Ive never seen a nigger irl

Ive never seen a nigger irl.
Ive never seen a chink irl.
Ive never seen a gypsy irl.
Im not quite sure Sup Forums is right - are they really that awfull? Tell me about your experience.

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I bet you've never seen pussy irl either

>said the ryssä as he commutes every morning to work in a subway car filled with central asian muslims

>wake up
>see a white person
>day is ruined

he fell for Muscovitans

Where the fuck do you live if you haven't seen a gypsy? Mari el or some shit?

>want a redheaded irish beauty
>only aboriginal and maori girls are interested in you

Here they're either really nice, dutiful workers and quite normal or destructive thugs

They're taking over Sydney but they're alright. They drive up housing prices in Sydney but many are friendly and a lot work good jobs like doctors

Aren't really any in Australia

Stay away from our women

what do russians call a place thats not spb or moscow? I know it was kind of derogatory but I don't remember

Why is first post so often best post?

Leave the basement and form your own opinions that aren't based on memes, Vasily.

same in america desu

zamkad'ie if it's a place or zamkadish if it's a person

But you've seen Russians before.

>tfw the only russian you know is a psycho who killed and butched her mother

Your only friend is a probably a yeti too.

Near Naryan'Mar.
Tyrone Mc.Rodrigues, pls.

Quick rundown just for you:
Nigger in russia are pretty ok. They mostly study here and never make troubles.
Chink are the same.
Gypsies sell drugs and steal shit including kids.

most are awful, some are bearable, but you will quickly find you prefer living with "your own kind" because they are mostly criminals/leeches and just too different. My town is infested, but i dont go out much so it doesnt affect me

>and just too different.
And different is bad?

Completely underrated post


American niggers are probably the worst racial group to ever exist

They're some of the laziest most self entitled pieces of shit I've ever met

>Im not quite sure Sup Forums is right - are they really that awfull? Tell me about your experience.
In my experience blacks and orientals aren't awful. pretty normal people.
Gypsies though, live by begging for money but no one gives them anything here so they are rare here. I once gave a gypsy some pennies and she just asked for more money instead of saying ''thank you''

Then you haven't met real niggers. The average IQ of Somalia is ~70. They literally not capable of doing even the simplest of tasks in a first world country.

>They literally not capable of doing even the simplest of tasks in a first world country.
That literally describes our niggers here, I pray that you never have the misfortune of meeting one

Gypsies are fucking everywhere here. You can't walk around town without hearing "korrunna pleass". Really ought to do like Norway and just outright ban them (but of course the EU is having none of that).

maybe but he is right about the entitled part
it's pretty damn obnoxious

It's all a matter of economic class, m'lad. I met a lot of black and yellows here and they are equally nice, since the ones I met are from an upper middle class and so do I. Can't say the same for poor blacks.

In Stockholm? Do they also live there or only visit in the summer? I saw one in my city once during summer but I don't live in Copenhagen so idk what their situation is like.
An expert in the news here said that people shouldn't donate to them because it will attract more gypsies


Malmö area.

>Do they also live there or only visit in the summer?
No idea where they live desu, but you see them all year thought mostly in the summer.

>An expert in the news here said that people shouldn't donate to them because it will attract more gypsies
Yeah no that's true. I never give money to them because most of them are lying; and even if they weren't I don't want to encourage more begging.


They are good people and shits in any group. It's just that ratios are different. I would say blacks are 1:1 decent people to niggers. Then again, I live in the north side of Chicago so most of the blacks I run into are probably different than the ones that congregate in the south side (Chiraq, Shitcongo, etc.)

That was the case in Bulgaria until recently. But now I hear Spanish at some point every week. And I've seen a few negros.
I don't have an opinion on the newcomers yet.
We've always had gypsies, they're shit, essentially hobbos, but an entire ethnicity of them.
Turks are alright and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

You all look white from a distance, Kemal.


most of us are so there's no problemo

I saw a couple of them on the streets, have some neighbors. Only one i've talked to was a small girl with mental issues who liked me

pleople say my great-grandmother was one but idk, never seen one

We have few negroes here and they are mostly ok.
We have plenty of Chinooks here and they are ok, but the tourist ones can be a pain.
There are 2 kinds of gypsies here: the ones only by ethnicity who do shit the normal way like every other proper people, and the eastern european criminal/trickster/hobo scum.

Our blacks are mainly Senegalese who sell stuff on the street and Dominican prostitutes.
They aren't hated but they are few.

We have far more chinks. Japanese are 100% liked and respected. Koreans enslave Bolivians in sweat shops, the Chinese are not fully trusted. They own minimarkets and it is said they disconnect their fridges at night to save money.

Gypsies are as criminal as European gypsies.

Gypsies are savages, as savage as human beings can get. There was a report on TV some time ago, about gypsy children torturing and killing stray dogs just for fun. That's their upbringing, now imagine what kind of adults they become.

poor doggos ;_;

>Dominican prostitutes.

like Dominica or Dominican Republic?

>It's just that ratios are different.

Ehh even that is super iffy. You ned rto remember user that many peoples assign ratios as an innate thing rather then a thing of circumstance.

This is alongside the whole poor=bad personality/rich=good personality thing rampant world wide really which peopel take to heart genuinely.