How to make Australia a future superpower

The country is easily defendable, isolated and has tons of natural resources. Extreme power potential, if it were to just follow these steps:
>Let refugees in, and i mean like every fucking refugee that ever would want to. They should be openly encouraged to come to Australia
>To keep the country stable, send all terrorists and people that don't work back home.
>Encourage everyone in the country to fuck like rabbits
>Forced conscription for everyone
>Let refugees settle the more unpopulated areas of your country.
This will, with a little patience end up with:
>Larger population, larger military
>Larger economy, larger industry
>Larger relevancy
>More easily defendable, because of the newly settled areas
Tell me how this is a bad idea again?

I agree Sweden: we should destroy Australia

can you imagine muslim australia

>Tell me how this is a bad idea again?
Well there is one fatal flaw in your plan - your plan entirely relies on increasing our population significantly. I just don't see how this can be done when we are in fact already at peak population capacity, in other words, full.

maybe we don't want to be; ever think of that?

Do you want to be irrelevant?? You are one of the absolute least densly populated countries in the world, and your natural resources are immense

Population density doesn't matter when you're full

In what way are you full?

We physically can't take in any more people m8


>Let refugees settle the more unpopulated areas of your country.
fuck off we're full

Ok, explain how their housing industry will cope with this massive influx of destitute people.

If we weren't full, I'd suggest adopting traditional Aboriginal housing styles to accommodate them.

We don't have the needed population, even with increased growth. There is a certain retention of quality of life and services which would need to be whittled down to nothing; combined with increased collectivist ideology. Also all our rich people and politicians needs to be culled with certain conditions set up to ensure a competent capitalist class replaces them, one with an imperialistic and cohesive ideology that they adhere to. You also need increased manufactured patriotism.

These aren't really good things and they're very hard to do anyway.

commieblocks, we don't have many of that sort of thing and there is plenty of room.


No but seriously the newly imported workers will help build tons of easily constructed and effective and cheap buildings to live in

Commieblocks take time and money to build, and refugees won't bring in any revenue for years.
What fucking lunatic would fund that?

The Australian economy is already very strong, they'll manage it

>Swamp Euro doesn't comprehend that some places just don't have water to support life

They don't have vast sums of money just lying around waiting to be used, what part of their budget would you suggest cutting to make room for this staggering long term investment?

you don't specifically build them for that, also fuck refugees, you just accommodate a starkly growing population in something that is cheaper (in money, time and space) than the suburban (very spacious) sprawl that 90% of Australians live in.

>I'm fifteen and play paradox games: the post

Whatever, i think Australia could handle it pretty okay.

But assuming it can't it could just take in immigrants on the level they can handle and lager increase the amount when they're capabke of it

Fuck off, Sweden. I guess you're fine with having your country ravaged by sperm-spraying Somalians, but in the Anglosphere we are fed up with that bull shit. We are full.

You do know Canada has a shit ton of Somalians right?
t.second generation Somalian here