What's your country's equivalent to a redneck

What's your country's equivalent to a redneck

fat single blackpool mothers

a lumberjack, or a person who collects syrup.

fat white women who ride around in there automatic wheelchair in the wrong side of the lane

In my country we call them, Rednecks


People from Essex.



Always wanted to know what are redneck equivalent in Deutschland (except gypsies or minorities).
Fat, beerchugging bauers from Bavaria?


Fucking Bogans/Westies

Ireland here - bastard scum gypsies. Otherwise known as pikeys/knackers.

Except they're not like rednecks because if you make fun of rednecks nothing happens, if we make fun of or say anything bad about these cunts we go to prison. Not even joking.

Actually they're not like rednecks, they're more like niggers.


They all go to the offy (booze shop for non britfags) in their PJs to buy cheap vodka, nappies and baby food. Either drug dealers or on benefits, grasses get stabbed, the sesh is life, ten kids by twelve dads, scouse brow

In France some on us call them "cul-terreux", meaning dirty ass, or sudist sometimes

How curious, im from Mexico (a brown-skinned mexi ape) and most of the ilegal mexicans out there in USA are pieces of shit with no education and basically the equivalent to rednecks (but they are spics)


Canadafag here, we call them Nickelback fans

Кoлхoзники (Kolkhoznyks) - people for a countryside

Austrian fag

There's that many of them?
I work security and the only time I see a lot of Mexicans are the factories I watch
You might get shot from a redneck

Welfare trash, lots of it just 2 blocks away from me.


Especially tilbury
