Your country

>your country
>are you disgusted by how idiotic your country's posters are on Sup Forums


no they're bantsmasters, wish it wasn't such a shit country tho

If you look inside /luso/, then yes.

Why are Spaniards coming to Bulgaria, are you sending them?

No, they're angels

i guess there's jobs at least, even though it's for pennies
honestly brat i don't know

There is a boom of cultural tourism in the capital brat, lots of foreigners, I think many are Spanish.

no wonder I haven't heard of it
t. Plovdiv

Yes, the entire population of Sverigetråden should be gelded.

not anywhere
on pol savushki (payed RIDF) create a great manyaworld for foreingers where's Putin saviour of the white world and other great myths.

A Spanish teacher I know is Bulgarian. I thought she was actually from Spain for like 6 months

what is this Spain-Bulgaria connection



Of course. Brazilians posters are schizophrenic lying scumbags who keep trying to impress gringos in every post. They deliberately sugarcoat Brazil to make it sound 10 times better than it really is.

Yes, I hate the colombian women's pimp and his fucking threads. I suspect he's the paisa crimminigger

Also there's 0n


Yeah, but that was expected.

t. Carioca who thinks all Brazil looks like Rio de Janeiro

Nah, I like all Peruvian posters

No, I'm very proud of them since they know how to get (you)s by making others butthurt

Most of the shitposts come from Quebec, I guarantee it.

I don't shitpost though

This faggot makes peruvians look like weeb maricones. Fuck you weeaboo.

Of course not.
True Bosnians are excellent posters its the Serbs and Croats posting under Bosnian flag that bring us down


quebecois are some of the best posters on here


There is a German posting under UK's flag and his comments are literal garbage. Unfortunately he also posts in /brit/ but people call him out on being a German anyways

When they are fucking xenophobic, yes, otherwise nah

No, I find my fellow Americans to be fine upstanding citizens of the highest caliber.

Yeah when this stupid fucking "ARGENTINA IS YUROP" meme is forced around


no, we only make the highest quality international posts

On ever board but Sup Forums, yeah

I have a theory that only the wogs and chinks post on other boards since a genuine Australian only cares about sport

Nah, I just hate this guy.

but that makes you...

I only really come here to lurk french threads and /lang/

a bit, norgetråden is r9k with wheelchairs and generally we're sort of boring tbqh

Where is your leaf?

Kek what can I even say

We have one horrible Ameriboo poster. There's also a slightly annoying one with a tripcode, but he's mostly harmless.

Overall New Zealand posters are pretty mediocre. I always get a chuckle when we're placed highly on those meme maps.

I hate that Sup Forums teenager

They dont exist

But I don't know if it's just being idiotic so much as being pointlessly agressive

can't remember last time I saw a bad croatian post

The worst thing is that he uses the word "Yuros" with no sense of self awareness. Every post he makes is basically "Big strong Americans please notice me"


Fuck off you retarded cuck.
They create shit threads about us every minute.
You should act accordingly. And you are ashamed of fucking with them?

We have to be aggressive so we can keep our stance as the rulers of Earth. We cannot look weak to the others, or else they will take advantage.

that's literally leaf tier

But you look so cute when you're submissive

Is it the same guy who hates Auckland with a passion and calls anybody against him a "Zhang"?
I am so sick of him.

the cancer is contained in /ex-yu/ mostly
they're too autistic to venture out of there most of the time

All the generals are concentrated with cancer.

I like him :3. Same for that Albanian poster that loves America.

I know this is a mongolian cave painting forum but the amount of weeaboos my country has is just sickening.

I love each and every American poster on Sup Forums except the commies

I barely see any, so i don´t think so

yes, Sup Forums and /leftypol/ are cancer

yeah, from the south island I think

I feel like the oceanic countries and England are the only ones that are generally weeb free

You've clearly never been to New Zealand.
If there is one good thing about Auckland, it's the amount of fellow weebs.

I'm talking about Sup Forums demographics you neckbeard fuck

You are still wrong /balt/+/ausnz/ has plenty, the nz generals not so much..


Rep. of Ireland
sometimes no, but more often yes than I can tolerate without looking toward this ceiling in exasperation, which is why I stay out of /éire/. But also, it's being tarred and feathered like everybody here looks the same and behaves the same coming from posters who are hostile for no reason, are folk really at that level of stupity or they just see a flag and go into over–bait mode?

As a general rule, I hate all the Mexicans who never capitalize a single word in their posts. Those tend to be absolutely retarded.
Other Mexicans are breddy good.

Koreans are the smartest posters on Sup Forums.

Isso é brilhante,
O Brasil é índio!

wow that's only a little better than a brain dead fish.

What's the relevance of the fact that its a fish? By definition, being brain dead means that you have no intelligence whatsoever. The intelligence you had beforehand is irrelevant.

Please think your jokes through in the future.

Only the ones who post on Sup Forums.
Used to be pretty good posters on here but ever since the Swedish thread became about no gf-posting and r9k-tier tripfagging other swedeposters on this board became cancerous as fuck.

Funny how every BR says this but every time i see they are selfhating.


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I think we're okay (at least ignorable) when responding to threads, but making one? Only twice have I been impressed with Canadians here in that regard.

Where exactly did we fall as children to be so inept at making good threads? It's really astonishing how we can screw up shitposting, something that is designed to be a total screw up from the start

dgrbfugehbc efhuc urhv chehufcnir2ejncihr hfhfhfnceifhncienc SHITPOSTSHITPOSTSHITPOST DID I DO IT RIGHT FOR YA

only by summerfags

Canadians are the best posters. You are one of the shitty ones.

it seems a lot better than just saying.

"wow that's only a little better than being brain dead"


Yes, the "south Brazil is white" fags are so cringe.


We're terrible, but I guess I'm not as ashamed of us as I was some months ago


Usually not

No, actually I like most of them

I dunno


Russian posters are great on most boards with exception of Sup Forums. Russian Sup Forums posters consist of pro-Kremlin shills who make people from other countries believe that this country is a safe haven for withes and Vladimir Putin is the saviour of the white race.

All five of you?

Brazil isnt ALL bad
But it ain't all good either
Its good parts are better than anywhere else in the continent but the bad parts receive more attention


Nope they're usually like this irl


You sound like a redditor

We are all skillful shitposters. Makes me proud.

Fuck yes


Rofags tend to be very never see any, but when one does show up, his whole country follows. Also, still stiff af...for them memes are to be taken to the most literal sense imaginable. I can pride myself though in most of them having near perfect English all the time...we are after all best at it. tl;dr most of the time, hating to see one

Half disgusted, half proud.

Not every pole on Sup Forums is a stereotype. While there are more retard poles than non-retard ones, it's still a much better ratio than IRL.
/polska/ is full of retards, though. Animeposting normies.

i liked /polska/ when they were all watching livestreams of bydlo weddings TBQH.
Good bantz

Daily reminder that all stupid Union Jack posters are English and all smart Union Jack posters are Scottish and Irish

Only in /polska/

I've seen nothing but Dublin wankery, underage, and Anime in Irish threads. Wasters the lot.

Scotland more like scatland amirightlads.
Choke on a deep fried mars bar