Why do your cunts have so many terror attacks?

Why do your cunts have so many terror attacks?


We didnt genocide kurds and let syrians in

racist. we take in thousand of muslims every day straight from the boats and nothing happens.

Muslims say that Rome will fall, you know?

good, can't stand terroni

No Muslims even go to Shitaly because it's shitty country with an awful economy and living standards. Muslims just see Italy as another backwater Arab shithole full of brown people. Shitaly is so bad that not even Muslims bother attacking it

It doesn't.

Life's hard in Londonistan, isn't it, Pajeet?

Why doesn't the rest of Europe listen to Poland so they too can be terrorist-free?

We don't.

italy is too irrelevant to get attacked

next country that will get attacked will probably be some actual economic superpower like the netherlands

sorry not sorry luigi

Germany knows hard working people is good. Germans are super hard working that they can stomach some refugees that dont work. Their endgame is to make sure other countries like poland don't take the hardworking pill and instead remain shitty and dependant on germoney

>almost may, still winter, frozen wasteland
>full of muslims on rampage
>irrelevant economy beased on ikea
>butthurt much :)

We don't.

I love italy, and maybe muslims like it too

Enough to not attack it?

would never be worse off than I am

We don't

It's odd, we don't get that many.

some people like norway a bit much


we get terrorist attacks by alt-rightists

Feels good to not be trapped in muh multiculturalism :^)

you are full of murricans though

you genocided the wrong ones