Why is it LGBTQ now? Like what's the Q all about? Isn't queer the same thing as gay?

Why is it LGBTQ now? Like what's the Q all about? Isn't queer the same thing as gay?

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They're just called fags now.


It's all mental illness regardless of how hard people try to normalize it

That's very interesting user. Please, tell us what other edgy opinions you've brought back from Sup Forums with you.

Anyone got the real answer?

Nobody knows. They're a bunch of dipshits who have more acronyms than a fucking government beauracracy.

Faggots are best ignored until they become a nuisance. Then smashed.

They may be idiots but they aren't that stupid. If they added it then it must mean something other than lesbian, gay, bisexual or transexual.

Jimmies status: rustled

don't be a queerphobe you bastard

According to Wikipedia queer is just a different term for LGBT. So LGBTQ is basically LGBTLGBT.

Its LGBTQ-P now

It's LGBTQIA2S+ user get this shit right

ammm... It's achmually lgbtqipa. Check your privilege cis scum.


It's basically this

Wait no. Now it's LGBTTTQQIAA.


Found the faggot.

The Q stands for Qtpie you idiot.

I've been on Sup Forums and b/ for 4-5 years now and that pic is the first time I've ever been truly disgusted. Bravo!

I'm curious, does anyone here legitimately believe that homosexuals/lgbtq people should be executed, assuming they act like normal straight people and not flamboyant gays.

please, we're all faggots here, you worthless faggot

probably just queer, which will have some magical meaning. because they'll have some group of assholes who insist on adding a P for pansexual, and another for A for asexual and so on ad nausiem until the whole thing is just the fucking alphabet because everyone has to be included, and they'll switch the order around from most oppressed to least oppressed.

And in the end they've become so fucking pedantic and nitpicky that nobody wants to hear from them anymore, until shit like this happens.

let me guess, its also edgy to say that there is biologically a female and male only, with very few genetic mutations that are not normal.

I actually wrote the A and P's as a joke, and then i saw

And all my suspicions are confirmed.

get out newfag

The best way to deal with faggots is to just let instinct take over.

Anyone else hear the Wilhelm scream in their head when watching this?


Q is typically anything that doesn't fit under the rest of LGBT.

I'm a newfag because I've only been here 4-5 years? My apologies oldfag clear you've been here for 3 decades. Douche!

Say what you will about muslims, they know how to keep the fag problem in check. Just gotta chuck 'em off a roof and they learn to keep their fucking dickholsters shut.

Nobody is trying to figure out who's more oppressed, or making sure people are using the right terminology, or making sure people are using the right pronouns. Because they have their fucking priorities straight. They're just trying not to be thrown off a fucking roof.

You wish, you genetic waste.

What dumbfuck fags don't understand is that this is the best they've ever had it and instead of being appreciative they're pushing harder and harder for special treatment not realizing the pendulum is going to swing back hard right in their faggot faces for being so annoying about everything.

I forgot polysexuals and pansexuals.

Underage b& detected.

It's classic give an inch/take a mile. Nothing is ever good enough. In the last 30 years they've gone from being dragged through southern back roads to death like matthew shepard to near universal acceptance of their lifestyle except by hard conservatives and christians.

So instead of trying to win that last percentile, they're whining about their acronyms, bitching about pronouns, trying to get trannies to use womens bathrooms despite the majority of women being uncomfortable with it, and passing out fucking grades to tv networks because they don't have enough Gay Content for them.

It makes you think that bringing back the beatings and the firings and the sodomy laws might get their priorities straight. I never really gave a shit about gays/lesbos until this "everyone has to be included" shitfest happened in the last 5 years or so.

q is left for the pedos and nambla

LGGBTQQIAAPPK You faggots, get it right

It's not. It's LGBTQAIP. You pangender-phobic bastard.

gay is all about sex and nothing about being a human. death will come soon for those faggots

LGGBTQQIAAPPK+ you cisscumfag


ow and androphilia, gynephilia, gendergueer, hermaphrite demiromantic, aromantic, etc.

man this is fucking cancerious.

Polyamourous has their own flag now? Fucking swingers have a flag?

What the fuck is areomantic? A planefucker? Lithromantic? You fuck lithograph machines?

Where’s “bigender: androgyne and neutrois”? And attack helicopter?

Where is this clip from

You dont remember getting stomped?

Why the fuck are half of these about sexual preference and the other are about gender? How did the gender fags get umbrellaed into a movement about a deviant sexual prefences? Shouldn't the gender fags have their own gay ass flag?

they are being taught about the joys of pet ownership.

Dunno. Some mouthy tranny started going on about faggot rights or something, and he mouthed off to a nigger and got his faggot face stomped in.

more of this prevents whining about labels.


Q stands for questioning

Can't forget that zoofilia and pedofilia are also a thing.

they should add pedophilia because it has to do with sex also

I guess i'm part of the fag spectrum then, because i'm questioning why we're putting up with faggots bullshit.

Queer means the person doesn't identify as straight, gay, or bi