I'm a mute, ask me anything

i'm a mute, ask me anything.

When you are thinking and reading, what voice do you use/hear?
>I know this applies to the deaf more, but still

But would you respond?

Why are you mute?

i can't really explain, i don't really hear a voice, i just understand what i think...
well if i had a pen and paper.

To your throat or something else?

How do you get around? I mean, as much as I hate *having to* talk to people, I find myself actually having to at some point or another.

do u have friends

If you are mute then how are you typing

psychological or physical trauma? greentext?

What are you answering to? I get kinda lost.
i chat online a lot, and when i really need to talk to someone... well i just deal with it...
i have 2, one hasn't contacted me for a year, and the second one is really sleazy.
with my fingers

Not a fan of greentexting, and i don't really wanna go deep into it. Well, i was abused as a kid. Not a fun thing to remember.

How do you deal with people that don't understand sign language?
Also what would you do in a situation that would require you to scream for help?

When said Trauma here

that isn't even a real thing dude rethink your fake life story

Its a mental disorder user, when people get traumatized really bad over something when small they never actually get to recover from the shock so they are unable to talk.
Don't know how it works.

Most people i meet don't understand, i take a notepad and a pen with me practically everywhere. If i really had to scream. i don't really know, i guess i would just die.

have you tried talking before?

So you can't scream?
Like no sound at all?

Has someone ever thought that you're just quiet until you say (write?) that you're mute ?

Not trying to be a dick, but why don't you just fucking talk. Unless you've got fucked up vocal cords.

i tried, but i always just open my mouth and nothing comes out, like my brain doesn't want to form words or something.
well technically i should be able to push out a sound or something, but like i said before, i just can't do it.
it did happened, but it's not that often. Most of the time people just don't care.

Do you want to tell what happened?

Thats sad op, i hope you recover soon

that's easy for you to say, but i just can't. I really tried, it just feels like trying to push a square trough a round hole, if that makes any sense, it's just a foreign concept.
no not really.

well this might be some cringy/cheesy stuff for Sup Forums, but even though you can't talk you just gotta know that that doesn't change who you are ^_^ there'll always be someone who loves you, and if there isn't, i'll be the one c;

well thanks trips man.

I understand

do you think that not being able to talk has any benefits?

making people pissed off and hate him more

o i got trips, naisu

Who would hate someone for being mute? And why?

What do yoiu mean with mute? First time I see about the concept

some people see that as a cute quirk, but other than that, no not really. I guess i can't say something inappropriate by accident, heh...
nobody i met hated me for who i am, but i guess if i meet you i'll get my skull bashed in.
i can't talk

Can't speak, like being deaf or blind but instead of your eyes or your ears not working your vocal cords basically don't work

Never mind I understand what you mean now

no If I met you I would be really pissed off and wanna slap you because you have a voice that you can use but you refuse so that's like basically you're ignoring me and being difficult/rude and that pisses me off

Why can't you talk?

He can't use it, it's not a choice, he can try but can't speak

you're ignorant on a whole new level :/

He already answered that

read up in the thread >_> they said it alrdy

you type so much faster than I do :s

i wouldnt ignore you, i would make an attempt communicate by some other means.

You're faking it.

Have you gotten help?

What is your favorite color? Also, How many breads have you eaten in your life?

I don't think he is, op sounds like a cool dude

sssssss ignorant ppl, its like you've never seen a person with even a minor disability b4

are you female or male

Have you ever met anyone else who's mute? Do you ever think about what your voice could/would sound like?

It's good that you can joke about it, i love dry humor, we've got the same type

Have you tried humming or singing or making animal noises and stuff like that?

Or have you had anything like speech therapy?

Making animal noises? Who does that?

do you get disability bux

I dunno like grunts and shit anything to try and get something out


bad meme friend

>psychological trauma

oh brother...

To be entirely honest OP I'd be keen on meeting you and not bashing your skull in, you seem like an interesting person. I'd like to have a conversation with you.

bro just speak you won't pussy, fuckin' DO IT


Me too, op seems chill

do you actually think i purposefully make my life more difficult?
i went to a psych, but when we started going deeper my brain just locked up or something, i refused to go further.
it like white, but green is also nice. As far as bread goes... i have no idea.
you guys are nice
will you believe me if i tell you?
i met a mute guy at the library, but we just asked for names, and didn't really communicate since.
well i can't live my life crying about it all the time.
not really animal noises, but i tried making sounds, didn't do a thing.
nope, didn't really ask for any.
nope but i can read your words.
if you live in europe, it might be possible.
that's brail, i can see user.

How do you read? Do you pronounce sounds in your mind while reading?

The fuck?

if you say female or male then yeah I will

all these other people are reddit and trying to be kosher. it's that shit that lets people get away with stuff like this and keeps them in this deranged state. i agree with you. be that much of a pussy and I won't bother looking your way.

I remember another Mute I met here, He was in a car crash and his throat was fucked. He could still make noises but no words like No-face from Spirited away.

I'm gonna assume you're a girl then? Do the guys go for you? It seems like something that a dude would like for some reason

Aw shit I was kinda hoping we could meet up. I'm an Amerifag but I will most definitely be going to Europe at some point in the future. Which country do you live in?

Why do I have a feeling you're the same Nagato poster from the Waifu threads

What's laughing like?

That's kinda sad but I'd still love to hang with him.

Huh, first mute I """met""" that wasn't just some emo fag or some related shit....
So if you are taking a massive shit and there is not any TP nearby, what do?

What language does a deaf person think in?

I'm not even mute and I know the answer to that question. Use your fucking socks.

Sleeve is superior

OP's thing is they can't speak, they can hear fine, but if you were asking without relating to OP then I'd guess they probably would think with colors and feelings and pictures and shit

what happened to u user

He answered this already and he doesn't seem to want to go further into it

Not in any sort of situation where you have access to socks without numerous holes is that true

Why are you going so far to be edgy and get attention?

But it's easier to wash and you won't get shit on your shoes

it's weird, i "hear" them in my head, but it's not a voice, it just feels like the words translate into brainwaves or something.
Well, i'm gonna get a lot of doubtful anons, but here, i'm female. No boobs, no time stamps, no photos at all.
well what makes you think i would even want to talk to you?
do you have some screenshots? I'd love to read it.
nope, not really, i never get much attention from guys, and the ones i do get some looks from are probably too shy.
i have loads of /c/ folders, i just picked whatever came up first. i never go to waifu threads.
i just smile.
when i'm at home, i just take out another one, i keep all the tp packs in my bathroom. if i was in public... well i usually hold it.
am i edgy? i try not to be.

Yeah best not to force them to talk about such things. I have a close friend who went through a lot of abuse, you can still see a shitton of scars, and he only opened up after years of friendship.

Not sure if this, but I'll be your friend if you're interested. You can add my skype, "dscreened"

i got a question why are you on here nibba

are you gay

Serious question op, when you cough or grunt you make noise right? Some sort of sound that indicates that there is some voice left?
>I cant imagine a grunt without some sort of sound

>>shit on shoes
The reason you use the socks is because you don't need to put them back on, you can flush them and just walk around without socks on. A shit sleeve would get you a lot of negative attention and possibly a police call.

Why do I now have the suspicion you're maybe from r9k?

You're right I guess

OP isn't being edgy or a pussy guys, they're ploddin on and this is not too awful of a way to go about it.

(fuck I almost had quints) I've put a lot of thought into this

How old are you user?

I never really need to shit in public so I haven't put too much thought into it

What kind of music do you enjoy?

i'll think about it
it's fun to read stories, and if you are talking about this website as a whole, i came here to talk about anime.
well yeah, but that's unconscious, i can't make a noise when i purposefully try to make one.
went there 1 time.
thanks user, it's nice to see Sup Forums isn't all just memes and "kys"kiddies.