The amount of ice on earth hasn't dropped, its just switched from the arctic to the antarctic, hence why the water level hasn't risen enough to destroy coastal Europe like it was supposed to in 2008

The medieval warm period was warmer in the northern hemisphere, but slightly cooler in regards to overall global temperature according to the arctic ice system that we know doesn't work.

The whole "greenhouse gasses cause global warming" bollocks is just a ploy to prevent any industrially viable and technologically modern nation from having the same unbridled economic power that America had after WW2, which is clearly terrible for the globalist initiative to share technology and scientific study among the civilized world, and to prevent another economic cold war-like struggle.

That's why the Paris accord exists, anons, and thats why every nation but america has to operate under it.

And unlike most globalist plots, it isn't a bad thing for the advancement of human civilization, resource efficiency, and scientific and technological advancement.

no it can't

If a climatologist dipped a thermometer in water for 40 years and claimed global warming, I wouldn't believe him either. Do you not know how they obtain their data? Please do a little research before posting a reply about a scientific process you claim to support.

Erupting Volcanoes actually have a net cooling effect as their ash reflects the light of the sun.

Good thing super volcanoes only erupt every 250k years
