At least you live in Central Europe

At least you live in Central Europe

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>Central Europe

close your ass, tundra gook

Yes, yes I do. It's a blessing.

At least you live in soccer world

>be Slovene
>live in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and Southeastern Europe all at once

this is our true blessing

Feels good

life is cruel

soccer = niggers
don't fall for the meme

>Tundra gook

You dont need to be so harsh on the eastswedes...

It's ok.

fantasy belongs to /lit/

Shut the fuck up, brown subhuman.

I am Greek

Greeks live in South Europe

>central europe


they got it wrong, west Slovenia is Central politically (used to be part of AH, is part of Slovenia today), but not culturally (they're med/culturally italianate).

some places in Sweden are light blue and other places here are light red

I am a Greek wanting to live in Central Europe

>more jelly northerners

so west Slovenia wuz romanz n shiet?

they use several dialectal Italian loanwords very regularly (mona, ma ke, ben, oĊĦtja), they pronounce g as x like Venetians, and those are only features of their Slovenian dialects, besides which they speak Italian (many with a Slavic accent to underline that they're no Italians, they feel very strongly about their Slovenian identity). And then there's the food, which is the same is Friulia and's a whole different world in W. Slovenia to where I live about 80 km away, which is indeed totally Central European.

i want to live in narnia

Me too