In case you guys don't know about this shit

In case you guys don't know about this shit,
We need to act now!!!!!



ima bump dis 2

Bump all the way! Fuck censorship!

Keep the bumps rolling! We need this shit bro!!!!!

Bump dis fucking shiz!

Bumps needed!

>Bump all the way! Fuck [redacted!
Yeah, @#$% that!

Bump bros!

I remember this place during SOPA.. what happened?


Bumps for you sir!

Under rated thread..... Bump!

Bumps dude.....

God this thread needs bumps!

More bumps needed, where are all the other anons, where is our fighting force?!!


Pick up your House phone. Write a Letter.

Spread the word! Its our only hope of winning this thing!

For internet freedom!

For kek!



everyone in this thread is a cringey tard

At least they support net neutrality?..... Thats good right?

you think they really support it or are all just newfags that missed out on trump election and want to get involved with something so they can run round in a cape and scream ree

Then let them Ree.....
Sit back and enjoy the fireworks bro.....

>You know what would make the internet better? More government regulation! Without it, internet speeds are slow as they were in the nineties. And why wouldn't we want bureaucrats in charge of the online world.
Jesus Christ, you retards. And by retards I mean the on Democratic operative samefagging this shitty thread.

summer thread