
Ultimate discontinuity edition.
Previously: .

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shit in /brit/


kss kss kss kss

wont be using this thread until the other one reaches 310 posts

Crying with laughter over this fridge gimmick




why are psychedelic visuals the way they are?

What is this fridge meme?

I have all sorts of shit in open containers in my fridge, no one has ever mentioned it.

>non-league shite


>keeping your cat food in the fridge in 2017

i dreamed i was with some secondary school chums at a kind of open air mcdonalds and they (bastard cashiers) wouldnt take my order, i asked for a quarter pounder but thye gave me a regular cheeseburger, eventually i only made off with nuggets
then johnson from peep show sort of stormed in and he was like "did they fuck you over? thats just fucking typical" and looked like he was going to give the manager a sharp talking-to
er then i went to my primary school and told the headmaster about the mcdonalds incident and went through the library and came out in some kind of open pavilion a bit like you know that long path outside windsor castle but raised and lined with benches, its dusk at this point, lovely orange glow, and i'm following a few people going into this big polished wooden church, and i catch up with kit harington and make a wisecrack and he doesnt really respond so as i speed up past him i say "MR HARINGTON" and he says what and i say "just finishing my sentence" cheekily and he does a really obviously forced laugh so i give him a really obvious ironic forced laugh back like AH AH AH and we exchange cheeky grins
i woke up with my curtains wrapped around my leg
what gives, doc?


>be russian intelligence
>pay some mudslims to do terrorist atack the day before the elections
>frogs go en masse to vote for le pen
>she breaks up the EU
>sanctions on russia are lifted

yuros are so easy to manipulate, you really don't think russia gave her all those loans for nothing right?



Alcohol free? Not for me.

you're a disgusting human being

all that I have in my fridge is cheese, milk, butter and beer

thats how the real world is supposed to be
our current view is blocked by the fact that every one is born with a shut third eye


>my cat would eat it if I farted on the tin and left it behind a radiator for a week

Then why keep it in the fridge at all?

>you nonce
No you are

>french libcucks die
>EU dissolves
victimless crime

What's wrong with this? My cat is smol and only likes half a tin at a time. Where else am I going to keep it when it's opened?

oi fridgelad can you explain the purpose of alcohol free beer to me


hostille or hostisle?

i used to leave open cans in the fridge until my housemate started bitching about them now she makes me wrap the top in foil the silly cow
never knew that was a thing


just stick the lid on top and whack it in the cupboard

post slags

>leaving open CAT FOOD in your fridge

you fucking racid animal

just leave it out on the side, or at LEAST cover it

mate cats eat grotty mice and birds no qualms, didn't realise yours was fucking royalty

keep it in an airtight container or just buy smaller packets you mong

that is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life

You're horny I suppose, what do you want?

It sounds like a lot of your examples are about avoidance. You might feel as though you're not solving life's problems correctly, or that you don't handle confrontation correctly. This might create feelings of instability as you struggle to find a comfortable and secure position.

there is literally nothing wrong with cat food en fridge wtf it keeps it good for longer

I'm trying to cut down on how much booze I drink and non-alcoholic beer helps

Alright, so if you came round my place and I cooked a meal would you refuse to eat it? Or comment on my fridge?

Because no one has ever done that.

hostisle you fucking yank


motion to remove 'fridgelads' "lad" status and instead refer to him as 'fridgefreak'

kek had some proper banta over the last scottish indyref

>he doesn't refigerate his cat

just stop drinking beer lmao

hahahahaha what are you actual child molesters on about
are you scared your fridge will be contaminated with e.coli if you dont vacuum seal your jellied rabbit gonads

>and I cooked a meal would you refuse to eat it?

if I'd seen the state of your fridge then yes

I wouldn't think too hard about that one

If i looked at the state of your fridge before I ate your meal yeah but generally if I just went up and opened your fridge and started rooting through your food that would be seen as a bit rude

introducing the lads at /fug/ to bollockposting

>leave cat food out of the fridge for hours to go warm and stink up the cupboard and maybe make my previous kot sick
Shan't be doing this

no, but it will make everything smell like cat food

love making cat noises *meeooooowwww* haha

very important psot reply imediately


shut up bucks

just put it in an airtight container what's so hard about that

it's just gonna stink up your fridge like that anyway


Need these anti-fridgelad lads to post their own fridges.

is there an updated one this ones quite outdated


might go and batter my router for not working properly, would teach it a lesson

And how often are you invited round to people's houses for dinner? Your mum's place doesn't count.

*kills you and sells your flesh to the Chinese restraunt*

*uses the money to lobby for more Chinese immigration?

none of your business

thank you you are both true human beings

if the cat food leaked in the fridge that would be a real CATastrophe

>what do you mean? where else am I going to put the cat food?

ah yes, gushers and starbursts
how romantic

*kills you and sells your flesh to the Chinese restraunt*

*uses the money to lobby for more Chinese immigration?*

can assure you it doesnt

if you're not with me then you're my enemy

great post
set me a (thou) please my china ive gotta bed myself but i cant stop posting

marion marechal le pen got a cracking arse
would love to see 15 black niggers ravage it

Outdated in what sensé?

does your mum's place count?

what is this gimmick called?

Yes, I would count that.

*doesn't give a (you) to the sheep shagger*
haha die you fucking worm

Not true

what the actual FUCK are you doing

here is youre (You) and here is a cat image

After watching the Reboot I decided to watch the Original Ring because I didn't remember it very well.

It's not very great either. Not much scares, sort of slow paced for a horror/thriller. Let this be a lesson lads that some things are best kept in memory.


they've all got one


Westminster voting intention:

CON: 49% (+5)
LAB: 23% (-2)
LDEM: 13% (+1)
UKIP: 6% (-4)

(via YouGov / 19 - 21 Apr)


*buys a bag of coal and burns it in the chimney*

Haha time to dispute these spurious articles

the electorate don't know what they want nor what's best for them

hate how the internet goes slow when you're uploading a video

i'll put you in a fucking bed 6 feet under in a minute


Dark Water is the only one of those jap horror films that holds up.

post more of these

do you have the cyberpunk one lmao

They're going to break 50% aren't they?

the electorate dont know what i want or whats best for me

>Lib Dems up over 8%


Any footage other than the first few seconds of this video?


*lets out a trump*

oops sorry lads

just had a hair cut and now it looks a bit that way inclined but not as severe

I wonder how much media bias affects election outcomes

please! i cant...stop.....toasting......in this..........epic.......................bread


exquisite post


honestly if you think sticking an uncovered can of cat food in your fridge is acceptable you are a grade A runt