G'morning user

g'morning user.
hope u slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

Other urls found in this thread:


Vacation in a few hours, don't wanna miss out

What is it with tumblr and not being able to make a proper fucking loop?
I just get nauseous watching these.


Why do you care so much? Do you even care?

Who the hell is gonna fap to this 3 times a day if I'm dead?


have a great vacation.
i know so suckky.
i care. just cause.
she's hot.
i met her before on a flight once, the girl in your pic post.

Ive got a fat sack of buds, a 1/2 decent computer, a gf, couple kids that aren't complete shit bags, roof over my head, food in my stomach.

Life aint that bad faggot.

I dunno, just... seems like a stupid option unless I was terminally ill. And I'm not, so... I won't.

things are actually going pretty well. i'm dating a nice girl and I'm getting a new job next month. I might have stomach cancer tho. but all in all i'm feeling pretty good.

I am immortal.

that chick is in the video in the link too CHECK IT

Because 1+1=9

Mostly because it doesn't matter if I do or do not. This whole planet could kill itself and the universe would give a fraction of a fuck.

Secondly, my girlfriend's coming over in an hour to suck me off. Might be just some chemicals in my brain making this form enjoy nutting, but hey, that's what we got fam.

Because it's only couple of days till i see my gf again, haven't seen her for a while

Trannies porn? Seriously..? Go fucking kill yourself, degenerate.

sounds like it's not to bad, i agree.
agreed, it's dumb.
hope ur stomach is ok.
wow, how did you achieve that?
nice dubs. ok.
dubs of bath arithmeticdubs of happiness, hope u to have a good time.
thanks for the feed back. .

I'm in love with a famous trap.

Dang, dubs again. You probably didn't get the bad joke. It's me, Catholic bro.

I want to know more about you OP. Where are you from? I'm from Poland.

Already had my breakdown yesterday sorry to disappoint

These gifs

happy friday catholic bro.
glad you survived it.
make you happy?

happy Friday! Only slightly panicky, my wife and I got busy multiple times on our anniversary and I'm a little worried that she might be pregnant.

ITT op being positive


i hope not. dude 7 seems like enough. but congrats on the sex.

Never mind, she just told me that her period started. Tbh I could go for one more but it would stretch our finances way more than they already are.

Sauce is Jada Stevens, Jynx Maze and Nacho Vidal in Anal Buffet 7.

Oddly, enough. This site. I love you phaggets.

guess you'll have to be patient.
you should be used to it.
or use her mouth/tits.
nice detective work.

Can't do that, gotta finish inside.

going to sell some BTC and have a little fun.

how do you mine ?

I know I have to be patient but it kinda just happened and who am I to say no to her?

I didn't find it out, I knew it. I am a scholar, not a detective.

Out of spite for everyone who's ever fucked with me, doubted me, or said I wouldn't make it. FUCCK YOU YES I WILL

awesome, what pornographic university did u attend?
live on then user.

yeah, getting cancer right now would suck. but on the bright side i'm losing weight.

Yo who is that girl

congrats on the weight lost.
fuck cancer.
a woman getting fucked wearing red panties.

Poor little guy, are you suicidal cause no girls want to kiss you and sex you? kill yourself maggot you don't deserve no pussy.

I need to mow my lawn.

A man's lawn is his baby.

OP does a good thing. He is the Good OP. Some might even say "The One True OP".

thanks for the feedback.
like you mean shave down there?
so you walk on your baby, and let insects on it?

You know what I mean. It's almost as important to take care of as my children.

I've discovered anal masturbation, so I have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm every day and I'm too happy with that to kill myself.

got any flowers on your lawn?
ok. have fun with that.

My wife has a garden along the side of our house, yeah.

what's planted in your wife's garden ?

sauce dat?

sauce what?

Heck if I know. There's yellows and purples and reds, but I have no idea what the flowers are actually called.

cool there are flowers there.

other than the flowers she grows corn and tomatoes.

So I can get up everyday and find this retarded bait tread reposted.

do you eat your wife's vegetables ?

No, but I do eat her peach. In all seriousness, yeah. We eat what we grow in the garden and we're thinking of expanding it.

>No, but I do eat her peach
cool. gardening is a good skill to have.
You'll be able to survive in the post-apocalypse world.

Apocalypse is kinda far-fetched, but it helps us eat healthy without stretching out our money too much.

Existence is pain. I just want to die.

I have a dentist appointment and I'm too socially anxious to cancel it.
Might as well as do it after.

cool. hope it gets better for you.
hope it goes well.

What about you? Do you grow anything?

i live in an apt.
I have a pathetic lil garden on my balcony of some random flowers.
not that special at all.
I have some sunflowers in a few pots that are beautiful tho. They grow pretty big.

that's cool.

yeah, it's not bad. when i go out on my balcony its cool to see the flowers.
I call it pathetic b/c sometimes I forget to water them, and half are dead.
the live ones are beautiful tho.

Well my wife needed something to do at home while the kids aren't screaming for mommy, and so she started gardening. Pretty basic but she's good at it.

cool beans.
i wish good fortune to your family,lawn, and kids.

You too.

When will you stop doing these threads?

all things end.

beat cancer and sex offender registry. got a smoking hot wife to blow me whenever i want. got a job. and i still have all my limbs

congrats man. you have many good things.

I'm too lazy

why no motivation?

Why were you on the registry in the first place

>dated a 15 year old when i was 20.
>her parents found out.
>huge court thing.
>pay lawyer big money
>mfw judge ruled in my favor

fucked everytime we hungout. came buckets inside her daily. her parents thought she was coming over to my house to hang with my younger sister lol

>>mfw judge ruled in my favor
How? I thought this is illegal in burgerland?

0 evidence. rape kit came back negative because they did it 3 months after we split

Gg user. Btw any pics of her ? 15 year olds are greeat

used to but i wiped that clean with a magnet, burned the hard drive and dumped it in a river. was paranoid af. also would not post. im playing it close to the chest these days

yeah keeping those pics would have gotten you destroyed for CP.

cheese pizza is dangerous

Yup. Check it: cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alert-child-pornography-16-alberta-men-arrested-1.4193120

im working on it, but it will take me at most 6 more years before happens.

because today was awesome. Everything went well. i really like a awesome girl. she likes me back. This summer is going to be sweet.

Getting sunflowers to grow big is awesome.

Going to some friend's party, might get lucky.. If not I can always hit the bong

and you got dubba dubs.
have a great summer.
thanks user.
g'luck. take roofies. #kidding